出版社: 北京大學出版社; 第1版 (2002年9月1日)
平裝: 794頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 32
ISBN: 7301056527
條形碼: 9787301056523
尺寸: 20.8 x 14.8 x 3.6 cm
重量: 780 g
《語言學教材?語言學高級教程》主要內容:《語言學高級教程》(Linguistics:An Advanced Gourse Book)是為我國英語專業研究生,特別是國外語言學與套用語言學專業的研究生編寫的語言學教材。這類教材在我國基本上於空白。
Chpater 1 Linguistics-A Pilot Science
1.1 Why Study Linguistics?
1.2 What Is Language?
1.3 Origin of Langurage
1.4 Design Features of Language
1.5 Animal Communication Systems,Gesture and Other Langruage Forms
1.6 Perspectives of Language Studies
1.7 Functions of Language
1.8 Important Distioncaions inf Linguistics
1.9 Data of Linguistics
1.10 Status and Prospect of Linguistics
Chpater 2 Phonetics
Chpater 3 Phonology
Chpater 4 Morphology
Chpater 5 generative Sytax
Chpater 6 Functional Sytax
Chpater 7 Semantics
Chpater 8 Linguistic Comparison
Chpater 9 Language,Culture,and Society
Chpater 10 Psycholinguistics
Chpater 11 Pranmatics
Chpater 12 Stylistics
Chpater 13 Computational Linguistics
Chpater 14 Second Language acquisition
Chpater 15 Linguistics and Second Language Teaching
Chpater 16 Modern Therorises and Schools of Linguistics