
曾主持並參與省教育廳科研項目、省部級重點科研項目、國家自然基金項目的研究工作。據有關資料顯示 :已在國內外一級學報和核心學術期刊上共發表研究論文35篇,其中第一作者23篇,SCI收錄11篇,EI收錄5篇。主要研究方向為:有機化學反應中新型催化劑的合成及催化性能研究;精細化工產品的生產工藝研究;設計合成新型功能化合物,對其進行結構表征、晶體結構分析及性能研究;生物大分子結構與物理化學性質研究。
Hongyan Chen, et al.. Crystal structure, thermal decomposition mechanism and explosive properties of [Na(H2TNPG)(H2O)2]n, Journal of Hazardous Materials,2006, 129(1-3): 31-36.(SCI、EI收錄)
Hongyan Chen, et al.. Crystal structure and thermal property of a binuclear manganese(II) sulfate complex with carbohydrazide, Structure Chemistry, 2005, 16(6): 657-663.(SCI收錄)
Hongyan Chen, et al.. Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure and thermal decomposition character of semicarbazidium 3,5-dihydroxy-2,4,6-trinitrophenolate hemihydrate, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2005, 23(8): 963-969.(SCI收錄)
Hongyan Chen, et al.. Preparation and molecular structure of (SCZ)(TNPG)·2H2O, Chinese Journal of Structure Chemistry, 2005, 24(8): 973-979.(SCI收錄)
Hongyan Chen, et al.. Crystal structure, thermal decomposition and properties of cesium 3,5-dihydroxy-2,4,6- trinitrophenolate, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2006, 31(4): 285-289.(SCI、EI收錄)
Hongyan Chen, et al.. Synthesis and structure analysis of diammonium 3,5-dinitro-1,2,4-cyclopentanetrione, Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 2006, 36(3): 181-187.(SCI收錄)
Hongyan Chen, et al.. Crystal structure and thermal behavior of rubidium 3,5-dihydroxy-2,4,6-trinitrophenolate, 無機化學學報,2006, 22(10): 1852-1856.(SCI收錄)
Hongyan Chen, et al.. Synthesis, characterization and properties of tri-substitute potassium salt of trinitrophloroglucinol, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2007, (1): 1-7.(SCI收錄)
Hongyan Chen, et al.. Synthesis and molecular structures of complex [K(DNPGS)(H2O)]n, Structure Chemistry, 2006, 17: 445-450.(SCI收錄)