孕前、孕中健康管理 | Healthcare management of pre-natal, pregnancy |
孕前準爸媽優生體檢 | Parents-to-be physical examination for genetic counseling |
產前檢查及圍產期保健 | Pre-natal physical examination and Peri-natal health care |
孕期營養諮詢指導 | Nutrition consultant |
孕產期前、中、後的專業心理諮詢 | Pre-natal, Pregnancy and Post-natal Psychological counseling |
4D彩色超音波寫真 | 4D -Color Ultrasound gallery |
高危妊娠的管理 | High-Risk pregnancy management |
遠程胎心監護系統 | Remote fetal heart monitor system |
準爸媽大學課程 | Parents-to-be university class |
產後恢復與休養 | Post-natal recovery |
產後康復服務 | Post-partum recovery |
盆底修復 | Pelvic restoration, |
母乳餵養 | Breastfeeding |
產後形體塑身 | Breast shaping and body building |