

鄒長亮,男,南開大學數學科學學院副教授,天津市現場統計研究會秘書長; Technometrics, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (JSCS)編委。研究方向為統計過程控制;變點理論。





《美國數學評論》評論員; 20餘個國際刊物的評審人, 包括Journal of the American Statistical Association; Technometrics; Journal of Quality Technology; Statistica Sinica; Naval Research Logistics; IIE Transactions 等 發表文章及著作:


Zou, C., “Nonparametric Profile Monitoring” in “Statistical Analysis of Profile Monitoring” Ed. Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., Amiri, A., 269-301, 2011, Wiley, New York.


To appear:

Amiri, A., Zou, C. and Doroudyan, M. H.,“Monitoring Correlated Profile and Multivariate Quality Characteristics”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International

Li, J., Tsung, F., and Zou, C., “Multivariate Categorical Charting Techniques via Log-Linear Models” IIE Transactions

Li, J., Tsung, F., and Zou, C., “Phase I Analysis of Multivariate Categorical Data by Change-Point Detection” Naval Research Logistic

Li, Z., Zou, C., Wang, Z., and Huwang, L. “A Multivariate Sign Chart for Monitoring Process Shape Parameters” Journal of Quality Technology

Liu, Y., Zou, C., and Wang, Z. “Calibration of the Empirical Likelihood for High-Dimensional Data” Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics

Shang, Y., Tsung, F., and Zou, C. “SPC for Multistage Process with Binary Output” IIE Transactions

Zi, X., Zou, C., Zhou Q and Wang, J. “A Directional Multivariate Sign EWMA Control Chart” Quality Technology & Quantitative Management

Zou, C., Tseng, S-T., and Wang, Z. “Outlier Detection in General Profiles Using Penalized Regression Method” IIE Transactions


Amiri, A., Eyvazian, M., Zou, C. and Noorossana, R. “A Parameters Reduction Method for Monitoring Multiple Linear Regression Profiles”, IJAMT, 58, 621-629.

Feng, L, Zou, C., and Wang, Z. “Rank-based inference for the single-index model”, Statistics and Probability Letters, 82, 535-541.

Feng, L, Zou, C., and Wang, Z. “Local Walsh-Average Regression”, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 106, 36-48.

Li, J., Tsung, F., and Zou, C., “Directional Control Schemes for Multivariate Categorical Processes” Journal of Quality Technology, 44, 136-154.

Shang, S., Zou, C., and Wang, Z. “Local Linear Walsh-Average Regression for Semiparametric Varying-Coefficient Partially Linear Models” Statistics and Probability Letters, 82, 1815-1822.

Yu, G., Zou, C., and Wang, Z. “Outlier Detection in the Functional Observations with Applications to Profile Monitoring” Technometrics, 54,308-318

Zi, X., Zou, C. and Liu, Y. “Two-sample Empriical Likelihood Method for Linear Regression Models”, Statistical Papers, 53, 83-93.

Zi, X., Zou, C. and Tsung, F. “A Distribution-Free, Robust Method for Monitoring Linear Profiles Using Rank-Based Regression,” IIE Transactions,44,949-963

Note: This paper was featured by the article published in the Industrial Engineer magazine, 44(10), 2012, 48--49.

Zhou, Q., Zou, C., Wang, Z., and Jiang, W. “Likelihood-Based EWMA Charts for Monitoring Poisson Count Data with Time-Varying Sample Sizes”, JASA, 107, 1049-1062.

Zou, C., and Chen, X. “A Note on the Consistency of CISE with BIC” Journal of Multivariate Analysis,112, 248-255

Zou, C., Wang, Z., and Tsung, F. “A spatial rank-based multivariate EWMA control chart”, Naval Research Logistic, 59, 91-110.

Zou, C., Ning, X., and Tsung, F., “LASSO-Based Multivariate Linear Profile Monitoring,” Annals of Operation Research, 192, 3-19.


王兆軍, 龔震, 鄒長亮, “ARL計算方法綜述,” 數理統計與管理,30, 467-497.

Du, L, Zou, C. and Wang, Z. “Nonparametric Regression Function Estimation for Errors-in-Variables Models with Validation Data,” Statistica Sinica, 21, 1093-1113.

Shang, Y., Tsung, F., and Zou, C. “Phase-II Profile Monitoring with Binary Data and Random Predictors” Journal of Quality Technology, 43, 196-208.

Zhang, J., Zou, C., and Wang, Z. “A new chart for detecting the process mean and variability”, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 40, 728-743.

Zhang, J., Zou, C., and Wang, Z. “An Adaptive Shiryaev-Robert Procedure for Monitoring Dispersion, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 61, 1166-1172.

Zou, C., Jiang, W., and Tsung, F. “A LASSO-Based SPC Diagnostic Framework for Multivariate Statistical Process Control,” Technometrics, 53, 297-309.

Zou, C., and Tsung, F. “A Multivariate Sign EWMA Control Chart,” Technometrics, 53, 84-97.


Chen, X., Zou, C., and Cook, R. D. “Coordinate-Independent Sparse Sufficient Dimension Reduction and Variable Filtering,” Annals of Statistics, 38, 3696–3723.

Qiu, P., and Zou, C. “Control Chart for Monitoring Nonparametric Profiles with Arbitrary Design,” Statistica Sinica, 20, 1655-1682.

Qiu, P., Zou, C., and Wang, Z. “Nonparametric Profile Monitoring By Mixed Modeling, (with discussions)”, Technometrics, 52, 265-277 (Rejoinder, 52, 288–293).

Zhang, J., Zou, C., and Wang, Z. “A Control Chart Based on Likelihood Ratio for Monitoring Process Mean and Variability,” Quality & Reliability Engineering International. 26, 63-73.

Zou, C., Liu, Y., Wang, Z., and Zhang, R. “Adaptive Nonparametric Comparison of Regression Curves,” Communications in Statistics: Theory and Method. 39, 1299-1320.

Zou, C., and Tsung, F. “Likelihood Ratio Based Distribution-Free EWMA Schemes,” Journal of Quality Technology, 42, 174-196.


Shi, L., Zou, C., Wang, Z., and Kapur, K. C. “A New Variable Sampling Scheme at Fixed Times for Monitoring the Process Dispersion,” Quality & Reliability Engineering International. 25, 961-972.

Zhou, C., Zou, C., Zhang, Y. and Wang, Z. “Nonparametric Control Chart Based on Change-Point Model,” Statistical Papers, 50, 13-28.

Zou, C., Liu, Y. and Wang, Z. “Comparisons of Control Schemes for Monitoring The Mean of Processes Subject to Drifts,” Metrika, 70, 141-163.

Zou, C., and Qiu, P. “Multivariate Statistical Process Control Using LASSO,” JASA, 104, 1586-1596.

Zou, C., Qiu, P., and Hawkins, D. M. “Nonparametric Control Chart for Monitoring Profile Using the Change Point Formulation,” Statistica Sinica, 19, 1337-1357.


Liu, Y., Zou, C. and Zhang, R. “Empirical Likelihood for the Two-Sample Mean Problem,” Statistics and Probability Letters, 78, 548-556.

Liu, Y., Zou, C. and Zhang, R. “Empirical Likelihood Ratio Test for a Change-Point in Linear Regression Model,” Communications in Statistics: Theory and Method, 37, 2551-2563.

Zhou, C., Zou, C. and Wang, Z. “A Control Chart Based on Wavelets for Preliminary Analysis of Individual Observations,” 套用機率統計, 24, 274-288.

Zou, C. and Tsung, F. “Directional MEWMA Schemes for Multistage Process Monitoring and Diagnosis,” Journal of Quality Technology, 40, 407-427.

Zou, C., Tsung, F. and Liu, Y. “A Change Point Approach for Phase I Analysis in Multistage Processes,” Technometrics, 50, 344-356.

Zou, C. and Tsung, F. and Wang, Z. “Monitoring Profiles Based on Nonparametric Regression Method,” Technometrics, 50, 512-526.

Zou, C., Wang, Z. and Tsung, F. “Monitoring an Autocorrelated Processes Using Variable Sampling Schemes at Fixed-Times,” Quality & Reliability Engineering International, 28, 55-69.


Dai, Y., Wang, Z., and Zou, C. “Cusum Control Charts Based on Likelihood Ratio for Preliminary Analysis,” Science in China: Series A, 50, 47-62.

Zou, C., Liu, Y., Qin, P., and Wang, Z. “Empirical Likelihood Ratio Test for a Change-Point,” Statistics and Probability Letters, 77, 374-382.

Zou, C., Tsung, F., and Wang, Z. “Monitoring General Linear Profiles Using Multivariate EWMA Schemes,” Technometrics, 49, 395-408.

Zou, C., Zhou, C., Wang, Z., and Tsung, F. “Self-Starting Control Charts for Linear Profiles.” Journal of Quality Technology, 39, 364-375.


Zou, C., Zhang, Y., and Wang, Z. “Control Chart Based on Change-Point Model for Monitoring Linear Profiles,” IIE Transactions, 38, 1093-1103.


