



鍾磊是近幾十年來首次在國際最頂級的哲學期刊 (例如Journal of Philosophy、Philosophy and Phenomenological Research)發文的中國學者。 他的一些論文已被人翻譯為中文重新出版。 他關於心靈因果性的研究在國際哲學界引發諸多回應,相關討論出現在Analysis、Canadian Journal of Philosophy、Erkenntnis、Noûs、Pacific Philosophical Quarterly、Philosophical Studies、Synthese等知名哲學刊物。 他的文章“Sophisticated Exclusion and Sophisticated Causation”被列為英文哲學資料庫PhilPapers中關於“The Exclusion Problem”的核心著述。


1. Zhong, Lei (2017) “Semantic Normativity and Semantic Causality,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 94: 626-645.

2. Zhong, Lei (2016) “Physicalism, Psychism, and Phenomenalism,” Journal of Philosophy 113: 572-590.

3. Zhong, Lei (2016) “Exclusion in Morality,” Grazer Philosophische Studien 93: 275-290.

4. Zhong, Lei (2016) “A Confucian Virtue Theory of Supererogation,” Philosophy East and West 66: 328-341.

5. Zhong, Lei (2015) “Why the Counterfactualist Should Still Worry About Downward Causation,” Erkenntnis 80: 159-171.

6. Zhong, Lei (2014) “Sophisticated Exclusion and Sophisticated Causation,” Journal of Philosophy 111: 341-360.

7. Zhong, Lei (2013) “Internalism, Emotionism, and the Psychopathy Challenge,” Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology 20: 329-337.

8. Tang, Yingying and Zhong, Lei (2013) “Toward a Demystification of Egalitarianism,” Philosophical Forum 44: 149-163.

9. Zhong, Lei (2012) “An Explanatory Challenge to Moral Reductionism,” Theoria 78: 309-325.

10. Zhong, Lei (2012) “Counterfactuals, Regularity and the Autonomy Approach,” Analysis 72: 75-85.

11. Zhong, Lei (2011) “Can Counterfactuals Solve the Exclusion Problem?” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 83: 129-147.

12. Zhong, Lei (2011) “A Unificationist Vindication of Moral Explanation,” Philosophical Forum 42: 131-146.


