西泠拍賣APP將藉助便捷的移動客戶端平台,通過拍賣預展、精品推薦、拍賣須知等欄目,為藏家及時提供藏品、拍賣會相關信息,獲取富含文人情懷和生活雅趣的藏玩體驗。 依循西泠印社的百年文脈,西泠拍賣以傳承中國傳統文化與藝術為己任,其以中國書畫、文房清玩、篆刻硯台等見長,廣及名人信札手稿、古籍碑帖、紫砂藝術、庭園石雕、御窯金磚、歷代錢幣、油畫雕塑、插圖漫畫、當代名家玉雕、陳年名酒等門類。 在每年定期舉辦的春季、秋季大型拍賣會及特別專場中,著眼於藝術的廣度與深度,不斷細分和創新藝術門類,發掘藝術品的深層價值,至今已推出逾十個“中國首屆”創新專場,備受業界關注。 Benefiting from the mobile application as a platform of highly convenience, our APP will timely present rich information about various types of sales and lots through in-depth exploration of upcoming sales, selected lots as well as rules of buying and selling to clients, thus delivering them an experience that combines art and life closely. Following glorious history of Xiling Yinshe, we dedicates ourselves to preservation and promotion of traditional Chinese culture. Bearing authenticity and transparency as its priority, Xiling Yinshe Auction annually offers spring and autumn auctions as well as special sales that make breakthroughs, among which Chinese painting and calligraphy, seals, ink stones and objects of vertu being the most notable and manuscripts and letters by celebrities, fine ancient books & rubbings, Zisha works of art, stone carvings, bricks of imperial palaces, Chinese coins and paper money, oil painting & sculpture, comics and illustrations, jade carvings by contemporary artists and famous Chinese wine are included as well. In that light, Xiling Auction is constantly devoted to exploring categories, evidenced by the introduction of more than ten ground-breaking sales in China which are highly recognized on the market. 1.最佳化記憶體管理 2.修復了套用存在的bug
需要iOS 5.0 或更高版本。與 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已針對 iPhone 5 進行最佳化。