

龍笛,副教授 博士生導師,2001/09-2005/07 清華大學 水利水電工程系 學士。


龍笛,助理教授 博士生導師


2001/09-2005/07 清華大學 水利水電工程系 學士

2005/09-2008/07 中國科學院 遙感水文 碩士

2008/08-2011/08 美國德克薩斯農業和工程大學 遙感水文 博士



2014/12-至今 清華大學水利水電工程系,助理教授








1) 國家自然科學基金“西南河流源區徑流變化和適應性利用”重大研究計畫重點項目,西南河流源區關鍵水文氣象變數的多源遙感觀測與數據集成(2016/01-2019/12),在研,主持;

2) 國家自然科學基金面上項目,重力衛星總儲水量變化信號校正與回推重建方法研究與套用(2016/01-2019/12),在研,主持;

3) 國家自然科學基金“青藏高原地-氣耦合系統變化及其全球氣候效應”重大研究計畫重點項目,青藏高原地-空多源降水和總儲水量反演及其在區域水循環研究中的套用(2015/01-2018/12),在研,參加;

4) BP石油公司,遙感水文變數數據產品和地面數據在全球水資源現狀中的套用(Analysis of Existing Satellite and Ground-based Data on the Status of Water Resources Globally)(2013/09-2014/11),結題,參加;

5) 美國宇航局,基於重力衛星GRACE的水資源管理:以美國高平原含水層為例(Application of GRACE Water Storage for water Resources Management: Case Study, High Plains Aquifer, US) (2012/09-2013/08),結題,參加;

6) 美國宇航局,基於地面觀測和空載測量的半乾旱區MODIS蒸散發監測和模擬:以美國高平原含水層為例(MODIS Evapotranspiration Monitoring Using Ground-Based and Airborne Measurements in a Semiarid Region)(2011/09-2012/08),結題,參加;

7) 美國地質調查局項目,德克薩斯州氣候變化下水文乾旱表征及其對水資源規劃和管理的意義(Hydrological Drought Characterization for Texas under Climate Change, with Implications for Water Resources Planning and Management)(2010/09-2011/08),結題,參加;

8) 德克薩斯水資源研究所,基於MODIS數據和SEBAL模型的德克薩斯州蒸散發模擬(Derivation of Actual Evapotranspiration over Texas from SEBAL and MODIS data) (2009/06-2010/05),結題,主持。


Water Resources Research(IF=3.549),副主編

Journal of Hydrology(IF=3.053),副主編


2014年 國家“青年千人計畫”入選者

2014年 Geophysical Research Letters 優秀審稿人

2014年 美國德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校作者成就獎

2013年 美國德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校作者成就獎

2009-2011年 美國德克薩斯農業和工程大學研究助理一等獎學金

2009-2010年 美國德克薩斯水資源研究所Mills Scholarship Award

2008-2009年 美國德克薩斯農業和工程大學教學助理一等獎學金

2008-2009年 美國德克薩斯農業和工程大學Graduate Enhancement Funds

2008-2009年 美國德克薩斯農業和工程大學激勵獎學金(Incentive Scholarship)



1) Long, D*., Y. T. Yang, Y. Wada, Y. Hong, W. Liang, Y. N. Chen, J. F. Wei and L. Chen (2015). Deriving scaling factor using a global hydrological model to restore GRACE signals for drought monitoring over China's Yangtze River basin. Remote Sensing of Environment.

2) Long, D*., L. Longuevergne and B. R. Scanlon (2015). Global analysis of approaches for deriving total water storage changes from GRACE satellites. Water Resources Research.

3) Long, D*., L. Longuevergne and B. R. Scanlon (2014). Uncertainty in evapotranspiration from land surface modeling, remote sensing, and GRACE satellites. Water Resources Research.

4) Long, D*., Y. J. Shen, A. Y. Sun, Y. Hong, L. Longuevergne, Y. T. Yang, B. Li and L. Chen (2014). Drought and flood monitoring over a large karst plateau in Southwest China using extended GRACE data. Remote Sensing of Environment.

5) Long, D*., B. R. Scanlon, L. Longuevergne, A.-Y. Sun, D. N. Fernando and H. Save (2013). GRACE satellite monitoring of large depletion in water storage in response to the 2011 drought in Texas. Geophysical Research Letters.

6) Long, D*. and V. P. Singh (2013). Assessing the impact of end-member selection on the accuracy of satellite-based spatial variability models for actual evapotranspiration estimation. Water Resources Research.

7) Long, D*. and V. P. Singh (2013). An Entropy-Based Multispectral Image Classification Algorithm. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on.

8) Long, D*., B. R. Scanlon, D. N. Fernando, L. Meng and S. M. Quiring (2012). Are temperature and precipitation extremes increasing over the U.S. High Plains? Earth Interactions 16: 1-20.

9) Long, D*. and V. P. Singh (2012). A modified surface energy balance algorithm for land (M-SEBAL) based on a trapezoidal framework. Water Resources Research 48.

10) Long, D*. and V. P. Singh (2012). A Two-source Trapezoid Model for Evapotranspiration (TTME) from satellite imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment.

11) Long, D*., V. P. Singh and B. R. Scanlon (2012). Deriving theoretical boundaries to address scale dependencies of triangle models for evapotranspiration estimation. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 117.

12) Long, D*., V. P. Singh and Z. L. Li (2011). How sensitive is SEBAL to changes in input variables, domain size and satellite sensor? Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 116.

13) Long, D*. and V. P. Singh (2010). Integration of the GG model with SEBAL to produce time series of evapotranspiration of high spatial resolution at watershed scales. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 115.

14) Long, D*., Y. C. Gao and V. P. Singh (2010). Estimation of daily average net radiation from MODIS data and DEM over the Baiyangdian watershed in North China for clear sky days. Journal of Hydrology.


1) Tang, G. Q., Z. Y. Zeng, D. Long*, X. L. Guo, B. Yong, W. H. Zhang and Y. Hong (2016). Statistical and Hydrological Comparisons between TRMM and GPM Level-3 Products over a Midlatitude Basin: Is Day-1 IMERG a Good Successor for TMPA 3B42V7? Journal of Hydrometeorology.

2) Tang, G. Q., Y. Ma, D. Long*, L. Zhong and Y. Hong* (2016). Evaluation of GPM Day-1 IMERG and TMPA Version-7 legacy products over Mainland China at multiple spatiotemporal scales. Journal of Hydrology.


1) Yang*, Y. T., D. Long, H. D. Guan, W. Liang, C. T. Simmons and O. Batelaan (2015). Comparison of three dual-source remote sensing evapotranspiration models during the MUSOEXE-12 campaign: Revisit of model physics. Water Resources Research.

2) Yang*, Y., H. Guan, D. Long, B. Liu, G. Qin, J. Qin and O. Batelaan (2015). Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture from Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Using an Improved Trapezoid Method. Remote Sensing。

3) Wan*, W., W. Bai, L. Zhao, D. Long, Y. Sun, X. Meng, H. Chen, X. Cui and Y. Hong (2015). Initial results of China’s GNSS-R airborne campaign: soil moisture retrievals. Science Bulletin.

4) Pei, H. W., B. R. Scanlon*, Y. J. Shen, R. C. Reedy, D. Long and C. M. Liu (2015). "Impacts of varying agricultural intensification on crop yield and groundwater resources: comparison of the North China Plain and US High Plains." Environmental Research Letters.

5) Scanlon*, B. R., Z. Zhang, R. C. Reedy, D. R. Pool, H. Save, D. Long, J. Chen, D. M. Wolock, B. D. Conway and D. Winester (2015). Hydrologic implications of GRACE satellite data in the Colorado River Basin. Water Resources Research.

6) Liang, W., Y. Yang, D. Fan, H. Guan, T. Zhang, D. Long, Y. Zhou and D. Bai* (2015). Analysis of spatial and temporal patterns of net primary production and their climate controls in China from 1982 to 2010. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

7) Meng*, L., D. Long, S. M. Quiring and Y. Shen* (2014). Statistical analysis of the relationship between spring soil moisture and summer precipitation in East China. International Journal of Climatology.

8) Yang*, Y., D. Long, H. Guan, B. R. Scanlon, C. T. Simmons, L. Jiang and X. Xu (2014). GRACE satellite observed hydrological controls on interannual and seasonal variability in surface greenness over mainland Australia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 119(12): 2014JG002670.

9) Yang*, Y., H. Guan, S. Shang, D. Long and C. T. Simmons (2014). Toward the Use of the MODIS ET Product to Estimate Terrestrial GPP for Nonforest Ecosystems. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.

10) Yang*, Y. T., D. Long and S. H. Shang (2013). Remote estimation of terrestrial evapotranspiration without using meteorological data. Geophysical Research Letters.

11) Scanlon*, B. R., L. Longuevergne and D. Long (2012). Ground referencing GRACE satellite estimates of groundwater storage changes in the California Central Valley, USA. Water Resources Research 48.

12) Liu, X., X. Song*, Y. Zhang, J. Xia, X. Zhang, J. Yu, D. Long, F. Li and B. Zhang (2010). Spatio-temporal variations of δ2H and δ18O in precipitation and shallow groundwater in the Hilly Loess Region of the Loess Plateau, China. Environmental Earth Sciences.

13) Gao*, Y. C. and D. Long (2008). Intercomparison of remote sensing-based models for estimation of evapotranspiration and accuracy assessment based on SWAT. Hydrological Processes.

14) Gao*, Y. C., D. Long and Z. L. Li (2008). Estimation of daily actual evapotranspiration from remotely sensed data under complex terrain over the upper Chao river basin in North China. International Journal of Remote Sensing.


