
上海系統生物醫學研究中心副主任。國際微生物生態學會(ISME)常務理事。Systematic and Applied Microbiology 等國際刊物編委。


趙立平[上海系統生物醫學研究中心副主任] 趙立平[上海系統生物醫學研究中心副主任]

在國內最早系統開展微生物分子生態學研究,在複雜微生物群落結構分析技術和統計計算方法等方面做了很多創新性工作。對廣泛使用的PCR-DGGE技術做了重要改進,成為國際上使用該技術研究微生物生態學的先進實驗室之一;創新建立了基於隨機擴增指紋圖技術和分子雜交技術,分析對比群落結構,發現重要功能細菌基因組片段作為分子標記的技術方法。對人和動物的腸道、處理工業廢水的生化池、土壤、油藏等環境中的微生物群落結構與功能的關係做了大量的研究工作,取得了有意義的結果。在PNAS (Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences), NRDD(Nature Review Drug Discovery), AEM (Applied and Environmental Microbiology)、ISME Journal, BMC Bioinformatics, Journal of Proteome Research, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Microbial Ecology、FEMS Microbiology Ecology、Journal of Microbiological Methods、FEMS Microbiology Letters、《微生物學報》、《生態學報》等刊物發表相關論文二十餘篇,研究工作得到國際同行的關注。應邀在第八屆細菌遺傳學與生態學國際研討會(法國里昂)上做keynote報告,在第十屆國際微生物生態大會環境生物技術分會(墨西哥坎昆)做報告。在第十一屆國際微生物生態大會人體微生態分會(奧地利維也納)做報告,並聯合主持“污泥元基因組學”圓桌討論會。在2006年8月被選為國際微生物生態學會12名常務理事之一。近年來,積極推動系統生物學理念在微生物生態學領域特別是人體腸道菌群研究中的套用,注重發展用代謝組學和元基因組學相結合的方法研究腸道菌群在肥胖、糖尿病等複雜疾病中的作用,並積極探討用腸道菌群的整體結構變化來監測人體健康變化、評價中醫藥療效的問題,開始形成一個新的以元基因組學研究為核心的人體系統生物學新方向。


1、Li M, Wang B, Zhang M, Rantalainen M, Wang S, Zhou H, Zhang Y, Shen J, Pang X, Zhang M, Wei H, Chen Y, Lu H, Zuo J, Su M, Qiu Y, Jia W, Xiao C, Smith LM, Yang S, Holmes E, Tang H, Zhao G, Nicholson JK, Li L, Zhao L.Symbiotic gut microbes modulate human metabolic phenotypes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 105(6):2117-22., 2008

2、Jia W,Li H, Zhao L & J. K. Nicholson. Gut microbiota: a potential new territory for drug targeting. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery,7:123-129, 2008. (IF:20.97)

3、Piao Z, Yang L, Zhao L, Yin S. Actinobacterial community structure in soils receiving long-term organic and inorganic amendments. Appl Environ Microbiol., 74(2):526-30, 2008

4、Wei G, Lu H, Zhou Z, Xie H, Wang A, Nelson K, Zhao L. The microbial community in the feces of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) as determined by PCR-TGGE profiling and clone library analysis. Microb Ecol. 54(1):194-202, 2007

5、Pang X, X Hua, Q Yang,D Ding, C Che, L Cui, W jia, P Bucheli and L Zhao. Inter-species transplantation of gut microbiota from human to pigs. The ISME Journal, 1(2):156-162, 2007

6、Zhang M, B Liu, Y Zhang, H Wei, Y Lei, and L Zhao, Structural shifts of mucosa-associated Lactobacilli and Clostridium leptum subgroup in patients with ulcerative colitis, Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 45(2):496-500, 2007

7、Yan X, Z Xu, X Feng, Y Liu, B Liu, X Zhang, C Zhu, L Zhao. Cloning of Environmental Genomic Fragments as Physical Markers for monitoring Microbial populations in Coking Wsatewater Treatment System. Microbial Ecology. 53:163-172, 2007

8、Chen M, M Su, L Zhao, J Jiang, P Liu, J Cheng, Y Lai, Y Liu, W Jia*, Metabonomic Study of Aristolochic Acid-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats, Journal of proteom research. 5:995-1002, 2006

9、Shen J, B Zhang, G Wei, X Pang, H Wei, M Li, Y Zhang, W Jia, and L Zhao. Molecular Profiling of the Clostridium leptum Subgroup in Human Fecal Microflora by PCR-Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis and Clone Library Analysis. Applied and environmental microbiology, 72(8):5232-5238, 2006.

10、Liu B, F Zhang, X Feng, Y Liu, X Yan, X Zhang, L Wang, L Zhao.Thauera and Azoarcus as Functionally Important Genera in a Denitrifying Quinoline Removal Bioreactor as Revealed by Microbial Community Structure Comparison. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 55(2):274-86,2006.

11、Pang, X., D. Ding, G. Wei, M. Zhang, L. Wang, and L. Zhao. Molecular profiling of Bacteroides spp. in human feces by PCR-temperature gradient gel electrophoresis. J Microbiol Methods. 61:413-417,2005.

12、Chen M, L Zhao, and W Jia*, Metabonomic Study on the Biochemical Profiles of A Hydrocortisone-Induced Animal Model, Journal of proteome research, 4:2391- 2396, 2005,

13、Zhang, X., X. Yan, P. Gao, L. Wang, Z. Zhou, and L. Zhao. Optimized sequence retrieval from single bands of temperature gradient gel electrophoresis profiles of the amplified 16S rDNA fragments from an activated sludge system. J Microbiol Methods, 60:1-11, 2005.

14、Zhao Y., W. Li, Z. Zhou, L. Wang, Y. Pan, L. Zhao. Dynamics of Microbial Community Structure and Cellulolytic Activity in Agricultural Soil Amended with two Biofertilizers. European Journal of Soil Biology. 41:21-29, 2005.

15、Cao, Y, L. Wang, K. Xu, C. Kou,Y. Zhang, G. Wei, J. He, Y. Wang, L. Zhao. Information theory-based algorithm for in silico prediction of PCR products with whole genomic sequences as templates. BMC Bioinformatics, 6(1):190-, 2005.

16、Wei, G., L. Pan, H. Du, J. Chen, and L. Zhao. ERIC-PCR fingerprinting-based community DNA hybridization to pinpoint genome-specific fragments as molecular markers to identify and track populations common to healthy human guts. J Microbiol Methods, 59:91-108, 2004.

17、Zhang, X., P. Gao, Q. Chao, L. Wang, E. Senior, and L. Zhao. Microdiversity of phenol- hydroxylase genes among phenol-degrading isolates of Alcaligenes sp. from an activated sludge system. FEMS Microbiol Lett, 237:369-75, 2004.

專利 :

1. 芽孢桿菌製劑及其生產方法和用途;CN1103369C (已授權)

2. 測定空氣淨化裝置去除病毒效果的方法;03129400.6

3. 並行比較微生物群落結構的分子生態監測方法; 02136206.8;

4. 分析比較微生物群落結構的監測方法;200410066588.7

5. 人源菌群仔豬模型的構建及仔豬腸道中菌群分子評價方法(200610023456.5)

6. 工業廢水處理中的功能菌群特異性分子檢測方法(200610116628.3)


