



· 2002年 芬蘭赫爾辛基大學藥物工程系 藥學博士。

· 1997年 芬蘭庫奧皮歐大學藥物工程系 藥學碩士(本碩連讀)。


· 2004~至今 山東大學 教授。

· 2002~2004: 芬蘭先靈藥物公司 專家研究員。

· 1998~2002: 芬蘭赫爾辛基大學 研究員。

· 1991~1995: 芬蘭庫奧皮歐大學 助理研究員。


· China International Drug Delivery System Summit, December 8-9, 2005, Beijing, China

· CRS Nordic Chapter and the Graduate School in Pharmaceutical Research, Microparticles, Nanoparticles and Nanotechnology: methods for drug formulation and targeting, June 3-4, 2003, Helsinki, Finland

· XVII Helsinki University Congress of Drug Research, symposium on polymers in drug delivery June 5-6, 2003, Helsinki, Finland

· The 4th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics Pharmaceutical Technology, April 8-11, 2002, Florence, Italy

· American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Annual Meeting and Exposition, October 21-25, 2001, Denver, Colorado.

· XVI Helsinki University Congress of Drug Research. June 7-8, 2001, Helsinki, Finland

· The X Annual Symposium on Physical Pharmacy. Tablet Dosage Form: Research & Development and production, January 28, 1999, Turku, Finland.

· Peptide Drug Delivery. Proceedings of the Third Symposium within the Nordic Network of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics, June 11-13, 1998, Tisvildeleje, Denmark.







· Guo,H. X., 2002. Compression behaviour and film coating properties of cellulose esters, ISSN 1239-9469, Yliopistopaino, Finland.

· Ruotsalainen, M., Heinämäki, J., Guo, H. X., Laitinen, N., Yliruusi, J., 2003. A novel technique for imaging film coating defects in the film-core interface and surface of coated tablets. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 56, 381-388.

· Guo, H. X., Heinämäki, J. and Yliruusi, J, 2002. Amylopectin as sub-coating material improve acidic resistance of enteric-coated pellets containing freely soluble drug. Int. J. Pharm. 235, 79-86.

· Guo, H. X., Heinämäki, J. and Yliruusi, J., 2002. Diffusion of a freely water-soluble drug in aqueous enteric-coated pellets. AAPS PharmSciTech. 3 (2) 16.

· Guo, H. X., Heinämäki, J., Karjalainen, M., Juhanoja, J., Khriachtchev L. and Yliruusi, J., 2002. Compatibility of aqueous enteric film coating with waxy maize starch and lactose pellets. S. T. P. Pharm. Sci. 12 (3), 198-200.

· Guo, H. X., Heinämäki, J., Antikainen, O. and Yliruusi, J., 2002. Direct compression of sustained-release matrix tablets of enteric cellulose esters. S. T. P. Pharm. Sci. 12 (1).


2002~2004 芬蘭先靈藥物公司 高分子聚合物給藥系統的研究。

2005~2007 教育部 新型水系包衣材料的研究。


Guo, H.X. et. al., 2002, Patent number:WO0249621。



