



微軟採用的一種全新系統後台數據預讀機制,它可以提高系統性能,加快Windows XP/2003的啟動速度,經過預讀的程式全部存放在系統所在資料夾下的prefetcher目錄中(圖1),檔案名稱格式類似於下面這個樣子: foxmail.exe-2B721FDE.pf(這是Foxmail的預讀檔案)。Windows XP/2003雖然採用了預讀取機制,但是默認設定下比較保守,我們可以自己來定義程式的預讀取方式,大幅度提高系統的性能。


在使用Windows XP較長時間後,我們會發現系統運行速度明顯慢了下來,用多最佳化軟體、卸載已經安裝的軟體都解決不了問題。究竟為什麼呢?原來罪魁禍首就是預讀設定。在 “Windows\Prefetch”資料夾面有很多個以PF為擴展名的檔案,這就是預讀檔案,如果將裡面的檔案清空以後,你就會發現系統運行速度又恢復正常了!看來,預讀設定可以提高系統速度,但是使用一段時間後,預讀檔案夾里的檔案又會變得很多了,導致系統搜尋花費的時間變得很長。而且有些應用程式會產生死連結檔案,進而加重了系統搜尋的負擔。


當然,Windows XP重新設定預讀對象是允許的。具體方法是:打開註冊表編輯器,依次展開HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters分支,在右側視窗中雙擊“EnablePrefetcher”,在打開的“DWORD”值編輯視窗中,可以對Windows XP進行預讀設定:
將該值設定為“0”,即為取消預讀功能;設定為“1”,系統將只預讀應用程式;設定為“2”,系統將只預讀Windows系統檔案;設定為 “3”,系統將預讀Windows系統檔案和應用程式。一般我們將該值設定為“2”即可,當然,如果你的計算機配置很高,如使用PIII 800MHz CPU以上的建議將數值數據更改為4或5,也可以保留數值數據為默認值即3。這樣可以加快系統運行速度。
prefetch,預存取,這在vista用戶可能知道的多些,其實xp下就有這一技術了,只是官方少有這方面介紹,更別提技術文檔了。 這是xp一個隱藏的特性,用處是在xp登錄進度條出現時,就把c:\windows\prefetch目錄下的*.pf檔案信息預先裝載到記憶體中,以便於提高系統性能。這些*.pf檔案是系統和應用程式啟動時留下的預存取檔案,描述了系統和應用程式每次啟動時裝載模組的信息和順序,並且其命名方式中包含一個描述其完整路徑的十六進制值。


說到這,不得不提一下“局部碎片整理”,按照官方所說,xp每隔3天就會自動進行一次局部碎片整理,我發現這個整理動作是分步實施的,而且是在系統空閒時才會運行,這多虧了剛裝上的SSM截獲了defrag的這個動作信息,連命令行參數都一併截獲,這個重點留待稍後再說。(其實系統在啟動時也可以進行局部碎片整理,使得啟動時需要的檔案能夠被整理到相鄰位置,這個功能可以在註冊表中開啟,HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunetion下enable鍵由默認的N改為Y即可)用Filemon跟蹤發現,系統進行局部碎片整理時,先讀取layout.ini檔案,然後調用defrag針對layout.ini中涉及的檔案進行整理,然後把轉移信息再寫入到layout.ini中,這個自動整理不同於server2003系統的自動碎片整理功能(Auto Defragmenter)。


至於是否開啟預存取,有不少爭論,但是我堅決認為應該開啟,否則系統速度會變得更慢。HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters目錄下,EnablePrefeteher子鍵的值決定以何種方式開啟prefetch,0取消,1隻預存取應用程式,2隻預存取windows系統檔案,3同時存取系統和應用程式檔案,xp默認情況下是3。以上這些prefetch相關功能依賴於task schedule計畫任務這項服務。


現在該說那個重點了,系統自動調用的defrag的參數是什麼?是-p -s和-b。-p後面跟著一個常量,例如5E4;-s後也跟一個常量,比如000018A4;-b後跟著盤符C:,那么這個命令行的例子就是:defrag.exe -p 5E4 -s 000018A4 -b C: 了。-b這個參數網上一直有傳言,說是defrag的隱藏參數,但是官方不給出澄清,我也不知道是否真的存在,這回算是證實了。-b C:就是對預存取的檔案進行局部整理,並且每次僅針對一個pf檔案相關程式檔案進行整理,-p和-s應該就是用來選擇哪一個pf的,但具體那兩個常量和被選pf檔案有什麼聯繫,還有待進一步分析。平時如果想對系統和應用程式檔案進行一次最佳化碎片整理,可以在命令行中敲入defrag.exe C: -b,這樣會對所有prefetch檔案進行整理,完成後你會覺得系統的速度有一定提升。


經驗之談,如果不小心刪除了prefetch目錄下的檔案,尤其是layout.ini檔案,如何重建?敲入rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks命令,然後重啟三次系統,就可以重建layout.ini檔案,為什麼是三次,我也不知道,大概和每隔三天整理一次有關係吧。
位置在x:\windows\prefetch下面,命名是 exe檔案名稱-16進制hash.exe
其中最“有效”的一個檔案是NTOSBOOT-B00DFAAD.pf,它可以大大提高Windows的啟動速度。如果只求啟動速度的話,可以只保留這個檔案和Layout.ini,然後將Task Scheduler服務設為手動。


All versions of Windows except real-mode Windows 3x are demand-paged operating systems, where file data and code is faulted into memory from disk as an application attempts to access it. Data and code is faulted in page-granular chunks where a page's size is dictated by the CPU's memory management hardware. A page is 4KB on the x86. Prefetching is the process of bringing data and code pages into memory from disk before it's demanded.
In order to know what it should prefetch, the Windows XP Cache Manager monitors the page faults, both those that require that data be read from disk (hard faults) and those that simply require that data already in memory be added to a process's working set (soft faults), that occur during the boot process and application startup. By default it traces through the first two minutes of the boot process, 60 seconds following the time when all Win32 services have finished initializing, or 30 seconds following the start of the user's shell (typically Microsoft Internet Explorer), whichever of these three events occurs first. The Cache Manager also monitors the first 10 seconds of application startup. After collecting a trace that's organized into faults taken on the NTFS Master File Table (MFT) metadata file (if the application accesses files or directories on NTFS volumes), the files referenced, and the directories referenced, it notifies the prefetch component of the Task Scheduler by signaling a named event object.
The Task Scheduler then performs a call to the internal NtQuerySystemInformation system call requesting the trace data. After performing post-processing on the trace data, the Task Scheduler writes it out to a file in the \Windows\Prefetch folder. The file's name is the name of the application to which the trace applies followed by a dash and the hexadecimal representation of a hash of the file's path. The file has a .pf extension, so an example would be NOTEPAD.EXE-AF43252301.PF.
An exception to the file name rule is the file that stores the boot's trace, which is always named NTOSBOOT-B00DFAAD.PF (a convolution of the hexadecimal-compatible word BAADF00D, which programmers often use to represent uninitialized data). Only after the Cache Manager has finished the boot trace (the time of which was defined earlier) does it collect page fault information for specific applications.
When the system boots or an application starts, the Cache Manager is called to give it an opportunity to perform prefetching. The Cache Manager looks in the prefetch directory to see if a trace file exists for the prefetch scenario in question. If it does, the Cache Manager calls NTFS to prefetch any MFT metadata file references, reads in the contents of each of the directories referenced, and finally opens each file referenced. It then calls the Memory Manager to read in any data and code specified in the trace that's not already in memory. The Memory Manager initiates all of the reads asynchronously and then waits for them to complete before letting an application's startup continue.
How does this scheme provide a performance benefit? The answer lies in the fact that during typical system boot or application startup, the order of faults is such that some pages are brought in from one part of a file, then from another part of the same file, then pages are read from a different file, then perhaps from a directory, and so on. This jumping around results in moving the heads around on the disk. Microsoft has learned through analysis that this slows boot and application startup times. By prefetching data from a file or directory all at once before accessing another one, this scattered seeking for data on the disk is greatly reduced or eliminated, thus improving the overall time for system and application startup.
Figure 1 Prefetch Directory
To minimize seeking even further, every three days or so, during system idle periods, the Task Scheduler organizes a list of files and directories in the order that they are referenced during a boot or application start, and stores the list in a file named \Windows\Prefech\Layout.ini. Figure 1 shows the contents of a prefetch directory, highlighting the layout file. Then it launches the system defragmenter with a command-line option that tells the defragmenter to defragment based on the contents of the file instead of performing a full defrag. The defragmenter finds a contiguous area on each volume large enough to hold all the listed files and directories that reside on that volume and then moves them in their entirety into that area so that they are stored one after the other. Thus, future prefetch operations will even be more efficient because all the data to be read in is now stored physically on the disk in the order it will be read. Since the number of files defragmented for prefetching is usually only in the hundreds, this defragmentation is much faster than full defragmentations.

