




UNIT 1 Trade(貿易)

Part 1 Understanding of Trade

Part 2 Establishing Trade Relations

Part S Rudimentary Knowledge

Part 4 Additional Practice

UNIT 2 Markets(市場)

Part 1 Some Forms of Markets

Part 2 Marketing Products or Services Successfully

Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge

Part 4 Additional Practice

UNIT 3 Attacting or Making Investment(引資或投資)

Part 1 Attracting or Making Investment

Part 2 Investment Environment

Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge

Part 4 Additional Practice

UNIT 4 Import and Export(進口與出口)

Part 1 Import and Export

Part 2 Making the Decision to Import or Export

Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge

Part 4 Additional Practice

UNIT 5 Technology Transfers(技術轉讓)

Part 1 Benefits of Advanced Technology

Part 2 Introducing the Latest Technology to Keep Competitiveness

Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge

Part 4 Additional Practice

UNIT 6 Invitation for and Submission of Bids(招標與投標)

Part 1 Conditions for Bids

Part 2 Consulting About the Bids

Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge

Part 4 Additional Practice

UNIT 7 Inquiry and offer(詢價與報價)

Part 1 General Ideas of Inquiry and Offer

Part 2 Dialogues About Inquiry and Offer

Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge

Part 4 Additional Practice

UNIT 8 Counter-offer(還盤)

Part 1 Understanding of Counter-Offer

Part 2 Meeting Each Other Halfway

Part 3 Rudimentary Knowledge

Part 4 Additional Practice

UNIT 9 Accptance and Ordering(接受與訂購)

UNIT 10 Packing and Shipment(包裝與發運)

UNIT 11 Insurance(保險)

UNIT 12 Agency(代理)

UNIT 13 Claims(索賠)

UNIT 14 Arbitration(仲裁)

UNIT 15 Commercial Documents(商貿單證)


key for Reference


