
本系列教材由《基礎醫學英語》、《臨床醫學英語》、《醫學英語聽與說》、《醫學英語寫作與翻譯》四冊組成。   《基礎醫學英語》共18課。每課由兩部分組成:Section A為術語,Section B為兩篇文章。書後附有練習答案,Passage A的譯文和辭彙表。


出版社: 高等教育出版社; 第1版 (2002年8月1日)
平裝: 398頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7040113473
條形碼: 9787040113471
尺寸: 22.6 x 16.8 x 1.6 cm
重量: 458 g


《基礎醫學英語》共18課。每課由兩部分組成:Section A為術語,Section B為兩篇文章。書後附有練習答案,Passage A的譯文和辭彙表。


Unit 1 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A The Skeletal System
Passage B Amplication of DNA by the Polymerase Chain Reaction
Unit 2 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A The Brain and Its Functions
Passage B Other Parts of the Nervous System
Unit 3 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A Blood
Passage B General Princi ple of PhysicaI Examination
Unit 4 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A The Endocrine System
Passage B Action and Secretion of Hormones
Unit 5 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A The Digestive System
Passage B Cl inical and Pathological Conditions of the Digestive System
Unit 6 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A Urine Formation
Passage B PathophysioIogy of the Kidneys
Unit 7 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A Uterus and Menstrual Cycle
Passage B Fertilization,Implantation and Early Development
Unit 8 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A The Cardiovascular System
Passage B Factors Determining Arterial Pressure and Hypertension
Unit 9 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A respiratory System(I)
Passage B Respirator~y System(Ⅱ)
Unit 10 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A Tumor
Passage B Cancer
Unit 11 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A Cell Death
Passage B Clones:Will There Be"Carbon Copy"People?
Unit 12 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A The Relationshi ps Between Epstein-Barr Virus,Malignancy,and Immunodeficiency
Passage B HIV in Older Adults
Unit 13 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A Genetic Transfer Mechanisms and the Transmission of Drug Resistance in Bacteria
Passage B Genetic Counseling
Unit 14 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A Definition and Nature of Inflammation
Passage B The Control of Microorganisms by Chemical Agents
Unit 15 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A Pathology
Passage B Classification of Disease
Unit 1 6 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics
Passage B Tumor Pathology
Unit 17 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A Animal Experiment
Passage B Nursing
Unit 18 Section A Terminology
Section B Passages
Passage A Psychology:the Search for Understanding
Passage B Health Care System
Key to Exercises


