Born in 1890, Anhui Province.
She doesn't smile a lot, because people around her always distract her, make her unhappy. But she has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.
Jeans is her favorite fabric, and she never wear dresses. ( this one could be completely changed when she got all the congrats and bless on a once-in-life event )
Never doubt about her determination, execution, or judgement. Because she is capable of dealing with all the unpleasant experience and extremely good at self-comforting. Also, she is capable of moving forward, sometimes she does it unmercifully, but that is totally understood.
When things go against her will, she may not just fight, probably she just quit fighting, Ignore the feelings of her own and someone who actually care to keep things on a even keel.
Life sux, there is no exception.
People get what they get, not what they deserve.
It's never been easy for me to forget somebody, even someone who left me endless sorrow and pain. However, I don't blame anyone or myself. I never remember anyone's birthday or length of time we've been together, Probably it's because I don't like people.
Life sux, what we should do is to try to fix it, denials can never help you out.
What goes around, comes around!
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