
2012.04至今 合肥工業大學,電氣與自動化工程學院,講師
2009.02—2012.04 東南大學,自動化學院,獲控制理論與控制工程專業工學博士學位(提前攻博)
2010.9—2011.9 美國德克薩斯大學聖安東尼奧分校, 電子與計算機工程系,聯合培養博士留學生(國家留學基金資助)
2004.09—2007.07 安徽省安慶市第一中學 高中數學教師
2000.09—2004.07 安徽師範大學,數學系,獲數學與套用數學專業學士學位
2010年獲得美國德克薩斯大學聖安東尼奧分校Valero國外訪問博士獎學金 (Valero Foreign Visiting Ph.D. Student Awards of The University of Texas at San Antonio, United States)
1.都海波,李世華,錢春江. Finite-time attitude tracking control of spacecraft with application to attitude synchronization, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 56(11): 2711-2717,2011 ( SCI ,EI 收錄)
2.錢春江,都海波. Global output feedback stabilization of a class of nonlinear systems via linear sampled-data control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Published Online, 2012 ( SCI,EI 源刊)
3.李世華,都海波,林相澤. Finite-time consensus algorithm for multi-agent systems with double-integrator dynamics, Automatica, 47(8):1706-1712, 2011 ( SCI,EI 收錄)
4.都海波,李世華,石碰. Robust consensus algorithm for second-order multi-agent systems with external disturbances, International Journal of Control, 錄用,2012 ( SCI,EI 源刊)
5.歐美英,都海波,李世華. Finite-time formation control of multiple nonholonomic mobile robots, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 錄用, 2012 ( SCI,EI 源刊)
6.歐美英,都海波,李世華. Robust consensus of second-order multi-agent systems with input and time-varying communication delays. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 錄用,2012 (EI 源刊 )
7.都海波,錢春江,李世華. Global stabilization of a class of uncertain upper-triangular systems under sampled-data control, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Published Online, 2012 ( SCI,EI 源刊)
8.都海波,李世華,林相澤. Finite-time formation control of multi-agent systems via dynamic output feedback,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Published Online, 2012 ( SCI,EI 源刊)
9.都海波,李世華,丁世宏. Bounded Consensus Algorithms for Multi-agent Systems in Directed Networks, Asian Journal of Control, Published Online, 2012 ( SCI,EI 源刊)
10.翟軍勇,錢春江,都海波. Semi-Global Output Feedback Stabilization of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems, Asian Journal of Control, Published Online, 2012 ( SCI,EI 源刊)
11.都海波,李世華. Finite-time cooperative attitude control of multiple spacecraft using terminal sliding mode control technique, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, Special Issue, Published Online 2012 (EI 源刊 )
12.都海波,李世華. Finite-time attitude stabilization for a spacecraft using homogeneous method, Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 35(3): 740-749, 2012 ( SCI,EI 收錄)
13.田維松,都海波,錢春江. A Semi-Global Finite-Time Convergent Observer for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Bounded Trajectories, Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Applications, 13(4):1827-1836, 2012 ( SCI 收錄)
14.楊世忠,錢春江,都海波. A Genuine Nonlinear Approach for Controller Design of a Boiler-Turbine System, ISA Transactions, 51(3): 446-453, 2012 ( SCI,EI 收錄)
15.都海波,李世華. 多智慧型體系統的非光滑二階一致性協定. 複雜系統與複雜性科學,, 9(1):64-71, 2012 (國核心心)
16.林相澤,都海波,李世華. Finite-time boundedness and L2-gain analysis for switched delay systems with norm-bounded disturbance, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217: 5982-5993, 2011 (SCI , EI 收錄 )
17.林相澤,都海波,李世華. 離散線性切換系統的一致有限時間穩定分析和反饋控制及其在網路控制系統中的套用. 控制與決策, 26(6):841-846, 2011 ( EI 收錄 )
18.歐美英,都海波,李世華. Robust consensus of multi-agent systems with input and communication delays. ICIC Express Letters,5(4):1267-1273, 2011 (EI 收錄 )
19.都海波,林相澤,李世華. Finite-time boundedness and stabilization of switched linear systems, Kybernetika, 46(5):870-889, 2010 (SCI 收錄 )
20.都海波,林相澤,李世華. 一類含有輸入時滯的不確定切換系統的魯棒指數鎮定,控制與決策,24(9):1316-1320, 2009 (EI收錄)