非法入侵[Adam Lambert藝術作品]

非法入侵[Adam Lambert藝術作品]

《Trespassing (非法入侵)》是Adam Lambert 出道以來的第二張專輯。Adam 經過一年多的精心打造以及和諸多大牌音樂人的合作,新專輯將於2012年春天發行,專輯首支單曲《Better Than I know Myself》由著名製作人Dr.Luke 量身打造,2011年12月發行。二單《Never Close Our Eyes》不僅由Dr.Luke 再次操刀,還請來流行歌手Bruno Mars 助陣,充分展現了Adam 的歌唱實力。對於歌迷來講,這無疑是當爺的傾心巨作。


專輯同名歌曲 Trespassing 由著名製作人 Pharrell Williams 和 亞當 合寫完成。其中歌曲Shady 更是請來搖滾吉他大神Nile Rodgers 合作,傾心打造。整張專輯概念完整,融合各種曲風,復古的同時又與現代流行元素巧妙的結合,同時展現了亞當的Dark 和 Light side,淋漓盡致地展示了亞當的聲音實力,精妙發聲技巧以及寬廣的音域。

美國權威雜誌Rolling Stone 更是給了此專輯四星的高評價,說亞當 "All over trespassing,Glambert sings everything like Zues in a thong" 。

outlaws of love 表演現場 outlaws of love 表演現場

作為Adam Lambert 出道以來的第二張專輯,adam 追求完美,首首參與創作,經過一年多的精心打造以及和諸多Ryan Tedder, Claude Kelly , Bonnie McKeee, Benny Blanco, Nile Rodgers,Greg Wells, Pharrell Williams ,Dr.Luke等當紅大牌音樂人的合作,新專輯已於2012年5月15日發行專輯首支單曲《Better Than I Know Myself》,製作陣容:Dr.Luke,Claud Kelly ,AMMOpro ,Cirkut 。

專輯同名歌曲Trespassing 由著名製作人 Pharrell Williams 和Adam 合寫完成。

專輯中還收錄了亞當 根據自身經歷和感受創作的歌曲 Outlaws Of Love ,其中“Everywhere we go, we're looking for the sun.” “Nowhere to grow old. We're always on the run.” “They say we'll rot in hell, but I don't think we will” 等悽美的歌詞唱出了不為世俗所容的感情的各種無奈。

outlaws of love 表演現場


1. Trespassing

2. Cuckoo

3. Shady

4. Never Close Our Eyes

5. Kickin' In

6. Naked Love

7. Pop That Lock

8. Better Than I Know Myself

9. Broken English

10. Underneath

11. Chokehold

12. Outlaws of Love

Bonus;Runnin (豪華版加歌)

Take Back(豪華版加歌)


By The Rules(英國,日本版加歌)





Well I was walkin for some time有時我信步閒走

When I came across this sign當我路過這個標誌

Sayin "who are you and where are you from?"說 你是誰、你從哪裡來?

We don't like when visitors come我們不歡迎到訪者

"No Trespassing" that's what it was said它說“禁止非法入侵”

At least that's what I could read至少我讀到是如此

No Trespassing?Yeah、my ass!禁止非法入侵?耶、(尼瑪)胡扯!

Wait till ya get a load of me!等著仔細看我的吧!

One day I was trippin and that's when I could see我曾經跌倒、但同時我發現

That the ether I had tapped into could be reality曾經的夢想空間也可以成為現實

It was great、that's when I climbed that optimistic vine當我沿著蔓藤積極向上攀登、感覺非常棒!

Once I hit that mountain peak、I began to lose my mind但是一旦達到頂峰、我卻開始失去理智

I don't need no sympathy我不需要同情憐憫

I won't cry and whine我也不會哭泣和借酒消愁

Life's my light and liberty生活是我的光明和自由

And I'll shine when I wanna shine我想要陽光普照就會燦爛發光

Make their faces crack讓他們臉上充滿震驚

There's no turnin back沒有回頭路可走

Let's Go讓我們出發

Well I was walkin for some time有時我信步閒走

When I came across this sign當我路過這個標誌

Sayin "who are you and where are you from?"說 你是誰、你從哪裡來?

We don't like when visitors come我們不歡迎到訪者

"No Trespassing" that's what it was said它說“禁止非法入侵”

At least that's what I could read至少我讀到是如此

No Trespassing?Yeah、my ass!禁止非法入侵?耶、(尼瑪)胡扯!

Wait till ya get a load of me!等著仔細看我的吧!

I ain't got BSin my bag我包里沒有亂七八糟的東西

That's the one thing you can believe這點你必須相信

My heart is gold、my body is glass我心似黃金、我身似琉璃

Come on baby、can't you see?來吧、寶貝、難道你看不見么

I don't need no GPS to show me where to go我不需要GPS指導我前進的方向

But I can turn into the North Pole我也能到達北極點

And show you what is cold向你展示什麼是寒冷

I don't need no sympathy我不需要同情憐憫

I won't cry and whine我也不會哭泣和借酒消愁

Life's my light and liberty生活是我的光明和自由

And I'll shine when I wanna shine我想要陽光普照就會燦爛發光

Make their faces crack讓他們臉上充滿震驚

There's no turnin back沒有回頭路可走

Let's Go讓我們出發

Well I was walkin for some time有時我信步閒走

When I came across this sign當我路過這個標誌

Sayin "who are you and where are you from?"說 你是誰、你從哪裡來?

We don't like when visitors come我們不歡迎到訪者

"No Trespassing" that's what it was said它說“禁止非法入侵”

At least that's what I could read至少我讀到是如此

No Trespassing?Yeah、my ass!禁止非法入侵?耶、(尼瑪)胡扯!

Wait till ya get a load of me!等著仔細看我的吧!

Wait till ya get a load of me!等著仔細看我的吧!

I say wait till yaget a load of me!我說等著仔細看我的吧!

I ain't staying at home 我不會留在家裡

I got places to roll我有地方大展拳腳

I ain't staying at home、no no~我不會留在家裡、不、不~

Hey Hey Hey....hey~!!

I don't need no sympathy我不需要同情憐憫

I won't cry and whine我也不會哭泣和借酒消愁

Life's my light and liberty生活是我的光明和自由

And I'll shine when I wanna shine我想要陽光普照就會燦爛發光

Let's Go讓我們出發

Well I was walkin for some time有時我信步閒走

When I came across this sign當我路過這個標誌

Sayin "who are you and where are you from?"說 你是誰、你從哪裡來?

We don't like when visitors come我們不歡迎到訪者

"No Trespassing" that's what it was said它說“禁止非法入侵”

At least that's what I could read至少我讀到是如此

No Trespassing?Yeah、my ass!禁止非法入侵?耶、(尼瑪)胡扯!

Wait till ya get a load of me!等著仔細看我的吧!



Feels like I’m having a meltdown感覺就像我崩潰了
It feels like I’m losing control感覺就像我正在失去控制
They tell me I’m a danger to myself他們告訴我,我對自己是個危險
Now the crazy train is ready to roll, oh!現在瘋狂的火車是準備好了,喔!
Walk that walk like you don’t give a fuck走自己的路,不管他們說什麼
You’ve got a right to turn it up and get down你有權上下掌控
Electric shock no I can’t get enough我無法得到足夠的電力
Cause tonight we’re taking over the town, hey因為今晚我們把這個小鎮聊翻
I wanna lose my mind like a maniac我失去了我的理智,像一個瘋子
And cross the line和交叉線
Never looking back永不回頭
We’re on the loose我們不受約束,自由散漫
Getting crazy and we’ve gone cuckoo越來越瘋狂,我們已經瘋了
Gonna party til they take us away繼續狂歡直到他們把我們帶走
I’m swinging off of my hinges我搖晃著掙脫我的鎖鏈
I’m cocked and I’m ready to go我大搖大擺地準備走了
Just go on and pack up your things and只要收拾好你的東西繼續和我走
The crazy train is ready to roll, oh瘋狂列車準備好了,喔
Walk that walk like you don’t give a fuck走自己的路,不讓他們瞎說
You’ve got a right to turn it up and get down你有權利控制自己的上下節奏
Electric shock no I can’t get enough我無法得到足夠的電力
Cause tonight we’re taking over the town, hey因為今晚我們要用暢聊淹沒這個城市,嘿
I wanna lose my mind like a maniac我失去了我的理智,像一個瘋子
And cross the line和交叉線
Never looking back永不回頭
We’re on the loose我們不受約束,自由散漫
Getting crazy and we’ve gone cuckoo瘋了,我們已經瘋了
Gonna party til they take us away繼續狂歡直到他們帶我們走
Gotta get out of this straight jacket, whoa必須滾出這件直線夾克 
Gotta get out of this straight jacket, whoa yeah必須滾出這件值錢夾克,喔耶
Cross the line交叉線
We’re on the loose我們自由散漫,不受約束
Getting crazy and we’ve gone cuckoo 越來越瘋狂,我們已經瘋了
Gonna party til they take us away繼續狂歡直到他們把我們帶走
Party til they take us away越來越瘋狂,我們已經瘋了
Gonna party til they take us away繼續狂歡直到他們把我們帶走
Feels like I’m having a meltdown感覺就像我崩潰了
It feels like I’m losing control感覺就像我正在失去控制
They tell me I’m a danger to myself他們告訴我,我對自己是個危險
Now the crazy train is ready to roll, oh!現在瘋狂的火車是準備好了,喔!
Walk that walk like you don’t give a fuck走自己的路,不管他們說什麼
You’ve got a right to turn it up and get down你有權上下掌控
Electric shock no I can’t get enough我無法得到足夠的電力
Cause tonight we’re taking over the town, hey因為今晚我們把這個小鎮聊翻
I wanna lose my mind like a maniac我失去了我的理智,像一個瘋子
And cross the line和交叉線
Never looking back永不回頭
We’re on the loose我們不受約束,自由散漫
Getting crazy and we’ve gone cuckoo越來越瘋狂,我們已經瘋了
Gonna party til they take us away繼續狂歡直到他們把我們帶走
I’m swinging off of my hinges我搖晃著掙脫我的鎖鏈
I’m cocked and I’m ready to go我大搖大擺地準備走了
Just go on and pack up your things and只要收拾好你的東西繼續和我走
The crazy train is ready to roll, oh瘋狂列車準備好了,喔
Walk that walk like you don’t give a fuck走自己的路,不讓他們瞎說
You’ve got a right to turn it up and get down你有權利控制自己的上下節奏
Electric shock no I can’t get enough我無法得到足夠的電力
Cause tonight we’re taking over the town, hey因為今晚我們要用暢聊淹沒這個城市,嘿
I wanna lose my mind like a maniac我失去了我的理智,像一個瘋子
And cross the line和交叉線
Never looking back永不回頭
We’re on the loose我們不受約束,自由散漫
Getting crazy and we’ve gone cuckoo瘋了,我們已經瘋了
Gonna party til they take us away繼續狂歡直到他們帶我們走
Gotta get out of this straight jacket, whoa必須滾出這件直線夾克 
Gotta get out of this straight jacket, whoa yeah必須滾出這件直線夾克,喔耶
Cross the line交叉線
We’re on the loose我們自由散漫,不受約束
Getting crazy and we’ve gone cuckoo 越來越瘋狂,我們已經瘋了
Gonna party til they take us away繼續狂歡直到他們把我們帶走
Party til they take us away越來越瘋狂,我們已經瘋了
Gonna party til they take us away繼續狂歡直到他們把我們帶走



Baby, I'm on the hunt 寶貝,我在找樂子
baby, I got my target on you 寶貝,我看上你了
Trouble, that's what I want 我就是想找麻煩
and I'm gonna do just what I have to 我要做點我不得不做的事了
Get your ass down to the front 你給我下來,到前面來
Go on and roll it out, I dare you 過來,玩一把,敢不敢?
sorry I'm kinda drink but 對不起我有點喝高了,但是
Did you just say your game was brand new? 你剛剛兒是不是說要玩個新花樣?
No I ain't broken but I, I need a fix 沒我沒崩潰但我需要治療
That satisfaction when I, I get my kicks 找到樂子的那種滿足感
I'm up all night 我整晚不睡
I'm out of sight 我玩失蹤了
Don't turn on the light 別開燈
cause I'm feeling so shady lately 因為我最近覺得好不爽
Come on and take me underground 來吧,帶我去地下酒吧
deep under the street 街道隱蔽處的
come on and take me, take me down 來吧,帶我帶我走
freaks like us can meet 我們這樣的變態們應該聚一聚
Turn it up turn it up turn it up turn it way up 音量開大開大開大開到最最大
don't stop the beat 別停下音樂
come on and turn me, turn me out 來吧,點燃,點燃我激情
cause I'm feeling so shady lately 因為我最近覺得好不爽
Gonna go and get me a shot 要去,給我一個機會
gonna knock it back forget all my blues 狂飲一通,忘掉所有沮喪
yeah that really hits the spot 耶,真過癮
I'm feeling pretty fierce in my dancin' shoes 穿上舞鞋,我感到了瘋狂
No I ain't broken but I, I need a fix 沒我沒崩潰但我需要治療
That satisfaction when I, I get my kicks 找到樂子的那種滿足感
I'm up all night 我整晚不睡
I'm out of sight 我玩失蹤
Don't turn on the light 別開燈
cause I'm feeling so shady lately 因為我最近覺得好不爽
Come on and take me underground 來吧,帶我去地下酒吧
deep under the street 街道隱蔽處的
come on and take me, take me down 來吧,帶我帶我走
freaks like us can meet 我們這樣的變態們應該聚一聚
Turn it up turn it up turn it up turn it way up 音量開大開大開大開到最最大
don't stop the beat 別停下音樂
come on and turn me, turn me out 來吧,點燃,點燃我激情
cause I'm feeling so shady lately 因為我最近覺得好不爽
I throw more shade than a cloudy day 我要拋開陰霾
the brakes don't work I'm just a runaway train 剎車沒用了,我是一列脫韁的列車
Somebody come and help me out 來個人幫幫我
All I wanna be is free 我只想要自由
I was trying to get down now I can't out 我試著下車但出不
I'm shady lately 最近好不爽
Come on and take me underground 來吧,帶我去地下酒吧
deep under the street 街道隱蔽處的
come on and take me, take me down 來吧,帶我帶我走
freaks like us can meet 我們這樣的變態們應該聚一聚
Turn it up turn it up turn it up turn it way up 音量開大開大開大開到最最大
don't stop the beat 別停下音樂
come on and turn me, turn me out 來吧,點燃,點燃我激情
cause I'm feeling so shady lately 因為我最近覺得好不爽
Shady lately, that's how I play 最近不爽,這就是我的表現
they say maybe it's just a phase 他們說也許過一陣兒就沒事了
shady lately, runaway train 最近不爽,列車脫韁
blame the game, quit blaming the gays 怪這個遊戲,別怪同性戀
cause I'm feeling so shady lately 因為我最近覺得好不爽

Never close our eyes

Never close our eyes 單曲封面 Never close our eyes 單曲封面

I wish that this night would never be over

There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die

So let’s just stay awake until we grow older

If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never!

I don’t wanna let a minute get away

Cause we got no time to lose

None of us are promised to see tomorrow

And what we do is ours to choose

Forget about the sunrise

Fight the sleep in your eyes

I don’t wanna miss a second with you

Let’s stay this way forever

It’s only getting better if we want it to

You know I wish that this night would never be over

There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die

So let’s just stay awake until we grow older

If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never!

It's so hard to think this could fade away

But what goes up must come down

Why can't we just live life with no consequence

And always live in the now

Forget about the sunrise

Fight the sleep in your eyes

I don’t wanna miss a second with you

Let’s stay this way forever

It's only gets better if we want it to

You know I wish that this night would never be over

There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die

So let’s just stay awake until we grow older

If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never

Ooooh, yeah

Ooooh, yeah, yeah

You know I wish that this night would never be over

There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die

So let’s just stay awake until we grow older

If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never

Never Close Our Eyes永不閉上我們的眼睛
I wish that this night would never be over 我希望這個夜晚永遠不會結束
There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die 當我們死後,睡覺的時間有的是
So let’s just stay awake until we grow older所以讓我們保持清醒直到我們變成老人
If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never!如果我有我的方式,我們永遠不閉上我們的眼睛,我們的眼睛,永遠!
I don’t wanna let a minute get away 我不想讓一分鐘浪費
Cause we got no time to lose 因為我們已經沒有時間了
None of us are promised to see tomorrow 沒有人能保證看到明天
And what we do is ours to choose 我們所做的,是我們自己的選擇
Forget about the sunrise 忘掉日出
Fight the sleep in your eyes 用你的眼睛和睡眠抗爭
I don’t wanna miss a second with you 我不想錯過和你在一起每一秒
Let’s stay this way forever 讓我們永遠保持這種方式
It’s only getting better if we want it to 如果我們想要它,它只會變得更好
You know I wish that this night would never be over 你知道,我希望這個夜晚永遠不會結束
There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die 有足夠的時間睡覺,當我們死了
So let’s just stay awake until we grow older 所以讓我們保持清醒直到我們變老
If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never! 如果我有我的方式,我們永遠閉上我們的眼睛,我們的眼睛,永遠
It's so hard to think this could fade away 很難認為這可能消失
But what goes up must come down 但什麼是必須下來
Why can't we just live life with no consequence 為什麼我們不能生活沒有結果
And always live in the now 永遠活在現在
Forget about the sunrise 忘了日出
Fight the sleep in your eyes 用你的眼睛和睡眠抗爭
I don’t wanna miss a second with you 我不想錯過和你在一起每一秒
Let’s stay this way forever 讓我們永遠保持這種方式
It's only gets better if we want it to 如果我們想要它,它只會變得更好
You know that I wish that this night would never be over 我希望這個夜晚永遠不會結束
There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die 當我們死後,睡覺的時間有的是
So let’s just stay awake until we grow older所以讓我們保持清醒直到我們變成老人
If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never!如果我有我的方式,我們永遠不閉上我們的眼睛,我們的眼睛,永遠!
If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never 如果我有我的方式,我們永遠不閉上我們的眼睛,我們的眼睛,永遠
Ooooh, yeah 喔,是的
Ooooh, yeah, yeah 喔,是啊,是啊
You know I wish that this night would never be over 我希望這個夜晚永遠不會結束
There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die 當我們死後,睡覺的時間有的是
So let’s just stay awake until we grow older所以讓我們保持清醒直到我們變成老人
If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never!如果我有我的方式,我們永遠不閉上我們的眼睛,我們的眼睛,永遠!

Kickin' In

She wants to be up there

in the air where the clouds live

the sweetest seeds make the best treats

30,000 feet she can smile there

And now she puts her shot glass down

she asks for another round

she wants to hit the clouds

honey, are you up there?

Now, she puts her shot glass down

she asks for another round

girl don't you hit the ground

Is it kickin' in?

Kick kick kickin' in

Kick kick kickin' in

Kick kick kickin' in

Honey, are you up there?

Kick kick kickin' in

Kick kick kickin' in

Kick kick kickin' in

Honey, are you up there?

She wants to introduce me

to her friend Eddie

What is she tryin' to do to me?

He got words that rhyme

He got a dirty mind

Am I about to do a three?

she puts her shot glass down

she asks for another round

she wants to hit the clouds

honey, are you up there?

And now she puts her shot glass down

she asks for another round

girl don't you hit the ground

Is it kickin' in?

Kick kick kickin' in

Kick kick kickin' in

Kick kick kickin' in

Honey, are you up there?

Kick kick kickin' in

Kick kick kickin' in

Kick kick kickin' in

Honey, are you up there?

bounce bounce bounce

bounce bounce bounce

bounce bounce bounce

bounce bounce bounce

bounce bounce bounce

bounce bounce bounce

And now she puts her shot glass down

she asks for another round

she wants to hit the clouds

honey, are you up there?

she puts her shot glass down

she asks for another round

Is it kickin' in?

Kick kick kickin' in

Kick kick kickin' in

Kick kick kickin' in

Honey, are you up there?

Kick kick kickin' in

Honey, are you up there?

Kick kick kickin' in

Honey, are you up there?

Kick kick kickin' in

Honey, are you up there?

Kick kick kickin' in

Honey, are you up there?

Kick kick kickin' in

Naked love

lost control

collision course
with you, my love
call 9-1-1
So ro-o-oll the dice
get lucky tonight
I know you're holding back
no more hesitation
Just come on
I want your naked love
So don't ya dress it up tonight
Yeah come on
ya know your naked love
is what I'm dreaming of tonight
Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah
Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah
Take it off
and try me on
the hottest threads
ya ever worn
So ro-o-oll the dice
get lucky tonight
I know you're holding back
no more hesitation
Just come on
I want your naked love
So don't ya dress it up tonight
Yeah come on
ya know your naked love
is what I'm dreaming of tonight
Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah
Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah
Just come on
I want your naked love
So don't ya dress it up tonight
Yeah come on
ya know your naked love
is what I'm dreaming of tonight
Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah





lost control 失去控制

collision course 碰撞的軌跡

with you, my love 和你在一起,我的愛人

call 9-1-1 撥打911

So ro-o-oll the dice 擲-擲-擲-骰子

get lucky tonight 今晚必將好運

I know you're holding back 我知道你在抑制

no more hesitation 別再猶豫

Just come on 來吧

I want your naked love 我要你毫無保留的愛

So don't ya dress it up tonight 今晚不須精心打扮

Yeah come on 來吧

ya know your naked love 要知道你毫無保留的愛

is what I'm dreaming of tonight 占據我今晚全部所思所想

Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah 耶耶耶

Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah 耶耶耶

Take it off 脫掉它

and try me on 接受我

the hottest threads ya ever worn 我將化作最熱情的衣料包裹你

So ro-o-oll the dice 擲-擲-擲-骰子

get lucky tonight 今晚必將好運

I know you're holding back 我知道你在抑制

no more hesitation 別再猶豫

Just come on 來吧

I want your naked love 我要你毫無保留的愛

So don't ya dress it up tonight 今晚不必精心打扮

Yeah come on 來吧

ya know your naked love 要知道你毫無保留的愛

is what I'm dreaming of tonight 占據我今晚全部所思所想

Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah 耶耶耶

Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah 耶耶耶

Just come on 來吧

I want your naked love 我要你毫無保留的愛

So don't ya dress it up tonight 今晚不須精心打扮

Yeah come on 來吧

ya know your naked love 要知道你毫無保留的愛

is what I'm dreaming of tonight 占據我今晚全部所思所想

Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah 耶耶耶

Pop that lock

Left, right, step up to the spotlight
Why you actin’ uptight?
I’m takin’ you to school, that’s right
High, low, don’t tell me you don’t know
how to ever let go
I’m takin’ you to school, that’s right
Tonight we burn it all
get hot get tall
yeah we’re lighter than air
you got the key to your release
so pop that lock until you’re lighter than air.
If you wanna be that
you’ve got to dream
If you got the key then baby pop that lock
If you wanna free it
you have got to scream
if you got the key then baby pop that lock
Banjee Boys and Dancey Girls get down, down down
Get down, down down!
Werk bitch you don’t gotta stress this
got ‘em feeling restless show ‘em how it’s done alright
Secret don’t care if you don’t keep it don’t care if you leak it
Show ‘em how it’s done alright
Tonight we burn it all
get hot get tall
yeah we’re lighter than air
you got the key to your release
so pop that lock until you’re lighter than air
If you wanna be that
you’ve got to dream
If you got the key then baby pop that lock
If you wanna free it
you have got to scream
if you got the key then baby pop that lock
Banjee Boys and Dancey Girls get down down down
get down
get down
Werk Werk Werk alright
get down
Werk Werk Werk alright
Banjee Boys and Dancey Girls get down
You better pop that lock
If you wanna be that
you’ve got to dream.
If you got the key then baby pop that lock
If you wanna free it
you have got to scream
if you got the key then baby pop that lock
Get down
Baby pop that lock
Get down, get down
Pop that Lock, get down!Better than I know myselfBbBbett

Better than I know myself

Better than I know myself mv截圖 Better than I know myself mv截圖

Cold as ice

And more bitter than a December

Winter night

That's how I treated you

And I know that I

I sometimes tend to loose my temper

And I cross the line

Yeah that's the truth

I know it gets hard sometimes

But I could never

Leave you asid

No matter what I say

Cause if I wanted to go

I would’ve gone by now

but I really need you near me

To keep my mind off the edge

If I wanted to leave

I would’ve left by now

But you're the only one that knows me

Better than I know myself

All alongI tried to pretend it didn't matter

If I was alone

Deep down I know

If you were gone

For even a dayI wouldn't know which way to turn

Cause I’m lost without you

I know it gets hard sometimes

But I could never

Leave you aside

No matter what I sayI

Cause if I wanted to go

I would’ve gone by now

butI really need you near me

To keep my mind off the edge

If I wanted to leave

I would’ve left by now

But you're the only one that knows me

Better than I know myself

I get kind of dark

Let it go too far

I can be obnoxious at times

But try and see my heart

Cause I need you now

So don't let me down

You are the only thing in this world

I would die without

Cause if I wanted to go

I would’ve gone by now

but I really need you near me

To keep my mind off the edge

If I wanted to leaveI would’ve left by now

But you're the only one that knows me

Better than I know myself

Cause if I wanted to go

I would’ve gone by now

but I really need you near me

To keep my mind off the edge

If I wanted to leave

I would’ve left by now

But you're the only one that knows me

Better than I know myself


Cold as ice冷若冰霜

And more bitter than a December 比十二月的天氣更讓人難熬

Winter night 就像冬天的寒夜

That's how I treated you那就是我對待你的方式

And I know that I我也清楚

I sometimes tend to loose my temper我有時控制不住自己的脾氣

And I cross the line我觸犯了你的底線

Yeah that's the truth 這就是事實

I know it gets hard sometimes我知道情況有時會很糟

But I could never 但我從來沒有想過

Leave you aside拋下你

No matter what I say 無論我說了什麼

Cause if I wanted to go因為如果我想要走

I would’ve gone by now 我早就遠走高飛了

but I really need you near me但我是真的需要你在我身邊

To keep my mind off the edge幫助我擺脫精神崩潰的邊緣

If I wanted to leave 如果我想要離開

I would’ve left by now我早就到了你看不見我的地方了

But you're the only one that knows me 但你是唯一懂我的人

Better than I know myself 懂我更甚於我自己的人

All along一路走來

I tried to pretend it didn't matter我試圖假裝我對你毫不在意

If I was alone但一旦我獨自一人

Deep down I know我瞭然於心

If you were gone如果你不在我身邊

For even a day 哪怕只有一天

I wouldn't know which way to turn 我一定會無所適從

Cause I’m lost without you 因為沒有了你,一切枉然

I know it gets hard sometimes我知道情況有時會很糟

But I could never 但我從來沒有想過

Leave you aside拋下你

No matter what I say 無論我說了什麼

I know it gets hard sometimes我知道情況有時會很糟

But I could never 但我從來沒有想過

Leave you aside拋下你

No matter what I say 無論我說了什麼

Cause if I wanted to go因為如果我想要走

I would’ve gone by now 我早就遠走高飛了

but I really need you near me但我是真的需要你在我身邊

To keep my mind off the edge幫助我擺脫精神崩潰的邊緣

If I wanted to leave 如果我想要離開

I would’ve left by now我早就到了你看不見我的地方了

But you're the only one that knows me 但你是唯一懂我的人

Better than I know myself 懂我更甚於我自己的人

I get kind of dark我心如死灰

Let it go too far我已犯了太多不可彌補的錯誤

I can be obnoxious at times我有時可以變得惹人厭

But try and see my heart但求你再看一眼我和我的誠心

Cause I need you now因為我現在需要你

So don't let me down所以不要讓我失望

You are the only thing in this world你是我在這世上

I would die without 唯一留戀的事

Cause if I wanted to go因為如果我想要走

I would’ve gone by now 我早就遠走高飛了

but I really need you near me但我是真的需要你在我身邊

To keep my mind off the edge幫助我擺脫精神崩潰的邊緣

If I wanted to leave 如果我想要離開

I would’ve left by now我早就到了你看不見我的地方了

But you're the only one that knows me 但你是唯一懂我的人

Better than I know myself 懂我更甚於我自己的人

Cause if I wanted to go因為如果我想要走

I would’ve gone by now 我早就遠走高飛了

butI really need you near me但我是真的需要你在我身邊

To keep my mind off the edge幫助我擺脫精神崩潰的邊緣

If I wanted to leave 如果我想要離開

I would’ve left by now我早就到了你看不見我的地方了

But you're the only one that knows me 但你是唯一懂我的人

Better than I know myself 懂我更甚於我自己的人

Broken English

Tower of Babel has fallen down again巴別塔又倒了
information disarray 信息混亂
I dunno who I should believe in我不知道應該相信誰
everybody's an authority每個人都是權威
fragments don't count不可計數的碎片
they always end up fallin' through the cracks他們的下場都是在破碎中穿過
don't think out loud別大聲想
cause once it's out your mouth, can't take it back因為你一旦說出口就收不回了
Can't say all the little things別把我想告訴你的小事都說出來
that I wanna tell you right now
I know you won't understand我知道你不會明白
but I gotta tell you somehow但我還是要告訴你
And on and on and on I go我一直說一直
connect the neck to what's below I know聯繫我知道的一切
now your body language is broken現在你的肢體語言破碎了
Bro ken eng a lish破碎的英語
Lost inside communication breakdown內在的語言破碎了
better just read my lips最好看我的嘴形
coming in clearer when we get down當我們落下是更加清晰
iceberg just the tip冰山一角
my words get lost我無語了
can you read the look that's on my face?你能看懂我的表情嗎
wires get crossed線變近了

communion with the human race和人類比賽交流

Can't say all the little things別把我想告訴你的小事都說出來
that I wanna tell you right now
I know you won't understand我知道你不會明白
but I gotta tell you somehow但我還是要告訴你
And on and on and on I go我一直說一直
connect the neck to what's below I know聯繫我知道的一切
now your body language is broken現在你的肢體語言破碎了

Can't say all the little things別把我想告訴你的小事都說出來
that I wanna tell you right now
I know you won't understand我知道你不會明白
but I gotta tell you somehow但我還是要告訴你
And on and on and on I go我一直說一直
connect the neck to what's below I know聯繫我知道的一切
now your body language is broken現在你的肢體語言破碎了
Broken English 破碎的英語


strip away the flesh and bone
Look beyond the lies you've known
Everybody wants to talk about a freak
No one wants to dig that deep
Let me take you underneath
Baby better watch your step
Never mind what's on the left
You're gonna see things you might not wanna see
It's still not that easy for me
A red river of screams
Tears in my eyes
Stars in my black and blue sky
Under my skin
The depths of my sin
Look at me
Now do you see?


Adam Lambert - Chokehold

Staring at the ceiling in the dark

Sheets are in a knot

My heart is like rock, hey

Pictures flashing by inside my head

I'm hanging by a thread

But I'd do it all again, hey

I keep running away, running away

Running away from you

But I can't stand breaking the chains

Breaking the chains, breaking the chains

It's too good

Coz I know the second you go

Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back

Bring it on back to me

And you know I want your chokehold

Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back

Bring it on back to me

Bring it on back to me

Bring it on back to me

Oh without your touch I suffocate

Cold asphyxiate

But I kinda like the pain, yeah

Baby, I can smell you on my clothes

I try to stay composed

But I feel a fever grow, grow

I keep running away, running away

Running away from you

But I can't stand breaking the chains

Breaking the chains, breaking the chains

It's too good

Coz I know the second you go

Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back

Bring it on back to me

And you know I want your chokehold

Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back

Bring it on back to me

Bring it on back to me

Bring it on back to me

Coz I know the second you go

Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back

Bring it on back to me

And you know I want your chokehold

Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back

Bring it on back to me

Bring it on back to me

Bring it on back to me

Bring it on back to me


Staring at the ceiling in the dark 黑夜中凝視天花板 
Sheets are in a knot  床單亂成一團 
My heart is like rock, hey 嘿 我的心像岩石一般,
Pictures flashing by inside my head 畫面在腦海閃現 
I'm hanging by a thread 我命懸一線 
But I'd do it all again, hey 嘿 但是我再次重複所有的事情
I keep running away, running away  我一直在逃離,一直逃離
Running away from you離你而去
But I can't stand breaking the chains但我不能接受與你斷絕聯繫  
Breaking the chains, breaking the chains 斷絕關係 
It's too good  太好了
Coz I know the second you go  因為我知道你走的第二天
Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back 想要你回來 
Bring it on back to me回到我身邊
And you know I want your chokehold 你知道我需要你窒息的愛 
Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back  我想要你回來 
Bring it on back to me 回到我身邊 
Bring it on back to me  Bring it on back to me  回到我身邊 
Oh without your touch I suffocate 喔 沒有我覺得快窒息的撫摸
Cold asphyxiate 快無法呼吸
But I kinda like the pain, yeah 但我真的喜歡這份疼痛 
Baby, I can smell you on my clothes  寶貝,我聞到衣服上你的氣息
I try to stay composed 我試著一動不動
But I feel a fever grow, grow 但我感覺熱流一直在上升

Outlaws of love

Outlaws of Love 愛的囚徒

Oh, nowhere left to go.


Are we getting closer, closer?


No. All we know is No.


Nights are getting colder, colder


Hey. Tears all fall the same.


We all feel the rain.


We can't change.


Everywhere we go, we're looking for the sun.


Nowhere to grow old. We're always on the run.


They say we'll rot in hell, well I don't think we will.


They've branded us enough. Outlaws of love.


Scars make us who we are.


Hearts and homes are broken, broken.


Far, we could go so far,with our minds wide open, open.


Hey. Tears all fall the same.


We all feel the rain.


We can't change.


Everywhere we go, we're looking for the sun.


Nowhere to grow old. We're always on the run.


They say we'll rot in hell, well I don't think we will.


They've branded us enough. Outlaws of love.


Outlaws of love.


Outlaws of love.


Outlaws of love.


Outlaws of love.



不羈的黑髮,魅惑的眼線,雙手塗著黑色指甲油,這已經成為Adam Lambert的標誌,這位被譽為“Rock God”的音樂天才,這位剛出道便已贏得眾多關注的樂壇新星,他用一場又一場演唱會級別的演出,攻陷著每一位挑剔聽者的耳朵;他用華麗揮霍的嗓音,激情四射的舞台,陽光燦爛的笑容,善良幽默的品性與攝人心魄的魅力,虜獲了無數歌迷的心。Adam Lambert風暴已經席捲而來,這不僅昭告著“Glam Rock”的強勢回歸,更標誌著迷惑搖滾在新流行樂時代的復活和與之融合。

Adam Lambert Adam Lambert

英文全名:Adam Mitchel Lambert







家鄉:San Diego Rancho Penasquitos ,CA


國小:Deer Canyon Elementary School

中學:Mesa Verde Middle School

高中:Mt. Carmel High School

最喜歡的男藝人:Michael Jackson,David Bowie,Freddie Mercury,Lenny Kravitz,Prince

最喜歡的女藝人:Madonna,Katy Perry,Pink,Lady Gaga,Christina Aguilera,Beyonce Knowles,Britney Spears









Adam Lambert版“Mad World” 獲選《時代》雜誌年度TOP10精選文娛類十大單曲



首張專輯《For Your Entertainment》獲選公告牌票選年度最佳專輯NO.4,十年最佳專輯NO.6






單曲Whataya Want From Me的mv 獲得加拿大MMVAs“最喜愛國際MV”

格萊美最佳流行男歌手提名 Best Male Pop Vocal Performance

德國CMA(Celebrity Magazine Awards)最佳國際男歌手


If I had you MV 獲得加拿大MMVA's "Most Watched MV" 提名

Whataya Want From me 獲得澳大利亞APRA音樂獎International Work of the Year提名

“Equality Awards” from Equality California

Do Something Awards— Music Artist 提名

Adam Lambert擁有自己的原創曲目,曾經組建過樂隊。他的原創曲目包括:


Beyond the Sky Crawl Thru the Fire Glamorize I Got This Kiss and Tell Pop Goes the Camera Rough Trade The Circle Turning On


