1. Xuemei Wei(衛雪梅).Global weak solution for a periodic generalized Hunter-Saxtonequation,J. Math. Anal. Appl,dio:10.1016/j.jmaa.2012.02.162. (SCI收錄)2. Xuemei Wei(衛雪梅). Global weak solutions for a periodic Hunter-Saxton equation withweak dissipation, International Journal of Mathematics,dio:10.1142/So129167X1250036X. (SCI收錄)
3. Xuemei Wei(衛雪梅), Zhaoyang Yin. Global existence and blow-up phenomena for theperiodic Hunter-Saxton equation parametrized by the speed of the Galileanframe, Nonlinear Analysis Real World Application, 12(2011) 2616-2624. (SCI收錄)
4.. Xuemei Wei(衛雪梅), Zhaoyang Yin. Global existence and blow-up phenomena for theperiodic Hunter-Saxton equation with weak dissipation, Journal of NonlinearMathematical Physics , 18(2011)139-149. (SCI收錄)
5. XuemeiWei(衛雪梅),Cuihua Guo. Global Existencefor a Mathematical Model of the immune response to cancer. Nonlinear AnalysisReal World Application, 11 (2010) 3903-3911. (SCI收錄)
6. XuemeiWei(衛雪梅),Shangbin Cui. Existence andUniqueness of Global Solutions for a Mathematical Model of antiangiogenesis inTumor Growth. Nonlinear Analysis Real World Application, 2008,9(5):1827-1836.(SCI收錄)
7. XuemeiWei(衛雪梅),Shangbin Cui. Existence andUniqueness of Global Solutions for a Mathematical Model of the Use ofMacrophages in Tumor Medicine. Nonlinear Analysis Real World Application, 2007,8(3):922-938. (SCI收錄)
8. XuemeiWei(衛雪梅), Shangbin Cui. Existence andUniqueness of Global Solutions for a Drug Transport Model in Tumor MulticellSpheroids, Mathematical and Computer Modelling,2007, 45(5-6),553-563. (SCI收錄)
9. 衛雪梅,崔尚斌.一個腫瘤生長自由邊界問題解的漸近性態.數學物理學報,2007,27(4):648-659。
10. XuemeiWei(衛雪梅). Global Existence for a FreeBoundary Problem Modelling the Growth of Necrotic Tumors in the Presence ofInhibitors. Inter. Pure Appl. Math., 2006,28(3):321-338.
11. 衛雪梅,崔尚斌.一個腫瘤生長自由邊界問題解的整體存在性和唯一性.數學物理學報, 2006, 26 (1): 1-8。
12. ShuaishuaiGao, Xuemei Wei(衛雪梅). Analysis of a mathematicalmodel of glioma cells outside the tumor spheroid core, ApplicableAnalysis,accepted.(SCI收錄)
13. ShangbinCui,Xuemei Wei(衛雪梅).Global existence for aparabolic-hyperbolic free boundary problem modelling tumor growth. Acta Math.Appl. Sinica, 2005, 21(4): 597-614.
1. 主持題目為《腫瘤生長數學模型和液晶模型的若干問題研究》的國家自然科學基金(11101095),在研2. 主持題目為《一些新的腫瘤生長數學模型的定性研究》的國家自然科學基金(10726017),已結題
3. 主持題目為《腫瘤生長的自由邊界問題》的廣東工業大學博士啟動基金(063043),已結題
4. 參加題目為《非球對稱腫瘤生長的自由邊界問題》的國家自然科學基金(10471157),已結題
5. 參加題目為《病態托普里茲的快速算法》的國家自然科學基金(19971018),已結題