出生於台北天母 ,從國小到國中從未考過前十名,因為上課整天都在胡思亂想作白日夢。 父母想這孩子肯定考不上大學 ,於是在他十四歲時把他送到中美洲的貝里斯自生自滅 。
敏銳的觀察力及豐富的想像力 ,在美術老師的啟發之下 ,翩翩起舞; 十六歲開始研習攝影 ,一年之內就得到倫敦藝術大學的賞識 。在高二時就獲得入學許可 ,赴英國深造 ;因而踏入時尚與廣告攝影的圈子目前與國內各大廣告公司配合之特約攝影師。
Noah Chen,,free lance fashion photographer。
The Head of Eyework Studio
Born in Taiwan and raised in Central America, he got his BA degree on photography in K.I.A.D. (now call University of Creative Art) in UK.
From 2004 he move to China and form his own studio in Shenzhen.
Now, he is one of most creative photographer in South China