Yichao brand design Co., Ltd. was Founded in 2008, now,it is the largest and most professional and most influential brand design company in Loudi. Yichao was a super brands top ten brand design in Hunan ,Had a youngest, most beautiful, most powerful beauty design team,Specializing in brand name, brand design, planning and promotion, CI system, VI design, corporate culture, product packaging, advertising photography, book design, website construction, real estate planning, indoor and outdoor design, video production, media, brand promotion is one of the professional planning design integration institutions.
Over the years, Yichao use the international design concept and practical operation enjoythe industry’s reputation,repeatedly won the Design Award of Hunan and the country, is the senior brand design and management company, taking the forefront of creative design in China, the company set the Tsinghua University, Central Academy of Art, central Academy of Fine Arts, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and other major national Academy of Fine Arts and the industry elite, making Yichao both rigorous analysis and innovative ability. Company uphold the pragmatic and effective design to eliminate flashy, adhere to the original design to meet customer needs as the core, do our best so that the customers in each project to maximize the benefits that we have to abide by the professionalism. Our country has many large joint ventures, involving all walks of life.
Yichao will remain, adhering to the professionaloriented philosophy, continue to take the creative route, to help our customers insight into market opportunities and achievements of the brand value .
成功只屬於那些善於把握機遇、不斷創新、永不放棄的人!藝超四年,從無到有,不斷壯大;從卓越到超越,榮譽豐收,設計品質馳名。多年來,我們始終圍繞“創意成就品牌 誠信贏得未來”的經營理念,秉承“認真做好每一件事”的工作作風和“專注細節,追求完美”的質量方針,為“創造生活,超越生活”的遠大理想而不懈拼搏、奮鬥。四年如一的貫徹和堅持下,藝超贏得了廣大客戶、合作夥伴、業內同行與政府的尊重和讚譽,在市場中建樹了良好的品牌形象,成為值得信賴的誠信企業,是湖南品牌設計的標桿和主導者。在此,我謹代表公司全體同仁向長期關心和支持藝超設計的社會各界朋友致以最衷心的感謝!
Success belongs to those who are good at grasping opportunities and innovate, never give up people!
Over four years, YiChao, from scratch, growing; from excellent to go beyond, honor harvest, the quality of well-known design. Over the years, we always focus on "creative achievements of the brand,Integrity Win the future" business philosophy, adhering to the "careful to do everything" style of work and "attention to detail, striving for perfection," the quality for the "creation of life, beyond life," the ambitious ideal and unremitting struggle, struggle. If a four-year implementation and insistence, YiChao won over customers, partners, industry peers and government respect and praise achievements in the market a good brand image, the integrity of a trusted company, is the brand design in Hunan benchmark and leader. Here, on behalf of all my colleagues in the long-term care and support to the YiChao community over the design extend my most heartfelt thanks!
Road is long Come, happiness and earth. The future, the goal is to become the YiChao over the brand design industry in China's most respected and trusted companies, one of China's enterprises in the world to establish a good image and make an effort. Therefore, we will continue to follow the modern enterprise management concepts, the times of the design concept, the group of strategic thinking, tree brand, re-creative, development, and continue beyond the focus on "beyond self, beyond peer, beyond age, beyond expectations, "the spirit, leading the sustainable development, continue to walk the road of innovation, pioneering YiChao over more brilliant tomorrow.
- 全國政協副主席阿不來給藝超總經理吳霞頒獎
- 湖南省副省長陳肇雄接見藝超總經理吳霞合影
- 原湖南省委宣傳部副部長湖南日報總編李發美
- 中國作家協會副主席譚談與公司總經理吳霞
- 藝超經營理念:創意成就品牌 誠信贏得未來
- Idea:Creative achievements of the brand,Integrity Win the future
- 藝超核心文化:捨得
- Core culture:Give and get
- 藝超工作作風:誠實做人 誠心做事
- Work style:Honest man sincerely to do things
- 藝超精神:超越自我 超越同行超越時代 超越期望
- Spirit :beyond the self, beyond the peer, beyond the age, beyond the expectations
- 藝超價值觀:天道酬勤
- Values: heaven rewards the diligent
- 藝超質量方針:注重細節 追求完美
- Quality Policy:attention to detail, striving for perfection
- 藝超理想:創新世界
- Ideal:World of innovation
- 藝超宣言:做優秀企業的謀略者 做知名品牌的塑造者做先進文化的傳播者
- Declaration:do excellent business strategies,do Well-known brand the shapers,do advanced culture of communicators
- 藝超員工座右銘:讓優秀成為一種習慣
- Staff motto:Excellent to become a habit
三一重工 | 中國建設銀行 | 中國石油 | 湘煤集團 | 上海雨蘭家紡 | 廣州延生沐足 |
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長沙克萊德家具 | 湖南湘中網 | 婁底漣邵印刷廠 | 福緣興達貿易 | 湖南天華實業 | 湖南華鑫生物 |
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婁底生活網 | 湖南寶吉特機電 | 婁底恆宇裝飾 | 婁底萬壽米業 | 婁底鴻環防水 | 婁底天籟房地產 |
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珠海大風和電動車 | 湖南湄江湖茶樓 | 婁底青雲賓館 | 四海一品餐飲連鎖 | 婁底福記海鮮 | 婁底旭泉飲品 |
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天籟房地產 | 玉寶龍家具 | 婁底天井混凝土 | 湖南文泰農業 | 超琅農業 | 長沙華騰商標事務所 |