
train tran tran


出版社: 人民交通出版社; 第1版 (2009年6月1日)
平裝: 134頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787114078217
條形碼: 9787114078217
尺寸: 28 x 20.8 x 1.4 cm
重量: 621 g


《2007中國道路運輸發展報告(英文版)》講述了:This report is a governmental channel to introduce China's road transportation development in 2007. The whole document is divided into 3 sections composed by 10 chapters in term of three aspects which are national economy and comprehensive transportation, industrial administration and recent hotspot. This report covers such content as passenger transport, freight transport, motor vehicle maintenance, driver training as well as international road transport.
For one thing by means of interpretation of essential laws, regulations and rules, the report expands the direction and trend of transportation policy concerned. For another, through enunciation of authoritative viewpoints, the report tries to make more people understand the government. All of above reveals the government's effort to make to macro administration better.


General Section
Chapter One General Introduction of Road Transportation Development in 2007
1.1 Transport Service Capacity
1.2 Infrastructure
1.3 Traffic Operation
1.4 Foreign Investment
1.5 Development Characteristics
Industrial Section
Chapter Two Road Passenger Transport
2.1 Road Passenger Transport Volume
2.2 General Composition of the Market
2.3 Passenger Transport Vehicles
2.4 Coach Line Transport
2.5 Country Passenger Transport
2.6 Construction and Operation of Passenger Transport Yards and Stations
2.7 Passenger Transport Management
Chapter Three Road Freight Transport
3.l Road Freight Transport Volume
3.2 General Composition of the Market
3.3 Freight Transport Vehicle
3.4 General Freight Transport
3.5 Road Transport for Hazardous Goods
3.6 Container Transport
3.7 Large-sized Goods Transport
3.8 Construction and Operation of Freight Transport Yards and Stations
3.9 Transport Related Service
3.10 Freight Transport Management
Chapter Four Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Inspection
4.1 Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Inspection
4.2 Motor Vehicle Maintenance Management
Chapter Five Motor Vehicle Driver Training
5.1 Motor Vehicle Driver Training
5.2 Motor Vehicle Driver Training Management
Chapter Six International Road Transportation
6.1 General Introduction of International Road Transport
6.2 Capacity of International Road Transport Service
6.3 International Road Transport Management
Thematic Section
Chapter Seven Transport Policy
7.1 Development Policy
7.2 Policy Actualization
7.3 Development Experiences
Chapter Eight Informatization Construction for Road Transport Management
8.1 Road Transport Information Systems Networking between Ministries and Provinces
8.2 Local Experiences
Chapter Nine Transport Safety, Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection..
9.1 Transport Safety
9.2 Transport Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection
Chapter Ten Construction and Management for Transport Hub
10.1 National Road Transport Hub Layout Planning
10.2 Transport Hub Construction and Operation Management
Explanation and Instruction for Major Terms


