1. 多產品多功能中試工藝和裝置設計
2. 藜蘆醛工業生產工藝和裝置設計
3. 新型核苷類似物的設計、合成和抗腫瘤活性研究
4. 克力托辛(Clitocine)衍生的新型核苷類似物合成研究
5. 硼同位素生產工藝及裝置的開發和設計
6. 年產1500噸高純氯化氫生產技術
7. 新型三氟化硼絡合劑的套用研究
8. 介孔矽吸附材料的合成及其硼脫除性能研究
9. 含鄰苯二酚螯合基團的介孔矽吸附劑的合成及其硼脫除性能研究
1. Zhang, N.; Lyu, J.; Bai, P.; Guo, X., Boron isotopic separation with pyrocatechol-modified resin by chromatography technology: Experiment and numerical simulation. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 2018, 57, 244-253.
2. Zhang, J.; Ding, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yu, C.; Bai, P.; Guo, X., An efficient one-pot strategy for synthesizing hierarchical aluminosilicate zeolites using single structure directing agent. Chem. Eng. J. 2018, 335, 822-830.
3. Ding, H.; Zhang, Y.; Xiao, Z.; Zhang, J.; Bai, P.; Li, N.; Guo, X., Synthesis of Hierarchically Porous Zeolite Composites with Enhanced Catalytic Activity: Effect of Different Long-Chain Structure Directing Agents. Crystal Growth & Design 2018, 18 (3), 1730-1737.
1. Yang, Y.; Fan, K.; Bai, P.; Guo, X., Isobaric Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data for the Binary System of Water + 2-Methylpyridine at 101.3, 60.0, and 20.0 kPa. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2017, 62 (2), 684-690.
2. Lyu, J.; Zeng, Z.; Zhang, N.; Liu, H.; Bai, P.; Guo, X., Pyrocatechol-modified resins for boron recovery from water: Synthesis, adsorption and isotopic separation studies. React. Funct. Polymers 2017, 112, 1-8.
3. Liu, M.-M.; Mei, Q.; Zhang, Y.-X.; Bai, P.; Guo, X. *, Palladium-catalyzed amination of chloro-substituted 5-nitropyrimidines with amines. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2017, 28 (3), 583-587.
4. Zhou, F.; Zhang, J.; Bai, P.; Guo, X., Theoretical Calculation of Boron Isotopic Separation Factors in Ion-Exchange Chromatography. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2017, 62 (1), 525-531.
5. Lyu, J.; Liu, H.; Zeng, Z.; Zhang, J.; Xiao, Z.; Bai, P.; Guo, X., Metal-Organic Framework UiO-66 as an Efficient Adsorbent for Boron Removal from Aqueous Solution. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2017, 56 (9), 2565-2572.
6. Lyu, J.; Liu, H.; Zhang, J.; Zeng, Z.; Bai, P.; Guo, X., Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) as highly efficient agents for boron removal and boron isotope separation. RSC Adv. 2017, 7 (26), 16022-16026.
7. Ding, H.; Zhang, Y.; Ni, X.; Zhang, J.; Zeng, Z.; Bai, P.; Guo, X., Growth of two-dimensional silicalite-1 on graphene oxide with controllable electrical conductivity. RSC Adv. 2017, 7 (29), 17629-17632.
8. Ding, H.; Ni, X.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, J.; Zeng, Z.; Qi, M.; Bai, P.; Guo, X., Synthesis of b-oriented MFI nanosheets with high-aspect ratio by suppressing intergrowth with 2D GO nanosheets. CrystEngComm 2017, 19 (24), 3263-3270.
9. Lyu, J.; Zhang, N.; Liu, H.; Zeng, Z.; Zhang, J.; Bai, P.; Guo, X., Adsorptive removal of boron by zeolitic imidazolate framework: kinetics, isotherms, thermodynamics, mechanism and recycling. Sep. Purifi. Tech. 2017, 187, 67-75.
10. 楊穎,范開功,白鵬,郭翔海. 共沸精餾分離2-甲基吡啶和水, 化工進展, 2017,09,3243-3249.
11. 李娟,呂靈娟,白鵬,郭翔海. 雙儲罐替代恆全回流半連續精餾操作方式的研究, 化工進展, 2017,10,3619-3624
1. Huanhuan Zhang, Yuming Wang, Peng Bai, Xianghai Guo*, Xiuxiu Ni. Adsorptive Separation of Acetic Acid from Dilute Aqueous Solutions: Adsorption Kinetic, Isotherms, and Thermodynamic Studies. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2016, 61, 213−219.
2. Zhimin Guan, Jiafei Lv, Peng Bai, Xianghai Guo*. Boron removal from aqueous solutions by adsorption — A review, Desalination, 2016, 383, 29–37.
3. Zhang, H.; Xiao, Q.; Guo, X.; Li, N.; Kumar, P.; Rangnekar, N.; Jeon, M. Y.; Al-Thabaiti, S.; Narasimharao, K.; Basahel, S. N.; Topuz, B.; Onorato, F. J.; Macosko, C. W.; Mkhoyan, K. A.; Tsapatsis, M., Open-Pore Two-Dimensional MFI Zeolite Nanosheets for the Fabrication of Hydrocarbon-Isomer-Selective Membranes on Porous Polymer Supports. Angew. Chem., Inter. Ed., 2016, 55, 7184 –7187.
4. Lan, X.; Zhang, H.; Bai, P.; Guo, X. *, Metal organic frameworks for adsorptive removal of hydrochloride from dilute aqueous solution. Micro. Meso. Mater. 2016, 231, 40-46.
5. Zhang, H. H.; Lan, X. Y.; Bai, P.; Guo, X. H. *, Adsorptive removal of acetic acid from water with metal-organic frameworks. Chem. Engi. Res. Des. 2016, 111, 127-137.
6. Guo, X. *; Han, B., Dr. Jia-Xiang Shen: a pioneer of the Chinese pharmaceutical industry. Protein & cell 2016, 7 (8), 545-7.
7. Bai, P.; Fan, K.; Guo, X. *; Zhang, H., Non-equilibrium mass transfer absorption model for the design of boron isotopes chemical exchange column. Annals Nucl. Ener. 2016, 92, 16-20.
8. Zhao, J.; Wang, B.; Bai, P.; Guo, X.; Ding, H., Intermittent feeding batch distillation with liquid exchange between two columns for separation of binary mixtures. Chem. Eng. Process. 2016, 99, 41-50.
9. Wang, Z.; Li, S.; Wang, C.; Guo, X.; Bai, P., Dynamic-accumulative operation policy of continuous distillation for the purification of anisole. Polish J. Chem.Tech. 2016, 18 (1), 33-39.
專 利
1. 郭翔海, 沈家祥. 一種吲哚的合成方法, 專利號200610015498.4。(已授權)
2. 郭翔海, 沈家祥. 5-甲氧基吲哚的合成方法, 專利號200610016357.4。(已授權)
3. 郭翔海, 沈家祥. 一種胸腺嘧啶的合成方法, 專利申請號200710060002.X。
4. 郭翔海,丁浚元,曾周靚子,劉寧芝. 一種骨質疏鬆治療藥1α-羥基維生素D3的合成方法,CN2012104945241。
5. 郭翔海,包麗,白鵬,趙含雪. 以硼特效樹脂為模擬移動床固定相分離硼同位素的方法,中國專利,CN103623700A.
6. 郭翔海,王伯陽,白鵬. 一種改性樹脂在硼脫除過程中的套用,CN104671322A。
7. 郭翔海,呂靈娟,白鵬. 由D-葡萄糖異構化製備D-果糖和D-甘露糖的方法, CN104744523B。(已授權)
8. 郭翔海,呂靈娟,白鵬. 一種模擬移動床反應器製備D-果糖和D-甘露糖的方法,CN104744524B。(已授權)
9. 郭翔海,呂佳緋,白鵬. 金屬‑有機骨架材料去除水中硼的用途,CN106984274A。
10. 郭翔海,呂佳緋,白鵬. 鄰苯二酚螯合樹脂及製備方法,CN107011466A。
11. 郭翔海,呂佳緋,白鵬. 以鄰苯二酚螯合樹脂為模擬移動床固定相分離硼同位素的方法,CN107008150A。
12. 郭翔海,呂佳緋,白鵬. 以金屬‑有機骨架材料為模擬移動床固定相分離硼同位素的方法,CN107020014A。
13. 郭翔海,呂佳緋,白鵬. 金屬‑有機骨架材料分離硼同位素的用途,CN107096383A。
14. 郭翔海,丁鶴,白鵬. 新型MFI分子篩/氧化石墨烯納米片複合材料的製備方法,CN106904630A。
15. 郭翔海,呂佳緋,白鵬. 硼‑11同位素在積體電路的半導體摻雜中的套用及方法,CN107680904A。申請日 : 2017.09.04。
16. 郭翔海,張景雙,於川. 一種介微孔複合分子篩催化劑的合成方法,CN107497480A。申請日 : 2017.08.30。
17. 郭翔海,張景雙,於川. 一種多級有序介孔矽鋁分子篩的合成方法,CN107572547A。申請日 : 2017.08.30。
18. 郭翔海,張景雙,於川. 一種多級有序介孔分子篩的直接合成方法,CN107651693A。申請日 : 2017.08.30。
19. 郭翔海,劉紅旭,白鵬. 含醚官能團金屬‑有機骨架材料吸附廢酸液中鹽酸的用途,CN107469775A。申請日 : 2017.08.23。
20. 郭翔海,劉紅旭,白鵬. 含醚官能團金屬‑有機骨架材料吸附廢酸液中乙酸的用途,CN107469775A。申請日 : 2017.08.23。
21. 郭翔海,呂佳緋,白鵬. 以金屬‑有機骨架材料為模擬移動床固定相分離硼同位素的方法. CN107376646A. 申請日 : 2017.08.21.
22. 郭翔海,呂佳緋,白鵬. 以MOF‑74(Zn)為模擬移動床固定相分離硼同位素的方法. CN107413195A. 申請日 : 2017.08.21..