




專輯類型: OST

專輯大小: 79MB

專輯格式: MP3(192Kbps)

創作藝人: Alan Menken

專輯語種: 英語

發行公司: Disney

發行時間: 1995


[電影原聲]風中奇緣(Pocahontas) - OST[MP3],68屆奧斯卡最佳音樂/喜劇片配樂獎、最佳歌曲獎



01. The Virginia Company - Chorus

02. Ship At Sea (Instrumental)

03. The Virginia Company (Reprise) - Mel Gibson & Chorus

04. Steady As The Beating Drum (Main Title) - Chorus

05. Steady As The Beating Drum (Reprise) - Jim Cummings

06. Just Around The Riverbend - Judy Kuhn

07. Grandmother Willow (Instrumental)

08. Listen With Your Heart I - Linda Hunt/ Bobbi Page

09. Mine, Mine, Mine - David Ogden Steirs/ Mel Gibson

10. Listen With Your Heart II - Linda Hunt/ Bobbi Page

11. Colors Of The Wind - Judy Kuhn

12. Savages (Part 1) - David Ogden Steirs/ Jim Cummings

13. Savages (Part 2) - Judy Kuhn,David Ogden Steirs,...

14. I`ll Never See Him Again (Instrumental)

15. Pocahontas (Instrumental)

16. Council Meeting (Instrumental)

17. Percy`s Bath (Instrumental)

18. River`s Edge (Instrumental)

19. Skirmish (Instrumental)

20. Getting Acquainted (Instrumental)

21. Ratcliffe`s Plan (Instrumental)

22. Picking Corn (Instrumental)

23. The Warriors Arrive (Instrumental)

24. John Smith Sneaks Out (Instrumental)

25. Execution (Instrumental)

26. Farewell (Instrumental)

27. Colors Of The Wind (End Title) - Vanessa Williams

28. If I Never Knew You (End Title) - Jon Secada & Shanice


Colors of the wind 風的顏色

威廉士(Vanessa Williams)演唱

Think you own whatever land you land on 你覺得你擁有你所駐足的每一方土地

Earth is just a dead thing you can claim 大地只不過是你能占有的死物

But I know every rock and tree and creature 但我知道每塊石頭、每棵樹、每個生物

Has a life, has a spirit, has a name 都有生命,有靈性,有名字。

Think the only people who are people 你以為外表與思考方式與你同出一轍的

Are the people who look and think like you 才稱之為人類

But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger 但假如你跟隨陌生人的腳步

You learn things you never knew 你就會有意想不到的收穫。

You never knew

Have you ever heard the wolf cry 你可曾聽到,野狼向著冷月哀嚎?

to the blue corn moon?

Or ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned 可曾詢問,山貓為何咧嘴而笑?

Can you sing with all the voices 你能否與大山的聲音彼此唱和?

of the mountains?

Can you paint with all the colors of the wind? 你能否繪盡風的萬種顏色?

Can you paint with all the colors of the wind? 你能否繪盡風的萬種顏色?

Come run the hidden pinetrails of the forest 來吧,在隱秘的林間小路上盡情奔跑

Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth 來吧,嘗嘗自然生長的漿果甘甜滋味

Come roll in all the riches all around you 看吧,豐腴的大自然簇擁在你周圍

And for once never wonder what they're worth 但這一次請不要計算它們的價值

The rainstorm and the rivers are my brothers 暴雨河流是我的兄弟

And the heron and the otter are my friends 蒼鷺水獺是我的朋友

And we are all connected to each other 大千萬物,皆彼此緊緊相連

In a circle in a hoop that never ends 造物的鏈條往復循環,生生不息

How high does the sycamore grow 如果你坎掉楓樹

If you cut it down, then you'll never know 你永遠不會知道它能長多高

And you'll never hear the wolf cry 你將永遠聽不到野狼向著冷月哀嚎

To the blue corn moon

Or whether we are white or copper-skinned 不論我們的皮膚是黑是白抑或黃

We need to sing with 我們需要與萬籟的蕭聲彼此唱和,

All the voices of the mountains

To paint with all the colors of the wind 繪出風中的七彩。

You can own the Earth 當你繪出風中的七彩,

And still all you'll own is earth

Until you can paint with 才可以真正擁有地球。

All the colors of the wind


