姓 名: 陳瑩瑩
性 別: 男
職 稱: 副研究員
專家類別: 副研究員
通訊地址: 北京市朝陽區林萃路16號院3號樓
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Chen Y. Y., K. Yang, D. G. Zhou, J. Qin, X. F. Guo (2010), Improving the Noah Land Surface Model in Arid Regions with an Appropriate Parameterization of the Thermal Roughness Length, J. Hydrometeor.
Yang K., Y. Y. Chen, and J. Qin, (2009), Some practical notes on the land surface modeling in the Tibetan Plateau, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sc.
Guo X. F., K. Yang, Y. Y. Chen, (2011), Weakening sensible heat source over the Tibetan Plateau revisited: effects of the land–atmosphere thermal coupling. Theor. Appl. Climatol., DOI
Guo X. F., K. Yang, L. Zhao, W. Yang, S. H. Li, M. L. Zhu, T. D. Yao, Y. Y. Chen (2011), Critical Evaluations of Scalar Roughness Length Parameterizations over a Melting Valley Glacier. Boundary-Layer Meteorol., .陳瑩瑩,施建成,杜今陽,蔣玲梅,2009:基於GLDAS 的中國區地表能量平衡數值試驗研究,水科學進展,