

線上閱讀地址 http://www.artwe.com/magazine.php?id=195


葉永青(1958- )出生於昆明,1982年畢業於四川美術學院繪畫系,現任四川美術學院教授。曾在北京、上海、新加坡、英國倫敦、德國慕尼黑、德國奧格斯堡、美國西雅圖等地舉辦個展。參與重要聯展:1989年中國現代藝術大展;1991年中國當代藝術文獻資料展;1992年“92中國油畫藝術展”、廣州“首屆九十年代藝術雙年展”;1993年香港、澳大利亞“後89中國新藝術展”;1994年北京“中國藝評家年度提名展”;1996年德國“中國!”、北京“首屆學術邀請展”、“首屆上海美術雙年展”;2000年北京“20世紀中國油畫大展”;2002 年廣州“中國藝術三年展”;2003年北京“開放時代”展。作品被中國美術館等藝術機構收藏。
Ye Yongqing(1958- )
Born in KunMing, Yunna Province, China. Graduated in 1982 from the Oil painting department, Sichuan academy of Fine arts, ChongQing, China. Currently: Lives in Kunming, China; professor at the Sichuan a cademy of Fine arts, ChongQing, China. Solo Exhibitions: in 1989, Yeyongqing, French Embassy in China, BeiJing, China. In 1990, YeYongqing, Shuang Hexuan Gallery, Seattle, USA. In 1995, Live in the history, China Art studio, Augsberg, Germany. In 1999, China in Scholar’s Eyes, Soobin Art Gallery, Singapore; Ye Yongqing, Kailin Sax Gallery, Munich, Germany. In 2000, Ye Yongqing, China contemporary, London, UK. In 2001, Ye Yongqing, shanghART, Shanghai, China. Group Exhibitions: in 1989 China Avant- garde, National Art Museum, Beijing. In 1990, French Modern Fine Art Fair, Grand Palace Fine Arts Museum, France; I Don’t Want to Play Cards with Cezanne,Asia-Pacific Museum, Pasadena, California, USA. In 1992, The 1st Biennale of Art in the 90’s Guangzhou, Exhibition Center of the Center Hotel, Guangzhou, China. In 1993, China’s New Art, Post-1989,International Touring Exhibition; Mao goes pop, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia. In 1994, The Annual Exhibition of Works of the Artists Nominated by Art Critics, National Art Museum, Beijing, China. In 1995, Feel of Skin, Antony Art Center, France; Avantguardes Artisiques Xineses, Santa Monica Art Center, Spain. In 1996, China! Touring Show in Germany, Austria, Poland, Denmark; Sharing the Dreams Jamaica Art Center, New York, USA. In 1997, Quotation Marks: Chinese Contemporary Art, Singapore Art Museum; Red and Grey: Eight Avant-garde Chinese Artists, Soobin Art Gallery, Singapore; Between Two Places, October gallery, London, UK. In 1998, China’s New Art Exhibition, Observatoire 4ed Montreal, Canada. In 1999, 1999 Chinese Art, LIMN Gallery, San Francisco, USA; Gate of the Century: 1979-1999 The Exhibition of Chinese Art, Chengdu. In 2000, China?Art in the Twentieth Century, Touring Show in Beijing and Shanghai; Tale of Two Cities, Asia Contemporary Art, London, UK. In 2001, Towards a New Image: Twenty Years of Contemporary Chinese Painting National Art Museum,Beijing Sichuan Art Museum, Chengdu Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China; China Art, Red Building Art Center, London, UK; The 1st Chengdu Biennale, Chengdu Modern Art Museum, Chengdu, China. In 2002, China Contemporary Art Exhibition, Duisburg Museum, Germany; China and Korea Contemporary Art Exhibition, Seoul, Korea; Behind The Reality, Dimen Center Arts, Taipei. In 2003, New Painting 2003, Yibo Gallery, Shanghai, China; The 1st Guangzhou Contemporary Art Triennial,Guangzhou, China.


