
en Listen Listen


出版社: 科學出版社; 第1版 (2010年9月1日)
叢書名: 普通高等教育“十一五”國家級規劃教材,高職高專公共基礎課教材系列
平裝: 215頁
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787030276551, 7030276558
條形碼: 9787030276551
尺寸: 25.8 x 18.6 x 1.2 cm
重量: 422 g


《高等實用英語教程(1)》共分10個單元。每單元按照語言教學規律進行編排,包括:Listening and Talking(聽說部分)、Intensive Reading(精讀部分)、Learning Strategy(學習策略部分)。以學生入學開始的生活為主線。在具體的交際場景中進行聽說系統訓練,精選了與學習、生活緊密相關的文章進行講解,並提供了涉及閱讀、翻譯和寫作的學習策略和語言套用技巧。


Unit One
Listening and Talking
Intensive Reading
Text A School Opening Speech
Text B Eight Tips for Students
Starting College
Learning Strategy
Unit Two
Listening and Talking
In the dormitory
Intensive Reading
Text A What is Cooler Living
Text B Thinking Rationally about Global Warming
Learning Strategy
Unit Three
Listening and Talking
Intensive Reading
Text A Knife and Fork or Chopsticks?
Text B Table Manners in North America
Learning Strategy
Unit Four
Listening and Talking
Making Phone Calls I
Intensive Reading
Text A Young People’S Life Goals Become Diversified
Text B Ideal Life
Learning Strategy
Unit Five
Listening and Talking
Making Phone Calls Ⅱ
Intensive Reading
Text A I Am Proud ofMy Motherland.
Text B The Green Long March
Learning Strategy
Unit Six
Listening and Talking
Taking Courses
Intensive Reading
TCXt A The 5Rs of Lifelong Learning
Text B Preparing for Life in College
Learning Strategy
Unit Seven
Listening and Talking
In the Library
Intensive Reading
Text A Reading in English Benefits You a Lot(1)
Text B Reading in English Benefits You a Lot(2)
Learning Strategy
Unit Eight
Listening and Talking
Making Friends
Intensive Reading
Text A Friendship vs. Love
Text B Love and Friendship
Learning Strategy
Unit Nine
Listening and Talking
Intensive Reading
Text A Winning Speech
Text B How to Get on the Student Council
Learning Strategy
Unit Ten
Listening and Talking
Intensive Reading
Text A How to Prepare for Exams
Text B Tips for Taking Exams
Learning Strategy


