



1984年9月¾1989年7月 清華大學材料科學與工程系 本科

1989年9月¾1992年7月 華中理工大學固體電子學系 碩士

1995年3月¾1998年6月 清華大學材料科學與工程系 博士;博士學位課題:鐵電陶瓷基片式元件三層鍍失效機理研究 。


1998年6月¾2001年5月 日本東北大學金屬材料研究所 研究員;研究方向:強磁場中新物質的創製

2001年6月¾2004年11月 香港理工大學套用物理系 研究員;研究方向:電子陶瓷元器件可靠性的研究

2004年11月至今 武漢大學物理科學與技術學院 教授




1998年6月2001年5月 日本東北大學金屬材料研究所 研究員;研究方向:強磁場中高溫超導材料定向晶體生長的研究

2001年6月2004年11月 香港理大學套用物理工系 研究員;研究方向:電子陶瓷元器件可靠性的研究

2004年11月至今 武漢大學物理科學與技術學院 教授,博士生導師


1 主持國家自然科學基金項目:含鈦介電陶瓷材料水電互動作用下電化學失效機理研究

2 主持廣東省教育部產學研結合項目:氧化鋅多層壓敏片式元件產業化

3 主持湖北省自然科學基金傑出青年計畫項目:電子陶瓷元器件失效機理與可靠性研究

4 留學回國人員啟動基金項目:弛豫鐵電材料氫致失效機理研究


1. W. P. Chen, J. Q. Qi, Y. Wang, H. L. W. Chan, Z. W. Ma, X. H. Wang, and L. T. Li, “Hydrogen-induced degradation in NiCuZn ferrite-based multilayer chip inductors,” Mater. Lett., 出版中.

2. W. P. Chen, J. Y. Dai, Y. Wang, and H.L.W. Chan, “Hydrogen-Induced Degradation in Strontium Titanate Single Crystals,” Appl. Phys. A, 出版中

3. Y. Wang, W. P. Chen, K. C. Cheng, H.L.W. Chan, and C. L. Choy, "Effect of Ac-powered Water Electrolysis on the Structure and Optical Properties of Indium Tin Oxide Thin Films," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 出版中

4. J. Q. Qi, Y. Wang, W. P. Chen, L. T. Li, and H. L. W. Chan, “Direct Large-Scale Synthesis of Perovskite Barium Strontium Titanate Nano-Particles from Solutions,” Journal of Solid-State Chemistry 178 (2005) 279-284.

5. J. Q. Qi, T. Zhang, M. Lu, Y. Wang, W. P. Chen, L. T. Li, and H. L. W. Chan, “Conversion of Conventional NiO Powder to Nanostructures Through a Simple Chemical Method,” Chemistry Letters 34 (2005) 180-181.

6. J. Q. Qi, W. P. Chen, Y. Wang, H.L.W. Chan and L. T. Li, “Dielectric Properties of Barium Titanate Ceramics Doped by B2O3 Vapor,” J. Appl. Phys. 96 (2004) 6937-39.

7. C. P. Chong, W. P. Chen, H. L. W. Chan, and P. C. K. Liu, “Nonlinear behavior of piezoceramics and piezocomposites under various ac fields”, Sensors and Actuators A 116 (2004) 320-328.

8. J. Q. Qi, W. P. Chen, H. Y. Wang, Y. Wang, L. T. Li and H.L.W. Chan, “Low Temperature Sintering Behavior of B2O3 Vapor in BaTiO3-Based PTCR Thermistors,” Sensors and Actuators A 116 (2004) 215-218.

9. W. P. Chen, J. Wang, D. Y. Wang, J. Q. Qi, Y. Wang, and H.L.W. Chan, “Hydrogen-Induced Resistance Degradation in NiCuZn Ferrites,” Physica B 353 (2004) 41-45.

10. W. P. Chen, H.L.W. Chan, and B. R. Li, “Hydrogen-Induced Degradation in SrTiO3-Based Ceramic Varistors,” J. Mater. Sci.39 (2004) 5543-45.

11. W. P. Chen, J. Q. Qi, Y. Wang, X. P. Jiang and H.L.W. Chan, “Water-Induced Degradation in 0.91Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.09PbTiO3 Single Crystals,” J. Appl. Phys.95 (2004) 5920-21.

12. W. P. Chen, Y. Wang, J.Y. Dai, S.G. Lu, X.X. Wang, P.F. Lee, H.L.W. Chan and C.L. Choy, “Spontaneous recovery of hydrogen-degraded TiO2 ceramic capacitors,” Appl. Phys. Lett 84 (2004) 103-105.

13. W. P. Chen, and H.L.W. Chan, “Degradation of ZnO Ceramic Varistors Induced by Water and AC Voltages,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol.43, Part 1 (2004) 701-702.

14. W. P. Chen, Y. Wang, X.X. Wang, J. Wang, and H.L.W. Chan, “Water-induced dc and ac degradations in TiO2-based ceramic capacitors,” Mater. Chem. & Phys.82 (2003) 520-524.

15. W. P. Chen, X. X. Wang, J. Wang, Y. Wang, and H.L.W. Chan, “Hydrogen-Induced Degradation in Mn-Co-Ni-O Negative-Temperature-Coefficient Thermistors,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys Vol.42, Part 1 (2003) 6621-6622.

16. W. P. Chen, X.P. Jiang, Y. Wang, Z. Peng, and H.L.W. Chan, "Water-Induced Degradation of Barium Titanate Ceramics Studied by Electrochemical Hydrogen Charging," J. Am. Ceram. Soc.86 (2003) 735-37.

17. W. P. Chen, Y. Wang, Z. Peng and H.L.W. Chan, “Degradation Mechanism of ZnO Ceramic Varistors Studied by Electrochemical Hydrogen Charging,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol.42, Part 2 (2003) L48 - L50.

18. W. P. Chen, C.P. Chong, H.L.W. Chan, and P.C.K. Liu, “Degradation in lead zirconate titanate piezoelectric ceramics by high power resonant driving,” Materials Sci. & Engrg. B 99, (2003) 203-206.

19. W. P. Chen, S.G. Lu, H.L.W. Chan, “Influence of electroless nickel plating on I-V characteristics and its implications for the reliability in ZnO-based ceramic varistors,” Materials Sci. & Engrg. B 99, (2003) 70-73.

20. J. Q. Qi, Y. Wang, W. P. Chen, L. T. Li, and H.L.W. Chan, “Effect of B2O3 Vapor Doping on the lattice Parameter and Electrical Properties in BaTiO3 Ceramics,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys Vol.42, Part 2 (2003) L1516-L1518.

21. Y. Wang, W. P. Chen, K. C. Cheng, H.L.W. Chan, and C.L. Choy, “Optical Degradation of Indium Tin Oxide Thin Films Induced by Hydrogen-Related Room Temperature Reduction,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol.42, Part 2 (2003) L546-L548.

22. X.X. Wang, W. P. Chen, H.L.W. Chan and C.L. Choy, “H2O-induced degradation in TiO2-based ceramic capacitors” Mater. Lett.57 (2003) 4351-4355.

23. J.Y. Dai, W. P. Chen, G.K.H. Pang, P.F. Lee, H.K. Lam, W.B. Wu, H.L.W. Chan and C.L. Choy, “Ambient-temperature incorporated hydrogen in Nb:SrTiO3 single crystals,” Appl. Phys. Lett 82 (2003) 3296-3298.

24. S. Awaji, Y. Ma, W. P. Chen, H. Maeda, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa, “Magnetic field effects on synthesis process of high-Tc superconductors,” CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS, 3 (5): 391-395 OCT 2003.

25. H. Maeda, P.V.P.S.S. Sastry, U.P. Trociewitz, J. Schwartz, K. Ohya, M. Sato, W. P. Chen, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa, “Effect of magnetic field strength in melt-processing on texture development and critical current density of Bi-oxide superconductors”, Physica C 386 (2003) 115-121.

26. W. P. Chen, H.L.W. Chan, F.C.H. Yiu, K.M.W. Ng, and P.C.K. Liu, “Water-induced degradation in lead zirconate titanate piezoelectric ceramics”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80 (2002) 3587-3589.

27. W. P. Chen, H.L.W. Chan, “Water-induced degradation in ZnO-based ceramic varistors”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 85 (2002) 1625-27.

28. H. Maeda, K. Ohya, M. Sato, W. P. Chen, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa, A. Matsumoto, H. Kumakura and J. Schwartz, “Microstructure and critical current density of Bi2212 tapes grown by magnetic melt-processing”, Physica C 382 (2002) 33-37.

29. H. Maeda, T. Inaba, M. Sato, P. X. Zhang and W. P. Chen, “Critical current density and a.c. losses of Ag-sheathed Bi2223 tapes with Sr¯V¯O barriers”, Physica C 357-360 (2001) 1230-1233

30. H. Maeda, W. P. Chen, T. Inaba, M. Sato, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa. “Texture development in Bi-based superconductors grown in high magnetic fields and its effect on transformation of Bi(Pb)2212 to Bi(Pb)2223”, Physica C 354 (2001) 338-341.

31. W. P. Chen, H. Maeda, K. Watanabe and M. Motokawa. “Melting behavior of Ag-doped Bi¯Pb¯Sr¯Ca¯Cu¯O system studied by containerless melting¯solidification in high magnetic field”, Physica C 357-360 (2001) 726-729

32. W. P. Chen, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa, H. Maeda, “Oriented Crystal Growth in Bi(Pb)2223 Bulks Prepared with a Magnetic Melt Processing”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 11 (2001) 2842-2845

33. W. P. Chen, H. Maeda, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa. “Effect of precursor composition on textured crystal growth of Bi2212 bulks in high magnetic field: investigation on Pb substitution and Ag doping”, Physica C 337 (2000) 160-164

34. W. P. Chen, H. Maeda, P.X. Zhang, S. Awaji, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa. “Effect of Ag-doping on Texture Development of Bi2212 Bulks in High Magnetic Field”, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 117 (1999) 771-775

35. W. P. Chen, H. Maeda, K. Kakimoto, P.X. Zhang, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa, H. Kumakura, K. Itoh. “Textured crystal growth of Bi(Pb)2212 bulk ceramics in high magnetic field”, Journal of Crystal Growth 204 (1999) 69-77

36. W. P. Chen, H. Maeda, K. Kakimoto, P.X. Zhang, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa. “Processing of Ag-doped Bi2212 bulks in high magnetic fields: a strong correlation between degree of texture and field strength”, Physica C 320 (1999) 96-100

37. W. P. Chen, H. Maeda, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa, H. Kitaguchi, H. Kumakura. “Microstructures and properties of Bi2212/Ag tapes grown in high magnetic fields”, Physica C 324 (1999) 172-176

38. L. T. Li, W. P. Chen, Z. L. Gui, “A New Mechanism for The Influence of Electroplating and Electroless Plating on Ferroelectric Components”, Ferroelectrics 231 (1999) 793-798

39. Y. Wang, L.T. Li, Y.C. Chan, W. P. Chen and Z.L. Gui. “Influence of dopants on room temperature insulation resistivity of lead magnesium niobate based ceramics”,

J. Mater. Sci. Lett.17 (1998)1025-1027

40. J. Q. Qi, W. P. Chen, Y. J. Wu and L. T. Li. “Improvement of the PTCR Effect in Ba1-xSrxTiO3 Semiconducting Ceramics by Doping of Bi2O3 Vapor during Sintering”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.81(1998) 437-438.

41. W. P. Chen, L. T. Li, J. Q. and Z. L. Gui. “Effects of electrochemical hydrogen charging on Ba1-xPbxTiO3-based semiconducting ceramics”, J. Mater. Sci. Lett.17 (1998) 899-900

42. W. P. Chen, L. T. Li, J. Q. Qi, Y. Wang and Z. L. Gui. “Influence of Electroless Nickel Plating on Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors and the Implications for Reliability in Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.81 (1998) 2751-2752.

43. W. P. Chen, L. T. Li, Y. Wang and Z. L. Gui. “Effects of electrochemical hydrogen charging on lead-based relaxor ferroelectric multilayer ceramic capacitors”,

J. Mater. Res.13 (1998) 1110-1112.

44. W. P. Chen, L. T. Li and Z. L. Gui, “Effects of electroless nickel plating on resistivity-temperature characteristics of (Ba1-xPbx)TiO3 thermistor”, J. Mater. Res.12 (1997) 877-879.

45. J. Q. Qi, W. P. Chen, Z. T. Zhang and Z. L. Tang, “Acceptor compensention in (Sb,Y)-doped semiconducting Ba1-xSrxTiO3”, J. Mater. Sci.32 (1997) 713-717.

46. B. R. Li, X. Gao and W. P. Chen, “WELDABILITY OF BI-BASED SUPERCONDUCTORS AND FLAME WELDING METHOD”, Journal of the Less-Common Metals164 & 165 (1990) 660-662.

Curriculum Vitae

Name in full: Wan Ping Chen Sex: Male

Date of Birth: Feb. 14, 1966 Place of Birth: Hubei Province, P. R. China

Address: Dept. of Physics, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, P. R. China.

Education Background

Ph. D. (March 1995 - June 1998)

Department of Material Science & Engineering, Tsinghua University

Major in: Materials Science

Supervised by: Prof. Longtu Li

Dissertation: Study on the Failure Mechanism of Ferroelectric Ceramics-Based Chip Components in Electroplating

M. S. (Sept. 1989 - July 1992)

Department of Solid State Electronics,

Huazhong University of Science & Technology

Major in: Electronic Ceramics

Supervised by: Prof. Biaorong Li

Dissertation: Joining of Bi-based Superconductors by Flame Welding Method

B. S. (Sept. 1984 – July 1989)

Dept. of Materials Sci. & Engi., Tsinghua University.

Major in: Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials

Professional Career

November 2004-Present

Professor at Dept. of Physics, Wuhan University, P. R. China

May 2001- November 2004

Postdoctoral researcher at Dept. of Applied Physics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Responsible for: Reliability study on electroceramic devices.

June 1998-May 2001

Researcher at Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan

Responsible for: Crystal growth of Bi-based superconductors in high magnetic fields; characterizing and analyzing Bi-based superconductors grown with and without magnetic fields.

July 1992-March 1995

Engineer at The Fifth Institute of Electronics Ministry, Guangzhou, China

Responsible for: Reliability study on ceramic components, including capacitors, varistors and thermistors.

Main Publications

47. W. P. Chen, J. Q. Qi, Y. Wang, H. L. W. Chan, Z. W. Ma, X. H. Wang, and L. T. Li, “Hydrogen-induced degradation in NiCuZn ferrite-based multilayer chip inductors,” Mater. Lett., in press.

48. W. P. Chen, J. Y. Dai, Y. Wang, and H.L.W. Chan, “Hydrogen-Induced Degradation in Strontium Titanate Single Crystals,” Appl. Phys. A, in press.

49. Y. Wang, W. P. Chen, K. C. Cheng, H.L.W. Chan, and C. L. Choy, "Effect of Ac-powered Water Electrolysis on the Structure and Optical Properties of Indium Tin Oxide Thin Films," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., accepted.

50. J. Q. Qi, Y. Wang, W. P. Chen, L. T. Li, and H. L. W. Chan, “Direct Large-Scale Synthesis of Perovskite Barium Strontium Titanate Nano-Particles from Solutions,” Journal of Solid-State Chemistry 178 (2005) 279-284.

51. J. Q. Qi, T. Zhang, M. Lu, Y. Wang, W. P. Chen, L. T. Li, and H. L. W. Chan, “Conversion of Conventional NiO Powder to Nanostructures Through a Simple Chemical Method,” Chemistry Letters 34 (2005) 180-181.

52. J. Q. Qi, W. P. Chen, Y. Wang, H.L.W. Chan and L. T. Li, “Dielectric Properties of Barium Titanate Ceramics Doped by B2O3 Vapor,” J. Appl. Phys. 96 (2004) 6937-39.

53. C. P. Chong, W. P. Chen, H. L. W. Chan, and P. C. K. Liu, “Nonlinear behavior of piezoceramics and piezocomposites under various ac fields”, Sensors and Actuators A 116 (2004) 320-328.

54. J. Q. Qi, W. P. Chen, H. Y. Wang, Y. Wang, L. T. Li and H.L.W. Chan, “Low Temperature Sintering Behavior of B2O3 Vapor in BaTiO3-Based PTCR Thermistors,” Sensors and Actuators A 116 (2004) 215-218.

55. W. P. Chen, J. Wang, D. Y. Wang, J. Q. Qi, Y. Wang, and H.L.W. Chan, “Hydrogen-Induced Resistance Degradation in NiCuZn Ferrites,” Physica B 353 (2004) 41-45.

56. W. P. Chen, H.L.W. Chan, and B. R. Li, “Hydrogen-Induced Degradation in SrTiO3-Based Ceramic Varistors,” J. Mater. Sci.39 (2004) 5543-45.

57. W. P. Chen, J. Q. Qi, Y. Wang, X. P. Jiang and H.L.W. Chan, “Water-Induced Degradation in 0.91Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.09PbTiO3 Single Crystals,” J. Appl. Phys.95 (2004) 5920-21.

58. W. P. Chen, Y. Wang, J.Y. Dai, S.G. Lu, X.X. Wang, P.F. Lee, H.L.W. Chan and C.L. Choy, “Spontaneous recovery of hydrogen-degraded TiO2 ceramic capacitors,” Appl. Phys. Lett 84 (2004) 103-105.

59. W. P. Chen, and H.L.W. Chan, “Degradation of ZnO Ceramic Varistors Induced by Water and AC Voltages,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol.43, Part 1 (2004) 701-702.

60. W. P. Chen, Y. Wang, X.X. Wang, J. Wang, and H.L.W. Chan, “Water-induced dc and ac degradations in TiO2-based ceramic capacitors,” Mater. Chem. & Phys.82 (2003) 520-524.

61. W. P. Chen, X. X. Wang, J. Wang, Y. Wang, and H.L.W. Chan, “Hydrogen-Induced Degradation in Mn-Co-Ni-O Negative-Temperature-Coefficient Thermistors,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys Vol.42, Part 1 (2003) 6621-6622.

62. W. P. Chen, X.P. Jiang, Y. Wang, Z. Peng, and H.L.W. Chan, "Water-Induced Degradation of Barium Titanate Ceramics Studied by Electrochemical Hydrogen Charging," J. Am. Ceram. Soc.86 (2003) 735-37.

63. W. P. Chen, Y. Wang, Z. Peng and H.L.W. Chan, “Degradation Mechanism of ZnO Ceramic Varistors Studied by Electrochemical Hydrogen Charging,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol.42, Part 2 (2003) L48 - L50.

64. W. P. Chen, C.P. Chong, H.L.W. Chan, and P.C.K. Liu, “Degradation in lead zirconate titanate piezoelectric ceramics by high power resonant driving,” Materials Sci. & Engrg. B 99, (2003) 203-206.

65. W. P. Chen, S.G. Lu, H.L.W. Chan, “Influence of electroless nickel plating on I-V characteristics and its implications for the reliability in ZnO-based ceramic varistors,” Materials Sci. & Engrg. B 99, (2003) 70-73.

66. J. Q. Qi, Y. Wang, W. P. Chen, L. T. Li, and H.L.W. Chan, “Effect of B2O3 Vapor Doping on the lattice Parameter and Electrical Properties in BaTiO3 Ceramics,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys Vol.42, Part 2 (2003) L1516-L1518.

67. Y. Wang, W. P. Chen, K. C. Cheng, H.L.W. Chan, and C.L. Choy, “Optical Degradation of Indium Tin Oxide Thin Films Induced by Hydrogen-Related Room Temperature Reduction,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol.42, Part 2 (2003) L546-L548.

68. X.X. Wang, W. P. Chen, H.L.W. Chan and C.L. Choy, “H2O-induced degradation in TiO2-based ceramic capacitors” Mater. Lett.57 (2003) 4351-4355.

69. J.Y. Dai, W. P. Chen, G.K.H. Pang, P.F. Lee, H.K. Lam, W.B. Wu, H.L.W. Chan and C.L. Choy, “Ambient-temperature incorporated hydrogen in Nb:SrTiO3 single crystals,” Appl. Phys. Lett 82 (2003) 3296-3298.

70. S. Awaji, Y. Ma, W. P. Chen, H. Maeda, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa, “Magnetic field effects on synthesis process of high-Tc superconductors,” CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS, 3 (5): 391-395 OCT 2003.

71. H. Maeda, P.V.P.S.S. Sastry, U.P. Trociewitz, J. Schwartz, K. Ohya, M. Sato, W. P. Chen, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa, “Effect of magnetic field strength in melt-processing on texture development and critical current density of Bi-oxide superconductors”, Physica C 386 (2003) 115-121.

72. W. P. Chen, H.L.W. Chan, F.C.H. Yiu, K.M.W. Ng, and P.C.K. Liu, “Water-induced degradation in lead zirconate titanate piezoelectric ceramics”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80 (2002) 3587-3589.

73. W. P. Chen, H.L.W. Chan, “Water-induced degradation in ZnO-based ceramic varistors”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 85 (2002) 1625-27.

74. H. Maeda, K. Ohya, M. Sato, W. P. Chen, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa, A. Matsumoto, H. Kumakura and J. Schwartz, “Microstructure and critical current density of Bi2212 tapes grown by magnetic melt-processing”, Physica C 382 (2002) 33-37.

75. H. Maeda, T. Inaba, M. Sato, P. X. Zhang and W. P. Chen, “Critical current density and a.c. losses of Ag-sheathed Bi2223 tapes with Sr¯V¯O barriers”, Physica C 357-360 (2001) 1230-1233

76. H. Maeda, W. P. Chen, T. Inaba, M. Sato, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa. “Texture development in Bi-based superconductors grown in high magnetic fields and its effect on transformation of Bi(Pb)2212 to Bi(Pb)2223”, Physica C 354 (2001) 338-341.

77. W. P. Chen, H. Maeda, K. Watanabe and M. Motokawa. “Melting behavior of Ag-doped Bi¯Pb¯Sr¯Ca¯Cu¯O system studied by containerless melting¯solidification in high magnetic field”, Physica C 357-360 (2001) 726-729

78. W. P. Chen, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa, H. Maeda, “Oriented Crystal Growth in Bi(Pb)2223 Bulks Prepared with a Magnetic Melt Processing”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 11 (2001) 2842-2845

79. W. P. Chen, H. Maeda, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa. “Effect of precursor composition on textured crystal growth of Bi2212 bulks in high magnetic field: investigation on Pb substitution and Ag doping”, Physica C 337 (2000) 160-164

80. W. P. Chen, H. Maeda, P.X. Zhang, S. Awaji, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa. “Effect of Ag-doping on Texture Development of Bi2212 Bulks in High Magnetic Field”, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 117 (1999) 771-775

81. W. P. Chen, H. Maeda, K. Kakimoto, P.X. Zhang, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa, H. Kumakura, K. Itoh. “Textured crystal growth of Bi(Pb)2212 bulk ceramics in high magnetic field”, Journal of Crystal Growth 204 (1999) 69-77

82. W. P. Chen, H. Maeda, K. Kakimoto, P.X. Zhang, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa. “Processing of Ag-doped Bi2212 bulks in high magnetic fields: a strong correlation between degree of texture and field strength”, Physica C 320 (1999) 96-100

83. W. P. Chen, H. Maeda, K. Watanabe, M. Motokawa, H. Kitaguchi, H. Kumakura. “Microstructures and properties of Bi2212/Ag tapes grown in high magnetic fields”, Physica C 324 (1999) 172-176

84. L. T. Li, W. P. Chen, Z. L. Gui, “A New Mechanism for The Influence of Electroplating and Electroless Plating on Ferroelectric Components”, Ferroelectrics 231 (1999) 793-798

85. Y. Wang, L.T. Li, Y.C. Chan, W. P. Chen and Z.L. Gui. “Influence of dopants on room temperature insulation resistivity of lead magnesium niobate based ceramics”,

J. Mater. Sci. Lett.17 (1998)1025-1027

86. J. Q. Qi, W. P. Chen, Y. J. Wu and L. T. Li. “Improvement of the PTCR Effect in Ba1-xSrxTiO3 Semiconducting Ceramics by Doping of Bi2O3 Vapor during Sintering”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.81(1998) 437-438.

87. W. P. Chen, L. T. Li, J. Q. and Z. L. Gui. “Effects of electrochemical hydrogen charging on Ba1-xPbxTiO3-based semiconducting ceramics”, J. Mater. Sci. Lett.17 (1998) 899-900

88. W. P. Chen, L. T. Li, J. Q. Qi, Y. Wang and Z. L. Gui. “Influence of Electroless Nickel Plating on Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors and the Implications for Reliability in Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.81 (1998) 2751-2752.

89. W. P. Chen, L. T. Li, Y. Wang and Z. L. Gui. “Effects of electrochemical hydrogen charging on lead-based relaxor ferroelectric multilayer ceramic capacitors”,

J. Mater. Res.13 (1998) 1110-1112.

90. W. P. Chen, L. T. Li and Z. L. Gui, “Effects of electroless nickel plating on resistivity-temperature characteristics of (Ba1-xPbx)TiO3 thermistor”, J. Mater. Res.12 (1997) 877-879.

91. J. Q. Qi, W. P. Chen, Z. T. Zhang and Z. L. Tang, “Acceptor compensention in (Sb,Y)-doped semiconducting Ba1-xSrxTiO3”, J. Mater. Sci.32 (1997) 713-717.

92. B. R. Li, X. Gao and W. P. Chen, “WELDABILITY OF BI-BASED SUPERCONDUCTORS AND FLAME WELDING METHOD”, Journal of the Less-Common Metals164 & 165 (1990) 660-662.



