2001年起在美國加利福尼亞大學舊金山分校(UCSF) 做博士後研究工作,
2004年9月受聘為東南大學教授, 曾任東南大學生命科學研究院副院長 。

1.Yang Y Shen W, Ni Y,Su Y, Yang Z, ZhaoC*. Impaired interneuron development after Foxg1 disruption. Cerebral cortex.2015 Nov 29. DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhv297.
2.Liu R,Yang Y,Shen J,Chen H,Zhang Q,Ba R,Wei Y,Li KC,Zhang X, ZhaoC*. Fstl1 is involved in the regulation of radial glial scaffold development. Molecular Brain.2015 Sep 17;8(1):53. doi: 10.1186/s13041-015-0144-8.
3.Liu J, Liu B, Zhang X, Yu B, Guan W, Wang K, Yang Y, Gong Y, Wu X, Yanagawa Y, Wu S, Zhao C*. Calretinin-positive L5a pyramidal neurons in the development of the paralemniscal pathway in the barrel cortex. Molecular Brain. 2014, Nov 18, 7 (1) :84, doi:10.1186/s13041-014-0084-8.
4.Wu X, Gu X, Han X, Du A, Jiang Y, Zhang X, Wang Y, Cao G, Zhao C*. A Novel Function for FoxM1 in Interkinetic Nuclear Migration in the Developing Telencephalon And Anxiety-related Behavior. The Journal of Neuroscience.2014 Jan; 34(4):1510-1522.
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6.Nie B, Chen K, Zhao S, Liu J, Gu X, Yao Q, Hui J, Zhang Z, Teng G, Zhao C, Shan B. A Rat Brain MRI Template with Digital Stereotaxic Atlas of Fine Anatomical Delineations in Paxinos Space and its Automated Application in Voxel-Wise Analysis. Human Brain Mapping.2013 Jun;34(6):1306-18.
7.Tian C, Gong Y, Yang Y, Shen W, Wang K, Liu J, Xu B, Zhao J, Zhao C . Foxg1 Has An essential Role in Postnatal Development of The Dentate gyrus. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2012. Feb., 32(9):2931-2949.
8.Gu X, Liu B, Wu X, Yan Y, Zhang Y, Wei Y,. Pleasure SJ, Zhao C. Inducible Genetic Lineage Tracing of Cortical Hem Derived Cajal-Retzius Cells Reveals Novel Properties. PLoS ONE. 2011;6(12):e28653.
9.Li Y, Tian C, Yang Y, Yan Y, Ni Y, Wei Y, Pleasure SJ, Zhao C. An inducible transgenic Cre mouse line for the study of hippocampal development and adult neurogenesis. Genesis. 2011 Dec. 49 (12):919-926.
10.Zhou W, Zhang Y, Li Y, Wei YS, Liu G, Liu DP, Pleasure SJ, Xie W, Zhao C. A transgenic Cre mouse line for the study of cortical and hippocampal development. Genesis.2010 May; 48(5):343-50.
11.Yang Y, Liu J, Mao H, Hu YA, Yan Y, Zhao C. The expression pattern of Follistatin-like 1 in mouse central nervous system development. . Gene Expr Patterns. 2009 Oct; 9(7):532-540.
12.Gu X, Yan Y, Li H, He D, Pleasure SJ, Zhao C.Characterization of the Frizzled10-CreERTransgenic Mouse: An Inducible Cre Line for the Study of Cajal–Retzius Cell Development. Genesis.2009 Mar; 47(3): 210 – 216.
13.Yan Y, Li Y, Hu C, Gu X, Liu J, Hu YA, Yang Y, Wei Y, Zhao C. Expression of Frizzled10 in mouse nervous system. Gene Expr Patterns. 2009 Mar; 9 (3):173-177.
14.Hu C, Liu J, Zhang Y, Li Y, Xie W, Zhao C. A useful transgenic mouse line for studying the development of spinal nociceptive circuits. Neuroscience lett. 2009 Jan 30; 450 (2):211-216.
15.Gu X, He D, Li Y, Hu C, Wei YS, Liu G, Liu D, Pleasure SJ, Xie W, Zhao C. Generation of Frizzled10-Cre Transgenic Mouse Line: A Useful Tool for the Study of Dorsal Telencephalic Development. Genesis. 2008 Oct; 46 (10):523-9.
16.Hu YA, Gu X, Liu J, Yang Y, Yan Y, Zhao C. Expression pattern of wnt inhibitor factor 1(wif1) during the development in mouse CNS. Gene Expr Patterns. 2008 Sep; 8 (7-8): 515-522.
17. Zhao C, Guan W, Pleasure SJ.A Transgenic Marker Mouse Line Labels Cajal-Retzius Cells from the Cortical Hem and Thalamocortical axons. Brain Res.2006 Mar 10; 1077 (1):48-53. (cover story)
18. Zhao C, Avilés C, Abel RA, Almli CR, McQuillen P, Pleasure SJ*. Hippocampal and Visuospatial Learning Defects in Mice with Deletion of Frizzled9, a Gene in the Williams Syndrome Deletion Interval. Development.2005 Jun; 132(12):2917-2927.
19. Zhao C, Pleasure SJ*.Frizzled9 Protein Is Regionally Expressed in the Developing Medial Wall of the Cortex and the Cells Derived from This Region. Developmental Brain Research. 2005 Jun 9; 157 (1):93-97.
20. Zhao C, Pleasure SJ.The Frizzled9 Promoter Drives Expression of Transgenes in the Medial Wall of the Cortex and Its Chief Derivative the Hippocampus. Genesis.2004 Sep; 40(1):32-9.
21.Zhou CJ, Zhao C, Pleasure SJ.Wnt Signaling Mutants Have Decreased Dentate Granule Cell Production And Radial Glial Scaffold Abnormalities. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2004 Jan 7;24(1):121-126.
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