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出版社: 中國出版集團,世界圖書出版公司; 第1版 (2012年1月1日)
叢書名: 跟老外學英語系列
平裝: 251頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787510039218
條形碼: 9787510039218
尺寸: 25.6 x 17.8 x 1.8 cm
重量: 458 g


編者:盛丹丹 (美國)Rachel Gosling (美國)Eileen Shepard 合著者:(美國)Patrick Wilson (英國)Rebecca Parr (美國)Micheal Hill 等




Chapter 1 Job-hunting
Unit I preparedness
Unit 2 Personal Information
Unit 3 Education Background
Unit 4 Career Skills
Unit 5 Language Skills
Unit 6 Personal Advantages
Unit 7 Career Prospects
Unit 8 Working Experience
Unit 9 Reasons for Leaving
Unit 10 One's Resource
Unit 11 Pay and Remuneration
Unit 12 About Availabilily
Unit 13 The Result of Job-hunting
Chapter 2 First Day in Office
Unit 1 Company Profile
Unit 2 Going to Work
Unit 3 Optional Practical Training
Unit 4 Signing a Contract
Unit 5 Welfare and Remuneration
Unit 6 Job Responsibilities
Unit 7 Getting to Know Colleagues
Unit 8 Welcoming Newcomer
Unit 9 Assigning Works
Unit 10 Orientation
Unit 11 Company Retreats
unit 12 Institutions
Unit 13 brainstorm
Unit 14 Job Requirement
Unit 15 Working Pressure mt
Chapter 3 Daily Affairs
Unit 1 Foxes
Unit 2 Letters
Unil 3 Online Work
Unit 4 Typing and Copying
Unit 5 Filing
Unit 6 Noticing
Unit 7 Business Calls
Unit 8 Telephone Messages
Unit 9 Arranging Trips
Unit 10 Reporting Work
Unit 11 Office Supplies
Unit 12 Expense Reimbursement
Unit 13 Communication
Chapter 4 Public Relations Event
Unit I Calling On a Customer
Unit 2 Receiving Visitors
Unit 3 Business Visit
Unit 4 Company Introduction
Unit 5 Product Information
Unit 6 Media Planning
Unit 7 Business Invitation
Unit 8 Products Show
Unit 9 After Service
Unit 10 Sales Promotion
Unit 11 Handling Complaints
Unit 12 Nonconforming Material
Unit 13 Cooperation
Unit 14 Marketing Research
Unit 15 Enhance the Reputation
Unit 16 Product Launch
Unit 17 Crisis Transaction
Unit 18 Trade Show
Chapter 5 Business Meeting
Unit I Data Preparation
Unit 2 Meeting Arrangement
Unit 3 Meeting Notice
Unit 4 In Session
Unit 5 The Agenda
Unit 6 Taking Minutes
Unit 7 Discussion
Unit 8 Progress Meeting
Unit 9 Proposing Suggestions
Unit 10 Making a Summary
Unit 11 Closing the Meeting
Chapter 6 The Personnel Management
Chapter 7 Office Etiquette
Chapter 8 Interpersonal


