出版社: 高等教育出版社; 第1版 (2005年7月1日)

外文書名: Market Leader Practice File, Test File (Pre-intermediate)
叢書名: 普通高等教育十一五國家級規劃教材
平裝: 138頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7040174669
條形碼: 9787040174663
尺寸: 27.4 x 20.4 x 1 cm
重量: 299 g
作者:(英國)羅傑斯 (John Rogers) (英國)詹森 (Christine Johnson) 改編:《體驗商務英語》改編組
《體驗商務英語同步練習2》系列教材為學習者提供了全新的學習方式,即在體驗中學習商務英語,進而提高運用英語進行商務交際的能力。該系列教材是在培生教育出版集團出版的Market Leader和Powerhouse系列教材的基礎上改編的,由《綜合教程》、《聽說教程》、《同步練習》、《教師用書》和配套的錄音、錄像資料等組成。
Unit 1 Careers
Words for describing jobs
Ability Requests Past abilities
Curriculum Vitae Editing
Individua|sounds:The difference between/I/and/i:/
Connected speech:Can/Can’t
Stress and intonation:Questions
Telephoning Dictating
Unit 2 Selling online
Words for talking about selling
Making an order Replying to an order
lndividuaI sounds:Same or different
Connected speech:have to
Stress and intonation: Rising and falling intonation
Negotiating Bargaining
Unit 3 Companies
Words for talking about companies
Present tenses
A memo Investment options Editlng
lndividual sounds:-S endings
Connected speech:are
Stress and intonation:Stressed syllables
Company description
Unit 4 Great ideas
Words for talking about new ideas
Past tenses
Giving information Editing
lndividuaI sounds:-ed endings
Connected speech:was and were
Stress and intonation:Main stresses
Unit 5 Stress
Words for talking about money
Using the present perfect tense
Punctuation A report Editing
lndividual sounds:/I/and /aI/
Connected speech:has/have;hasn’t/haven’t
Stress and intonation:
Question tags
Making and responding to suggestions
Unit 6 Entertaining
Wordsfor talking about fclod and drink
Multi-word verbs
A report A hateI booking
Individual sounds:The Iettera
Connected speech:Linking sounds
Stress and intonation:Helpfui responses
Making smalI talk
Unit 7 Marketing
Words for talking about the market
Asking questions
Linkers Taking a message Reports Editing
individual sounds:/a/and /c:/
Connected speech:do you, did you, would you
Stress and intonation:Stressed syllables
Using stress to correct information Getting the message right
Unit 8 Ptanning
Words for making plans
Taiking about the future
Linkers Time
management Editing The letter o
Connected speech: to
Stress and Intonation: Stressed syllables
Checking information
Unit 9 managing people
Words for talking about management
Reported speech
Preparing for report writing Requesting information
Individual sounds:Matching sounds
Connected speech: Linking sounds
Stress and intonation: Different stresses
Unit 10 Conflict
Words for talking about negotiating
Business letters Editing
Individual sounds: The schwa sound
Connected speech: Contractions
Stress and intonation: Rising and failing intonation
Unit 11 New business
Words for talking about economics
Time clauses
Making links Describing a table
Individual sounds:Vowel sounds;/δ/and/θ/
Connected speech: Linking sounds
Stress and intonation: Dates
Unit 12 Products
Words for talking about products
Linking sentences Enquiring about a product Editing
Individual sounds: Matching sounds
Connected speech:its, it has, it is
Stress and intonation:Main stresses
Asking questions about a product Presenting a product