


鄧峰[重慶工商大學教授、碩士生導師] 鄧峰[重慶工商大學教授、碩士生導師]

1984-1989年 北京大學經濟地理專業,獲理學士學位;

1989-1992年 北京大學經濟地理與城鄉規劃,獲理學碩士學位;

1992-1993年 深圳市南山區國土局,助理工程師;

1996-1998年 美國南加州大學經濟系,獲經濟學碩士學位;

1995-2000年 美國南加州大學城市與區域規劃學院,獲城市規劃博士學位;

2001-2003年 美國紐約州立大學Albany分校地理與規劃系,訪問助理教授;

2004年 美國Property & Portfolio Research,計量經濟分析師;

2005年 新加坡國立大學不動產系,助理教授;

2005-2006年 美國麻省州立大學Amherst分校景觀建築與區域規劃系,助理教授

2006-2008年 重慶大學經濟與工商管理學院,短聘教授;

2009年 英國Cardiff大學城市與區域規劃學院,講師;


Urban Studies、Environment & Planning A、Housing Studies等期刊的審稿人。











Deng, Feng. (2010). “Post-disaster Reconfiguration of Property Rights in Transitional Economy,” Post Communist Economies 22(2): 193-206

Deng, Feng. (2009). “Housing of Limited Property Rights: a Paradox Inside and Outside Chinese Cities,” Housing Studies 24(6): 825-841

Deng, Feng. (2009). “Comparative Urban institutions and Intertemporal Externality: a Revisit of the Coase Conjecture,” Journal of Institutional Economics 5(2): 225-250

Deng, Feng. (2008). “From Property Rights to Urban Institutions: an Economic Analysis of China’s Emerging Urban Institutions,” Post Communist Economies 20(3): 347-361

Deng, F. Frederic, Peter Gordon and Harry Richardon. (2007) “Private Communities, Market Institutions, and Urban Planning,” in Niraj Verma ed., Current Research in Urban & Regional Studies: Planning and Institutions (Elsevier)

Huang, Youqin and F. Frederic Deng. (2006). “Residential Mobility in Chinese Cities: A Longitudinal Analysis,” Housing Studies 21(5): 625-52

Deng, F. Frederic. (2005). “Public Land Leasing and the Changing Roles of Local Government in Urban China,” Annals of Regional Science 39(2): 353-73

Deng, F. Frederic. (2005). “Y. M. Yeung and Shen Jianfa: Developing China’s West: A Critical Path to Balanced National Development”, Journal of Regional Science 45(3): 617-651

Deng, F. Frederic and Youqin Huang. (2004). “Uneven Land Reform and Urban Sprawl in China,” Progress in Planning 61 (3): 211-236

Deng, F. Frederic. (2003). “China’s Urban Land Reform, Urban Productivity, and Local Government Behavior,” Eurasian Geography and Economics 44 (3): 210-227

Deng, F. Frederic. (2003). “Collective Goods and the Political Hold-Up Problem,” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 159 (2): 414-434

Deng, F. Frederic. (2003). “Development Zones and Urban Land Reform in China,” Asian Geographers 22 (1): 5-26

Deng, F. Frederic. (2003). “The Rebound of Private Zoning: Property Rights and Local Governance in Urban Land Use,” Environment and Planning A 35 (1): 133-149

Deng, F. Frederic. (2003). “The Political Economy of Public Land Leasing in Beijing, China,” in S. C. Bourassa and Y.-H. Hong eds., Leasing Public Land: Policy Debates and International Experiences. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Deng, F. Frederic. (2002). “Ground Lease Based Land Use System versus Common Interest Development.” Land Economics. 78 (2): 190-206


