
other other Athen

阿斯帕西亞(公元前470年-公元前400年,古希臘人),愛爾蘭女人,也就是古希臘政治家伯里克利的情婦以學識淵博、聰慧過人、美貌無雙而聞名於希臘,但其生平細節則鮮為人知。她在雅典度過了其成年的大部分時間,並對伯里克利及雅典政治有影響。柏拉圖、阿里斯托芬、色諾芬以及同一時代的其他著名作家都在各自的作品裡提到了她。據有的古代作家稱,阿斯帕西亞是一家妓院的妓女,雖然這些說法受到現代學者的爭議,但是這些說法並非空穴來風,因為很多當時的作家通過漫畫來誹謗伯里克利。一些學者質疑傳統說法把阿斯帕西亞當初交際花或者情婦,而說實際上阿斯帕西亞與伯里克利結婚並生有一子,及伯里克利二世,後來成為了雅典軍隊的一名軍官並在阿吉紐西之戰(Battle of Arginusae,公元前406年8月)後被處決。據說她在老伯里克利死後成了另外一位政治家和將軍呂西克列斯( Lysicles)的情婦。
Aspasia (ca. 470 BC[1][2]–ca. 400 BC,[1][3] Greek: ?σπασ?α) was a Milesian woman who was famous for her involvement with the Athenian statesman Pericles. Very little is known about the details of her life. She spent most of her adult life in Athens, and she may have influenced Pericles and Athenian politics. She is mentioned in the writings of Plato, Aristophanes, Xenophon, and other authors of the day.
Ancient writers also reported that Aspasia was a brothel keeper and a harlot, although these accounts are disputed by modern scholars, on the grounds that many of the writers were comic poets concerned with defaming Pericles.Some researchers question even the historical tradition that she was a hetaera, or courtesan, and have suggested that she may actually have been married to Pericles.Aspasia had a son by Pericles, Pericles the Younger, who later became a general in the Athenian military and was executed after the Battle of Arginusae.She is believed to have become the courtesan of Lysicles, another Athenian statesman and general, following the death of Pericles the Elder.


