
Bioen ation region

趙存友 (Zhao Cunyou)

南方醫科大學基礎醫學院醫學遺傳學教授。研究方向為人類遺傳疾病的分子遺傳學、表觀遺傳學及基因診斷技術。2008年獲香港科技大學生物工程學專業博士學位。2009-2011年在香港科技大學套用基因組中心從事博士後研究,並被聘為副研究員(Research Associate)、研究助理教授(Research Assistant Professor)。2011年受聘“南方醫科大學引進人才”教授崗位至今。2003年起從事伽瑪氨基丁酸A型受體(GABAA receptor)beta 2亞基基因(GABRB2)的DNA變異、RNA表達、DNA甲基化及羥甲基化異常參與精神分裂症致病機制的研究,以及基於DNA甲基化的分子診斷技術的研發。近年來在Molecular Psychiatry,Epigenetics,PLoS ONE, Schizophrenia Research等專業期刊發表SCI論文19篇(累計IF=103),其中第一作者或通訊作者文章7篇(累計IF=39,單篇最高IF=15.4)。主持廣東省自然科學基金2項、廣東省教育廳引進人才專項基金1項,南方醫科大學引進人才專項基金1項。曾獲2010年教育部高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎-自然科學類2等獎(第3完成人)(Email:zhaocunyou AT gmail dot com).
Professor Cunyou Zhao is Professor of Department of Medical Genetics in Southern Medical University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Bioengineering from the Hong Kong University and Technology (HKUST) in 2008. He then worked at the Division of Life Science in HKUST as an postdoctoral fellow. Professor Zhao was appointed as Research Assistant Professor at Applied Genomics Center in HKUST in 2009. He joined Southern Medical University in 2011 as a full professor. The research interests of Professor Zhao focus on genetic variations, RNA expression and DNA methylation & hydroxymethylation of the GABA(A) receptor beta(2) subunit gene (GABRB2) involving in the etiology of schizophrenia, a debilitating mental illness that affects 1% of the world’s population. He published several papers in the journals of Molecular Psychiatry, Epigenetics, PLoS ONE, and Schizophrenia Research et al.(Email:zhaocunyou AT gmail dot com).


2004.9-2008.1 香港科技大學 生物工程學專業 博士
1997.9-2000.6 瀋陽農業大學 生物化學與分子生物學專業 碩士
1993.9-1997.6 黑龍江八一農墾大學 農學專業 學士


2011.10 ~ 南方醫科大學基礎醫學院 教授
2009.6-2011.9 香港科技大學套用基因組中心 副研究員、研究助理教授、
2008.4-2009.6 香港科技大學生物化學系 博士後
2003.7-2004.8 香港科技大學生物化學系 助理研究員
2000.7-2003.6 中國科學院院微生物所 助理研究員


2010年度 高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎-自然科學二等獎(第3完成人)


1. 主持在研,廣東省高等學校人才引進專項(2050205):精神分裂症易感基因GABRB2的調控機制研究及基於DNA甲基化分子診斷技術的探討,2012-2014。
2. 主持在研,南方醫科大學高層次人才引進專項(B1000430):精神分裂症易感基因功能研究,2011-2013。
3. 主持在研,廣東省自然科學基金自由申請項目(10179942783X000002):精神分裂症候選基因GABRB2表達調控機制的研究,2010-2012。
4. 主持完成,廣東省自然科學基金博士啟動項目(9479942783X001963):GABRB2基因的甲基化修飾與RNA表達的細胞調控模型,2010-2011。



1. Zhao C and Xue H. A simple method for high-throughput quantification of genome-wide DNA methylation by fluorescence polarization. Epigenetics 2012: 7(4);doi: epi.7.4.19376 (IF: 4.633)
2. Zhao C, Wang F, Frank W. Pun, Mei L, Ren L, Yu Z, Ng SK, Chen J, tsang SY and Xue H. Epigenetic regulationson GABRB2 isoform expression: developmental variations and disruptions in psychotic disorders.Schizophrenia Research 2012:134:260-266; doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2011.11.029 (IF: 4.374)
3. Pun FW, Zhao C, Lo WS, Ng SK, Tsang SY, Nimgaonkar V, Chung WS, Ungvari GS and Xue H. Imprinting in the schizophrenia risk gene coding for GABA(A) receptor beta2 subunit. Molecular Psychiatry 2011:16(5):557-568;doi:10.1038/mp.2010.47 (IF: 15.470)
4. Fang S, Li J, Cheng X, Zhao C, Wang T, Lv X, Wang X, Wu C, Zhang R, Chen J, Xue H, Yu M. Simultaneous detection of influenza virus type B and influenza A virus subtypes H1N1, H3N2, and H5N1 using multiplex real-time RT-PCR. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology 2011:90(4):1463-70; doi: 10.1007/ s00253-011-3192-8 (IF: 3.280)
5. Ren L, Chan WM, Wang F, Xu Z, Zhao C, Mat WK, Chai YW, Wong TF, Tsang SY and Xue H. Effects of flavone 6-subsitutions on GABA(A) receptor efficacy. European Journal of Pharmacology 2011:670:(1):121-129; doi:10.1016/ j.ejphar.2011.08.021 (IF:2.737)
6. Mei L, Ding X, Tsang SY, FW. Pun, Ng SK, Zhao C, Li D, Wan W, Zhang L and Xue1 H. AluScan: a method for genome-wide scanning of sequence variations in the human genome. BMC Genomics2011:12:564; doi:10.1186/1471-2164-12-564 (IF:4.210)
7. Zhang N, Fang S, Wang T, Li J, Cheng X, Zhao C, Wang X, Lv X, Wu C, Zhang R, Cheng J, Xue H, and Lu Z. Applicability of a sensitive duplex real-time PCR assay for identifying B/Yamagata and B/Victoria lineages of influenza virus from clinical specimens.Applied Microbiology Biotechnology 2011; doi:10.1007/s00253-011-3710-8(IF: 3.280)
8. 李鑫,賈愛華,任玉波,許士明,田秀麗趙存友李學元。哺乳動物雷帕黴素靶蛋白和存活蛋白在人腦角質瘤中表達的研究。中華臨床醫師雜誌 2011:5(5):65-68


1. Ng SK, Lo WS, Pun FW, Zhao C, Yu Z, Chen J, Tong KL, Xu Z,Tsang SY, Yang Q, Yu W, Stober G, Harano M, and Xue H. A Recombination Hotspot in a Schizophrenia-Associated Region ofGABRB2. PLoS ONE 2010:5(3):e9547; doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009547 (IF: 4.411)
2. Ren L, Wang F, Xu Z, Chan WM, Zhao C and Xue H. GABA(A) receptor subtype selectivity underlying anxiolytic effect of 6-hydroxyflavone. Biochemical Pharmacology 2010:79(9):1337-44; doi: DOI: 10.1016/j.bcp.2009.12.024 (IF: 4.889)
3. Zhao C, Xu Z, Wang F, Chen J, Ng SK, Wong PK, Yu Z, Pun FW, Ren L, Lo WS, Tsang SY, Xue H. Alternative-splicing in the exon-10 region of GABA(A) receptor beta2 subunit gene: relationships between novel isoforms and psychotic disorders. PLoS ONE 2009: 4(9):e6977; doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0006977 (IF: 4.411)
4. Chen J*, Tsang SY*, Zhao C*, Pun FW, Yu Z, M L, Lo WS, Fang S, Liu H,Stober G, Xue H. GABRB2 in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: disease association, expression and clinical correlations. Biochemical Society Transactions 2009:37:1415-18; doi:10.1042/BST0371415 (並列第一;IF: 3.989)
5. C.Y. Zhao, Z. Xu, F. Wang, Z. Yu, W.S. Lo, J. Chen, F.W. Pun, S.Y. Tsang, H. Xue. P03-219 An alternative-splicing hot-spot in GABRB2: Novel splicing variants associated with major psychotic disorders. European Psychiatry. 2009: 2(S1):S1218; doi:10.1016/S0924-9338(09)71451-8 (IF: 3.365)


1. Lo WS, Xu Z, Yu Z, Pun FW, Ng SK, Chen J, Tong KL, Zhao C, Xu X, Tsang SY, Harano M, Stober G, Nimgaonkar VL, Xue H. Positive selection within the Schizophrenia-associated GABA(A) receptor beta2 gene. PLoS ONE2007: 2(5): e462; doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000462 (IF: 4.411)
2. Lo WS, Harano M, Gawlik M, Yu Z, Chen J, Pun FW, Tong KL, Zhao C, Ng SK, Tsang SY, Uchimura N, Stober G, Xue H. GABRB2 Association with Schizophrenia: Commonalities and Differences Between Ethnic Groups and Clinical Subtypes. Biological Psychiatry 2007: 61(5): 653-660; doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2006.05.003 (IF: 8.674)


1. Zhao C, Xu Z, Chen J, Yu Z, Tong KL, Lo WS, Pun FW, Ng SK, Tsang SY, Xue H. Two isoforms ofGABA(A) receptor beta2 subunit with different electrophysiological properties: differential expression and genotypical correlations in schizophrenia. Molecular Psychiatry 2006: 11(12): 1092-1105; doi:10.1038/sjmp4001899 (IF: 15.470)
2. Lo WS, Zhao C, Xu Z, Chen J, Yu Z, Pun FW, Tong KL, Ng SK, Tsang SY, Xue H. Cross-population validation of schizophreniaassociation and functional analysis on mRNA expression and electrophysiological properties of two isoforms of GABRB2. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2006: 141B (7): 800-801 (IF:4.156)
3. Xue H, Lo WS, Harano M, Gawlik M, Yu Z, Chen J, Pun FW, Tong KL, Zhao C, Ng SK, Tsang SY, Uchimura N, Stober G. Association of SNPs and haplotypes in GABRB2 with schizophrenia in Japanese and German-Caucasians. FASEB J 2006: 20(5): A909 (IF: 6.515)


1. Zhao C, Chen Y, Park J, Kim JB, Tang H. Tat-dependent repression of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 long terminal repeat promoter activity by fusion of cellular transcription factors. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2004: 322(2): 614-22; doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2004.07.165 (2004.9發表; IF:2.720)
2. 趙存友,袁正強,秦洪敏,田穎川。轉雙抗蟲基因菸草的研究。生物工程學報2001:17(3):273-277
3. Yuan ZQ, Zhao CY, Zhou Y, Tian YC. aphid-resistant transgenic tobacco plants expressing modified GNA gene. ACTA BOTANICA SINICA 2001: 43(6): 592-597(IF: 1.603)


