





Zhigang Zhao, Ni Ma, Zaiyun Li . Alteration of chromosome behavior and synchronization of parental chromosomes after successive generations in Brassica napus × Orychophragmus violaceushybrids. Genome. 2007, 50:226-233

Zhi-gang Zhao, Ting-ting Hu, Xian-Hong Ge, Xue-zhu Du, Li Ding, Zai-yun Li. Production and characterization of intergeneric somatic hybrids between Brassica napusand Orychophragmus violaceus and their backcrossing progenies. Plant Cell Rep, 2008, 27:1611-1621

Xue-Zhu Du , Xian-Hong Ge , Zhi-Gang Zhao, Zai-Yun Li. Chromosome elimination and fragment introgression and recombination producing intertribal partial hybrids from Brassica napus · Lesquerella fendleri crosses. Plant Cell Rep. 2008, 27:261-271.

Yuqin Tu, Jian Sun, Yan Liu, Xianhong Ge, Zhigang Zhao, Xingcheng Yao, Zaiyun Li. Production and characterization of intertribal somatic hybridsof Raphanus sativus and Brassica rapa with dye and medicinalplant Isatis indigotica. Plant Cell Rep. 2008, 27:873-883.

Xue-zhu Du, Xian-hongGe , Xing-cheng Yao, Zhi-gang Zhao , Zai-yun Li. Production and cytogenetic characterization of intertribal somatic hybrids between Brassica napus and Isatis indigotica and backcross progenies. Plant Cell Rep.2009,28:1105-1113.

Chen HF, Ge XH, Du XZ, Zhao ZG, Li ZY. Genetic and histological characterization of a novel recessive genic male sterile line of Brassica napus derived from a cross with Capsella bursa-pastoris. Euphytica, 2009, DOI 10.1007/s



