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高坤元,教授,1999年3月畢業於清華大學材料科學與工程系,獲博士學位。1998年12月,在博士學習階段參與研究的工作"離子束材料改性中若干基礎性問題的研究"獲得北京市科學技術進步一等獎。其後於2000年2月起在Augsburg大學作為德國洪堡基金會資助的洪堡學者系統研究了二六族半導體納米顆粒埋層的形成機理。2002年3月至2007年6月,受聘於德國Erlangen-Nuremberg大學,作為主研人員參加一德國科研聯合會的大型項目之分項目,以及主持研究了一巴伐利亞科研基金會的項目,主要工作是套用厚度可原子層級精確可控的原子層沉積技術(Atomic Layer Deposition)製備超薄氧化物膜,並對其在半導體SiC和Si的界面性質進行研究。於國內外刊物已發表論文25篇。2008年9月起,為北京工業大學材料學院教師。

Representative Publications:

l K. Y. Gao,T. Seyller, and L. Ley, How the solid state matrix affects the chemical shift of core-level binding energies: A novel method to take the induction effect into account, Solid State Communications, 139(7), 370-375 (2006).

lTh. Seyller, K.V. Emtsev, F. Speck, K.Y. Gaoand L. Ley, Schottky barrier between 6H-SiC and graphite – Implications for metal / SiC contact formation, Applied Physics Letters, 88, 242103 (2006).

l K. Y. Gao, F. Speck, K. Emtsev, T. Seyller, L. Ley, M. Oswald, and W. Hansch, The interface of atomic layer deposited AlOon H-terminated silicon, physica status solidi (a)203, No. 9, 2194-2199 (2006).

lTh. Seyller, K. V. Emtsev, K. Y. Gao, F. Speck, L. Ley, A. Tadich, L. Broekman, J. D. Riley, R.C.G. Leckey, O. Rader, A. Varykholov, A. M. Shikin, Structural and electronic properties of graphite layers grown on SiC(0001), Surface Science, 600, 3906 (2006).

l K.Y. Gao, Th. Seyller, K. Emtsev, L. Ley, F. Ciobanu, G. Pensl, ALD Deposited AlOFilms on 6H-SiC(0001) after Annealing in Hydrogen Atmosphere, Materials Science Forum483-485, 559 (2005).

lTh. Seyller, K.Y. Gao, L. Ley, F. Ciobanu, G. Pensl, A. Taddich, J.D. Riley, and R. G. C. Leckey, Structural and electronic properties of the 6H-SiC(0001)/AlOinterface prepared by atomic layer deposition, Materials Science Forum457-460, 1369 (2004).

l K.Y. Gao,Th. Seyller, L. Ley, F. Ciobanu, G. Pensl, A. Taddich, J.D. Riley, and R. G. C. Leckey, AlOprepared by atomic layer deposition as gate dielectric on 6H-SiC(0001), Applied Physics Letters, 83(9), 1830-1832 (2003).

l K.Y. Gao, H. Karl, I. Grosshans, W. Hipp and B. Stritzker, Comparative study of as-implanted and pre-damaged ion-beam-synthesized ZnS nanocrystallites in SiO, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 196, 68-74 (2002).

l K.Y. Gaoand B.X. Liu, High current Ni-ion implantation to synthesize NiSilayers on Si with very low resistivity, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 148 (1-4), 615-620 (1999).


