2013.08~2014.07,台灣大學,客座副研究員/Visiting Associate Research Fellow
國際期刊《Geoenvironmental Disasters》編委
2015.01~2018.12 國家自然科學基金面上項目(41472202):利用同震滑坡空間分布樣式判識發震斷層的研究,負責
2013.01~2015.12 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目(41202235):區域地震滑坡體積計算模型研究及套用——以2008年汶川地震滑坡為例,負責
2014.01~2015.12 國土資源部黃土地質災害重點實驗室開放基金(KLGLAMLR2014003):2013年定西地震觸發黃土滑坡危險性評價,負責
2014.09~2015.12 中國地震局“雲南魯甸6.5級地震專題研究”的子課題“魯甸地震昭通-蓮峰斷裂帶與震區北西向斷裂活動性鑑定”,共同負責
2013.01~2015.12 中國地震局地質研究所基本科研業務專項(IGCEA1302):俯衝帶地區壓扭斷裂型地震觸發滑坡研究,負責
2015.01~2018.12 國家自然科學基金面上項目(41472264):煤系地層軟岩的流變與長距離快速剪下特性及對高速遠程滑坡啟動的影響,項目參與/第三。
2013.05 中國地震局2013年“4.20”蘆山地震科考項目,蘆山地震發震構造調查和探測,參與
2013.01~2016.12 國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫項目(91214201):華北克拉通破壞區最新構造變動起始時間及其變形樣式,參與
[98] Xu C. 2017. The landslide that dammed Mengda Lake was not triggered by the 1927 Gulang, China, M8 earthquake. Journal of Paleolimnology 57(2): 157-161.
[97] Li B, Xing A, Xu C. 2017. Simulation of a long-runout rock avalanche triggered by the Lushan earthquake in the Tangjia Valley, Tianquan, Sichuan, China. Engineering Geology 218: 107-116.
[96] Tian Y, Xu C, Chen J, Hong H. 2017. Spatial distribution and susceptibility analyses of pre-earthquake and coseismic landslides related to the Ms 6.5 earthquake of 2014 in Ludian, Yunan, China. Geocarto International.
[95] Shen L, Xu C, Liu L. 2016. Interaction among controlling factors for landslides triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan, China Mw 7.9 earthquake. Frontiers of Earth Science 10(2): 264-273.
[94] Tian Y, Xu C, Xu X, Chen J. 2016. Detailed inventory mapping and spatial analyses to landslides induced by the 2013 Ms 6.6 Minxian earthquake of China. Journal of Earth Science 27(6): 1016-1026.
[93] Xu C, Shen L, Wang G. 2016. Soft computing in assessment of earthquake-triggered landslide susceptibility. Environmental Earth Sciences 75(9): 767(761-717).
[92] Xu C, Xu X, Shen L, Yao Q, Tan X, Kang W, Ma S, Wu X, Cai J, Gao M, Li K. 2016. Optimized volume models of earthquake-triggered landslides. Scientific Reports 6: 29797.
[91] Xu C, Xu X, Tian Y, Shen L, Yao Q, Huang X, Ma J, Chen X, Ma S. 2016. Two comparable earthquakes produced greatly different coseismic landslides: The 2015 Gorkha, Nepal and 2008 Wenchuan, China events. Journal of Earth Science 27(6): 1008-1015.
[90] 沈玲玲, 劉連友, 許沖, 王靜璞. 2016. 基於多模型的滑坡易發性評價——以甘肅岷縣漳縣地震滑坡為例. 工程地質學報24(1): 19-28.
[89] 陳劍, 黎艷, 許沖. 2016. 金沙江乾熱河谷區土石流易發性評價模型及套用. 山地學報34(4): 460-467.
[88] Guo D, He C, Xu C, Hamada M. 2015. Analysis of the relations between slope failure distribution and seismic ground motion during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 72: 99-107.
[87] Hong H, Pradhan B, Xu C, Tien Bui D. 2015. Spatial prediction of landslide hazard at the Yihuang area (China) using two-class kernel logistic regression, alternating decision tree and support vector machines. Catena 133: 266-281.
[86] Li K, Xu X-W, Tan X-B, Chen G-H, Xu C, Kang W-J. 2015. Late Quaternary deformation of the Longquan anticline in the Longmenshan thrust belt, eastern Tibet, and its tectonic implication. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 112: 1-10.
[85] Liu L, Xu C, Xu X, Tian Y, Ran Y, Chen J. 2015. Interactive statistical analysis of predisposing factors for earthquake-triggered landslides: a case study of the 2013 Lushan, China Ms 7.0 earthquake. Environmental Earth Sciences 73(8): 4729-4738.
[84] Shen L, Liu L, Yang W, Xu C, Wang J (2015). Rainfall threshold analysis for the initiation of landslides in Sichuan Province of China. Emerging Economies, Risk and Development, and Intelligent Technology: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, June 1-3, 2015, Tangier, Morocco: 441-447.
[83] Shen LL, Liu LY, Wang JP, Xu C (2015). Earthquake-induced landslide susceptibility evaluation based on fuzzy logic and Shannon's entropy integrated information value models in the 2013 Minxian, China earthquake-affected area. Emerging Economies, Risk and Development, and Intelligent Technology: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, June 1-3, 2015, Tangier, Morocco: 217-222.
[82] Tian Y, Xu C, Chen J. 2015. Regional risk assessment of earthquake-triggered landslides. Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response 5(4): 234-245.
[81] Tian Y, Xu C, Chen J (2015). Spatial distribution analyses of pre-earthquake and coseismic landslides related to the 2014 Ludian Ms 6.5 Earthquake. Emerging Economies, Risk and Development, and Intelligent Technology: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, June 1-3, 2015, Tangier, Morocco: 391-397.
[80] Xu C (2015). Inventory mapping of landslides caused by the 2013 Lushan, China Mw 6.6 earthquake. Emerging Economies, Risk and Development, and Intelligent Technology: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, June 1-3, 2015, Tangier, Morocco: 117-122.
[79] Xu C (2015). Landslides caused by the Mw 6.1 Ludian, China earthquake of August 3, 2014. Emerging Economies, Risk and Development, and Intelligent Technology: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, June 1-3, 2015, Tangier, Morocco: 449-453.
[78] Xu C. 2015. Preparation of earthquake-triggered landslide inventory maps using remote sensing and GIS technologies: Principles and case studies. Geoscience Frontiers 6(6): 825-836.
[77] Xu C, Xu X (2015). The source and rupturing process of 2014 Ludian, China earthquake: Evidence from coseismic landslides. The 4th International Symposium on Mega Earthquake Induced Geo-disasters and Long Term Effects. Chengdu, China: 124-127.
[76] Xu C, Xu X, Shyu JBH. 2015. Database and spatial distribution of landslides triggered by the Lushan, China Mw 6.6 earthquake of 20 April 2013. Geomorphology 248: 77-92.
[75] Xu C, Xu X, Shyu JBH, Gao M, Tan X, Ran Y, Zheng W. 2015. Landslides triggered by the 20 April 2013 Lushan, China, Mw 6.6 earthquake from field investigations and preliminary analyses. Landslides 12(2): 365-385.
[74] Xu X, Xu C, Yu G, Wu X, Li X, Zhang J. 2015. Primary surface ruptures of the Ludian Mw 6.2 Earthquake, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Seismological Research Letters 86(6): 1622-1635.
[73] Yao Q, Xing H, Xu C, Zhang W (2015). Dip angle and dissimilar materials in the Longmen Shan: Insights from numerical models. Emerging Economies, Risk and Development, and Intelligent Technology: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, June 1-3, 2015, Tangier, Morocco: 435-440.
[72] 田穎穎, 許沖, 徐錫偉, 吳賽兒, 陳劍. 2015. 2014年魯甸Ms6.5地震震前與同震滑坡空間分布規律對比分析. 地震地質37(1): 291-306.
[71] 田穎穎, 許沖, 陳劍. 2015. 2013年甘肅岷縣Ms6.6級地震滑坡編目. 地質論評61(S): 48-49.
[70] 沈玲玲, 楊文濤, 劉連友, 許沖, 王靜璞. 2015. 基於TRMM降雨數據的四川省地質災害降雨閾值分析. 災害學30(2): 220-227.
[69] 黎艷, 陳劍, 許沖, 李凌婧, 姚鑫. 2015. 基於AHP的半乾旱區土石流易發性評價:以金沙江上游奔子欄—昌波河段為例. 現代地質29(4): 975-982.
[68] 劉麗娜, 許沖, 陳劍. 2015. 基於地貌信息熵與滑坡物源的蘆山地震區土石流危險性評價. 地震地質37(3): 880-892.
[67] 許沖. 2015. 2008年汶川地震前的中國大陸地震單體滑坡與邊坡地震回響. 科技導報33(1): 107-119.
[66] 許沖. 2015. 利用同震滑坡分析2014年魯甸地震震源性質與破裂過程. 工程地質學報23(4): 755-759.
[65] 龍維, 陳劍, 王鵬飛, 許沖, 劉輝, 孫進忠. 2015. 金沙江上游特米大型古滑坡的成因及古地震參數反分析. 地震研究38(4): 568-575.
[64] Gorum T, Korup O, van Westen CJ, van der Meijde M, Xu C, van der Meer FD. 2014. Why so few? Landslides triggered by the 2002 Denali earthquake, Alaska. Quaternary Science Reviews 95: 80-94.
[63] Wang M, Yang WT, Shi PJ, Xu C, Liu LY. 2014. Diagnosis of vegetation recovery in mountainous regions after the Wenchuan Earthquake. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 7(7): 3029-3037.
[62] Wang PF, Chen J, Dai FC, Long W, Xu C, Sun JM, Cui ZJ. 2014. Chronology of relict lake deposits around the Suwalong paleolandslide in the upper Jinsha River, SE Tibetan Plateau: implications to Holocene tectonic perturbations. Geomorphology 217: 193-203.
[61] Xiao JZ, Dai FC, Wei YQ, Min H, Xu C, Tu XB, Wang ML. 2014. Cracking mechanism of secondary lining for a shallow and asymmetrically-loaded tunnel in loose deposits. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 43: 232-240.
[60] Xu C. 2014. Do buried-rupture earthquakes trigger less landslides than surface-rupture earthquakes for reverse faults? Geomorphology 216: 53-57.
[59] Xu C. 2014. A preliminary spatial distribution analysis of landslides triggered by the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment, Proceedings of World Landslide Forum 3, 2-6 June 2014, Beijing 3: 183-190.
[58] Xu C, Shyu JBH, Xu X. 2014. Landslides triggered by the 12 January 2010 Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Mw = 7.0 earthquake: visual interpretation, inventory compiling, and spatial distribution statistical analysis. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14(7): 1789-1818.
[57] Xu C, Xu X. 2014. The spatial distribution pattern of landslides triggered by the 20 April 2013 Lushan earthquake of China and its implication to identification of the seismogenic fault. Chinese Science Bulletin 59(13): 1416-1424.
[56] Xu C, Xu X, Gorum T, van Westen CJ, Fan XM. 2014. Did the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake lead to a net volume loss? Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment, Proceedings of World Landslide Forum 3, 2-6 June 2014, Beijing 3: 191-196.
[55] Xu C, Xu X, Pourghasemi HR, Pradhan B, Iqbal J. 2014. Volume, gravitational potential energy reduction, and regional centroid position change in the wake of landslides triggered by the 14 April 2010 Yushu earthquake of China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 7(6): 2129-2138.
[54] Xu C, Xu X, Shyu JBH, Zheng W, Min W. 2014. Landslides triggered by the 22 July 2013 Minxian-Zhangxian, China, Mw 5.9 earthquake: Inventory compiling and spatial distribution analysis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 92: 125-142.
[53] Xu C, Xu X, Yao X, Dai F. 2014. Three (nearly) complete inventories of landslides triggered by the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan Mw 7.9 earthquake of China and their spatial distribution statistical analysis. Landslides 11(3): 441-461.
[52] Xu C, Xu XW. 2014. Statistical analysis of landslides caused by the Mw 6.9 Yushu, China, earthquake of April 14, 2010. Natural Hazards 72(2): 871-893.
[51]徐錫偉, 程佳, 許沖, 李西, 於貴華, 陳桂華, 譚錫斌, 吳熙彥. 2014. 青藏高原塊體運動模型與地震活動主體地區討論:魯甸和景谷地震的啟示. 地震地質36(4): 1116-1134.
[50]劉麗娜, 許沖, 徐錫偉, 陳劍. 2014. GIS支持下基於AHP方法的2013年蘆山地震區滑坡危險性評價. 災害學29(4): 183-191.
[49]劉麗娜, 許沖, 陳劍. 2014. GIS支持下基於CF方法的2013年蘆山地震滑坡因子敏感性分析. 工程地質學報22(6): 1176-1186.
[48]劉麗娜, 許沖, 陳劍. 2014. 套用高解析度遙感影像立體像對提取DEM述評. 測繪科學39(S): 111-114.
[47]許沖. 2014. 2008年汶川地震前的中國大陸地震滑坡研究. 科技導報32(16): 63-77.
[46]許沖, 徐錫偉. 2014. 21世紀初幾次大地震事件觸發滑坡基礎數據建設. 地震地質36(1): 90-104.
[45]許沖, 徐錫偉. 2014. 2013年蘆山地震滑坡空間分布樣式對盲逆斷層構造的反映. 科學通報59(11): 979-986.
[44]許沖, 徐錫偉, 沈玲玲, 竇帥, 吳賽兒, 田穎穎, 李西. 2014. 2014年魯甸Ms 6.5地震觸發滑坡編錄及其對一些地震參數的指示. 地震地質36(4): 1186-1203.
[43] Xu C. 2013. Assessment of earthquake-triggered landslide susceptibility based on expert knowledge and information value methods: A case study of the 20 April 2013 Lushan, China Mw6.6 earthquake. Disaster Advances 6(13): 119-130.
[42] Xu C (2013). Correlations of earthquake-triggered landslides volume and seismogenic fault: A case study of the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, China. International Symposium & 9th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG, Global View of Engineering Geology and the Environment. Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00078-0. Beijing: 93-98.
[41] Xu C (2013). Earthquake-triggered landslide susceptibility mapping in the 2010 Yushu, China earthquake struck area using artificial neural network model. International Symposium & 9th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG, Global View of Engineering Geology and the Environment. Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00078-0. Beijing: 217-223.
[40] Xu C, Xu X. 2013. Controlling parameter analyses and hazard mapping for earthquake-triggered landslides: an example from a square region in Beichuan County, Sichuan Province, China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 6(10): 3827-3839.
[39] Xu C, Xu X, Yao Q, Wang Y. 2013. GIS-based bivariate statistical modelling for earthquake-triggered landslides susceptibility mapping related to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, China. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 46(2): 221-236.
[38] Xu C, Xu X, Yu G. 2013. Landslides and slope fissures triggered by the April 14, 2010 Yushu Earthquake, China. Earthquake Research in China 27(1): 1-22.
[37] Xu C, Xu X, Yu G. 2013. Landslides triggered by slipping-fault-generated earthquake on a plateau: an example of the 14 April 2010, Ms 7.1, Yushu, China earthquake. Landslides 10(4): 421-431.
[36] Xu C, Xu X, Zhou B, Yu G. 2013. Revisions of the M 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake seismic intensity map based on co-seismic landslide abundance. Natural Hazards 69(3): 1459-1476.
[35] Xu C, Xu XW, Dai FC, Wu ZD, He HL, Wu XY, Xu SN, Shi F. 2013. Application of an incomplete landslide inventory, logistic regression model and its validation for landslide susceptibility mapping related to the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake of China. Natural Hazards 68(2): 883-900.
[34] Xu XW, Wen XZ, Han ZJ, Chen GH, Li CY, Zheng WJ, Zhang SM, Ren ZK, Xu C, Tan XB, Wei ZY, Wang MM, Ren JJ, He ZT, Liang MJ. 2013. Lushan Ms 7.0 earthquake: A blind reserve-fault event. Chinese Science Bulletin 58(28-29): 3437-3443.
[33] Yao Q, Xu X, Xing H, Xu C, Wang X. 2013. Decomposition and evolution of intracontinental strike-slip faults in eastern Tibetan Plateau. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 87(2): 304-317.
[32] Yuan RM, Deng QH, Cunningham D, Xu C, Xu XW, Chang CP. 2013. Density distribution of landslides triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and their relationships to peak ground acceleration. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 103(4): 2344-2355.
[31] 田穎穎, 許沖, 徐錫偉, 陳劍. 2013. 2013年岷縣漳縣Ms6.6地震滑坡特徵參數分析. 地震工程學報35(4): 761-767.
[30] 徐錫偉, 聞學澤, 韓竹軍, 陳桂華, 李傳友, 鄭文俊, 張世民, 任治坤, 許沖, 譚錫斌, 魏占玉, 王明明, 任俊傑, 何仲, 梁明劍. 2013. 四川蘆山7.0級強震: 一次典型的盲逆斷層型地震. 科學通報58(20): 1887-1893.
[29] 許沖. 2013. 2010年海地太子港地震觸發滑坡危險性區劃和合理性檢驗. 科技導報31(12): 42-47.
[28] 許沖. 2013. 2013年蘆山Ms7.0級地震滑坡易發性快速評價方法. 科技導報31(28/29): 15-23.
[27] 許沖. 2013. 基於最大似然法的地震滑坡信息自動提取及其可靠性檢驗. 中國地質災害與防治學報24(3): 19-25.
[26] 許沖. 2013. 實際滑坡是滑坡危險性評價結果合理性檢驗最好的準則. 工程地質學報21(6): 908-911.
[25] 許沖, 肖建章. 2013. 2013年蘆山地震滑坡空間分布分析——以太平鎮東北方向的一個典型矩形區為例. 地震地質35(2): 436-451.
[24] 許沖, 徐錫偉. 2013. 2008年汶川地震導致的斜坡物質回響率及其空間分布規律分析. 岩石力學與工程學報32(S2): 3888-3908.
[23] 許沖, 徐錫偉. 2013. 玉樹地震滑坡體積、重力勢能降與造成的區域質心改變定量研究. 科技導報31(2): 22-29.
[22] 許沖, 徐錫偉. 2013. 地震滑坡編目圖誤差分析. 地質論評59(6): 1177-1188.
[21] 許沖, 徐錫偉, 於貴華. 2013. 基於證據權方法的玉樹地震滑坡危險性評價. 地震地質35(1): 151-164.
[20] 許沖, 徐錫偉, 吳熙彥, 戴福初, 姚鑫, 姚琪. 2013. 2008年汶川地震滑坡詳細編目及其空間分布規律分析. 工程地質學報21(1): 25-44.
[19] 許沖, 徐錫偉, 鄭文俊. 2013. 2013年7月22日岷縣漳縣Ms6.6級地震滑坡編錄與空間分布規律分析. 工程地質學報21(5): 736-749.
[18] 許沖, 徐錫偉, 鄭文俊, 魏占玉, 譚錫斌, 韓竹軍, 李傳友, 梁明劍, 李志強, 王虎, 王明明, 任俊傑, 張世民, 何仲太. 2013. 2013年四川省蘆山“4.20”7.0級強烈地震觸發滑坡. 地震地質35(3): 641-660.
[17] 許沖, 徐錫偉, 鄭文俊, 閔偉, 任治坤, 李志強. 2013. 2013年甘肅岷縣漳縣6.6級地震觸發滑坡及其構造分析. 地震地質35(3): 616-626.
[16] 許沖, 戴福初, 徐素寧, 徐錫偉, 何宏林, 吳熙彥, 石峰. 2013. 基於邏輯回歸模型的汶川地震滑坡危險性評價與檢驗. 水文地質工程地質40(3): 98-104.
[15] Xu C, Dai F, Xu X, Lee YH. 2012. GIS-based support vector machine modeling of earthquake-triggered landslide susceptibility in the Jianjiang River watershed, China. Geomorphology 145-146: 70-80.
[14] Xu C, Xu X. 2012. Comment on “Spatial distribution analysis of landslides triggered by 2008.5. 12 Wenchuan Earthquake, China” by Shengwen Qi, Qiang Xu, Hengxing Lan, Bing Zhang, Jianyou Liu [Engineering Geology 116 (2010) 95–108]. Engineering Geology 133-134: 40-42.
[13] Xu C, Xu X, Dai F, Saraf AK. 2012. Comparison of different models for susceptibility mapping of earthquake triggered landslides related with the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in China. Computers & Geosciences 46: 317-329.
[12] Xu C, Xu X, Dai F, Xiao J, Tan X, Yuan R. 2012. Landslide hazard mapping using GIS and weight of evidence model in Qingshui River watershed of 2008 Wenchuan earthquake struck region. Journal of Earth Science 23(1): 97-120.
[11] Xu C, Xu X, Lee YH, Tan X, Yu G, Dai F. 2012. The 2010 Yushu earthquake triggered landslide hazard mapping using GIS and weight of evidence modeling. Environmental Earth Sciences 66(6): 1603-1616.
[10] 李帥, 許沖, 陳建波, 譚明, 吳國棟, 常想德, 阿里木江, 羅炬. 2012. 新疆新源、和靜交界Ms6.6地震地質災害誘發因素淺析. 內陸地震26(4): 365-372.
[9] 許沖. 2012. 汶川地震滑坡分布規律與危險性評價. 岩石力學與工程學報31(2): 432-432.
[8] 許沖. 2012. 汶川地震滑坡詳細編錄及其與全球其他地震滑坡事件對比. 科技導報30(25): 18-26.
[7] 許沖, 徐錫偉. 2012. 走滑斷裂型地震誘發的滑坡在斷裂兩盤的空間分布差異. 地質通報31(4): 532-540.
[6] 許沖, 徐錫偉. 2012. 俯衝帶地區壓扭斷裂型地震觸發滑坡及其剝蝕厚度空間分布規律分析. 工程地質學報20(5): 732-744.
[5] 許沖, 徐錫偉. 2012. 基於GIS與ANN模型的地震滑坡易發性區劃. 地質科技情報31(3): 116-121.
[4] 許沖, 徐錫偉. 2012. 基於不同核函式的2010年玉樹地震滑坡空間預測模型研究. 地球物理學報55(9): 2994-3005.
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