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出版社: 中國出版集團,現代教育出版社; 第1版 (2009年9月1日)
平裝: 122頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787510601941
條形碼: 9787510601941
尺寸: 25.4 x 18 x 0.8 cm
重量: 181 g




Unit 1 My First Day at Senior High
Section 1 Listening strategy and Practice(聽前預覽)
Section 2 Thermtic Listening Practice(校園生活)
Section 3 Structure Focused Listening Practice(一般現在時和現在進行時v-ing及v-ed的形容詞)
Section 4 Listening Tests(傳統題型與新題型)
Unit 2 My New Teachers
Section 1 Listening Strategy and Practice(根據問題聽關鍵信息)
Section 2 Therratic Listening Practice(教師)
Section 3 Structure Focused Listening Practice(LZ在分詞作賓語)
Section 4 Listening Tests(傳統題型與新題型)
Unit 3 My First Ride on a Train
Section 1 Listening Strategy and Practice(邊聽邊做筆記)
Section 2 Thematic Listening Practice(旅遊)
Section 3 Structure Focused Listening Pmctice(過去分詞作定語、過去時間的表述)
Section 4 Listening Tests(傳統題型與新題型)
Unit 4 A SociaI Survey-My NeiahbOurhOOd
Section 1 Listening Strategy and Practice(根據補充信息猜測)
Section 2 Themat~Listening Practice(社會調查:我的左鄰右舍)
Section 3 Structure Focused Listening Practice(現在完成時)
Section 4 Listening Tests(傳統題型與新題型)
Unit 5 A Lesson in a Lab
Section 1 Listening Strategy and Practice(關注對話的答句)
Section 2 Themat Listening Practice(實驗)
Section 3 Structure Focused Listening Practice(字表達、比較級)
Section 4 Listening Tests(傳統題型與新題型)
Unit 6 The Internet and Telecommunications
Section 1 Listening Strategy and Practice(注意對話中的“弦外之音”)
Section 2 Thermtic Listening Practice(現代網路)
Section 3 Structure Focused Listening Practice(合成詞、冠詞)
Section 4 Listening Tests(傳統題型與新題型)
FinaI Tests(一)
Final Tests(二)
Listening For Pleasure


