Department of Mass Communication傳播學專業自2003年6月開始招收本科生,10年來取得了較快發展,目前招收傳播學專業和廣告學專業兩個本科專業。2006年獲傳播學二級學科碩士學位點,2007年開始正式招收傳播學碩士研究生,到2010年共招收傳播學碩士生80名,已畢業20餘名;2010年獲新聞傳播一級學科碩士學位點。該一級碩士點擬開設的五個學科方向為:傳播學、編輯學、新聞學、廣告學、文化創意。這些方向與實踐銜接緊密,有很好的社會需求現實與潛力,也與國家要大力發展文化及傳媒產業的巨觀指向一致。
Students for undergraduate studies were first enrolled in the Department of Mass Communication in June, 2003. The past 7 years have witnessed the fast development of this Department. At present, the Department offers two undergraduate programs in mass communication and advertisement studies. In 2006, the Department initiated Second Grade Discipline M.A. program, and started to enroll graduate students in 2007. Up to 2010, over 20 graduates have completed their respective studies and the Department has enrolled a total of 80 students for the M.A. program. In 2010, the Department initiated its First Grade Discipline M.A. program in News and Mass Communication upon the approval by relevant authorities and it is now offering 5 different M. A. programs in mass communication, editology, journalism, advertisement studies, and cultural originality, all of which closely correlate with social practice in different industrial fields, full-fill the present and potential social demands, and correspond to the orientation of the Nation in the promotion of cultural and mass media industries.
The faculty are composed of 22 members, 4 of them are professors, 11 associate professors, and 13 of them Ph. D. holders. Strong in innovative academic activities, they have implemented several projects of national and provincial or ministerial levels in recent years. Students of the Department have won 2 First Prizes and 4 Second Prizes in the Third National University Students’ Advertising and Art Context held by Ministry of Education and University Cup of China University Students Mobile Phone Film Festival, Academy Award of China Advertising Association, the Gold Calf Award of China Times of Taiwan, and 82 other prizes and awards.