別惹螞蟻 The Ant Bully (2006)

特工小子3 Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003)
白頭神探 Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!, The (1988)
星際旅行2:可汗之怒 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
出人頭地 Joe Panther (1976)
列車大盜 The Train Robbers (1973)
重振雄風 Fireball Forward (1972)
Centinelas del silencio (1971)
Sweet Charity (1969)
逃亡追逐戰 Longest Hundred Miles, The (1967)
秋霜花落淚 Madame X (1966)
Singing Nun, The (1966)
安邦定國志 Cheyenne Autumn (1964)
拉丁情人 Latin Lovers (1953)
蠻山血戰 Across the Wide Missouri (1951)
鐵臂金剛 Right Cross (1950)
彩鸞綺夢 Two Weeks: With Love (1950)
神探警車 Mystery Street (1950)
戰場 Battleground (1949)
洛水神仙 Neptune's Daughter (1949)
紅袖傾城 Fiesta (1947)