•2009.8 – 2014.8:美國普渡大學 (Purdue University),結構工程專業,博士
•2005.9 – 2009.6:同濟大學,土木工程專業,學士
•2018.1 –至今:福州大學,土木工程學院,教授/博士生導師
•2014.12 – 2018.1:美國普渡大學,土木工程學院,博士後
•美國土木工程師協會(American Society of Civil Engineers)組合結構委員會,委員(committee member)
•美國混凝土結構協會(American Concrete Institute)組合結構委員會,委員(committee member)
•美國結構穩定協會(Structural Stability Research Council, SSRC)薄壁結構分會,委員(task group member)
•美國結構穩定協會(Structural Stability Research Council, SSRC)構件穩定分會,委員(task group member)
•美國土木工程師協會(American Society of Civil Engineers),高級會員(Associate member)
•美國鋼結構協會(American Institute of Steel Construction),會員
•美國地震研究協會(Earthquake Engineering Research Institute),會員
•美國結構工程協會(Structural Engineering Institute),會員
參編AISC 360-16等3部美國國家規範,在國際著名學術期刊和國際知名學術會議上發表高水平學術論文34篇(其中SCI收錄15篇)。學術論文被AISC 360-16、AISC 341-16、N690s1-15等3部美國國家規範引用33次。兼任ASCE組合結構委員會委員等4項國際學術組織職務,也擔任《ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering》、《Engineering Structures》等14個國際知名SCI期刊的審稿人。
於2016年被ASCE著名SCI期刊《Journal of Structural Engineering》評為傑出審稿人,2015年被核工程結構領域著名SCI期刊《Nuclear Engineering and Design》評為傑出審稿人。主持或參與美國自然科學基金2項、科學院基金1項、能源部項目1項,加拿大核安全委員會項目1項,中國國家自然科學基金重點項目1項、國家重點實驗室開放基金1項。
•2016年,Outstanding Reviewer,美國土木工程師協會(ASCE) Journal of Structural Engineering(2016年僅13人獲此榮譽)
•2016年,Postdoc Travel Grant,美國普渡大學(Purdue University)
•2015年,Outstanding Reviewer, ELSEVIER: Nuclear Engineering and Design(前10%的審稿人獲獎)
•2014年,Vinnakota Award-Honorable Mention,美國結構穩定協會(SSRC)(全球範圍每年三人榮獲此獎)
•2013年,Pai Tao Yeh Fellowship,美國普渡大學(Purdue University)
1. Lai, Z. * and Varma, A. H. (2018). “High-strength rectangular CFT members: database, modeling, and design of short columns.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 144(5), 04018036:1-18.
2. Huang, W., Lai, Z.*, Chen, B., Xie, Z., and Varma, A. H. (2018). “Concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) truss girders: experimental tests, analysis, and design.” Engineering Structures, 156, 118-129.
3. Huang, W., Lai, Z.*, Chen, B., and Yao, P. (2017). “Experimental behavior and analysis of prestressed concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) truss girders.” Engineering Structures, 152, 607-618.
4. Chen, B., Lai, Z.*, Yan, Q., Varma, A. H., and Yu, X. (2017). “Experimental behavior and design of CFT-RC short columns subjected to concentric axial loading.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 143(11), 04017148: 1-16.
5. Lai, Z.*, Huang, Z., and Varma, A. H. (2017). “Modeling of high-strength composite special moment frames (C-SMFs) for seismic analysis.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 138, 526-537.
6. Pan, J., Chen, S.*, Lai, Z., Wang, Z., Wang, J., and Xie, H. (2017). “Analysis and fracture behavior of welded box beam-to-column connections considering residual stresses.” Construction and Building Materials, 157, 557-566.
7. Chen, B., Lai, Z.*, Lai, X., Varma, A. H., and Yu, X. (2017). “Creep prediction models for concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) arch bridges.” Journal of Bridge Engineering, 22(7), 04017027:1-15.
8. Lai, Z*., and Varma, A. H. (2017). “Seismic behavior and modeling of concrete partially filled spirally welded pipes (CPF-SWP).” Thin-Walled structures, 113, 240-252.
9. Lai, Z. *, Huang, Z., and Varma, A. H. (2016). “Seismic analysis and performance of high strength composite special moment frames (C-SMFs).” Structures, 9, 165-178.
10. Lai, Z. *, and Varma, A. H. (2016). “Effective stress-strain relationships for analysis of noncompact and slender filled composite (CFT) members.” Engineering Structures, 124, 457-472.
11. Lai, Z. *, Connor, R. J., and Varma, A. H. (2016). “Retrofit of steel columns: parametric studies and design.” Journal of Bridge Engineering, 22(11), 04016080: 1-11.
12. Lai, Z. *, Varma, A. H., and Connor, R. J. (2016). “Retrofit of built-up steel columns: modeling and fundamental behavior.” Journal of Bridge Engineering , 21(3), 04015054: 1-11.
13. Lai, Z. *, Varma, A. H., and Griffis, L. G. (2016). “Analysis and design of noncompact and slender CFT beam-columns.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 142 (1), 04015097:1-14.
14. Lai, Z. *, and Varma, A. H. (2015). “Noncompact and slender circular CFT members: experimental database, analysis, and design.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 106, 220-223.
15. Lai, Z. *, Varma, A. H., and Zhang, K. (2014). “Noncompact and slender rectangular CFT members: experimental database, analysis, and design.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 101, 455–468.
16. Varma, A. H.*, Malushte, S. R., Sener, K. C., and Lai, Z. (2014). “Steel-plate composite (SC) walls for safety related nuclear facilities: Design for in-plane forces and out-of-plane moments.” Nuclear Engineering and Design, 269, 240–249.