菲利浦 H. 迪維格博士現任華盛頓大學奧林商學院(Olin School of Business, Washington University at St. Louis)銀行與金融學教授。戴蒙德-迪布維格銀行擠兌模型(The Diamond-Dybvig model)是他重要的學術貢獻之一。迪布維格博士曾經任教於普林斯頓大學和耶魯大學,並擔任多個頂級學術期刊的編輯工作。2002年至2003年他曾擔任西方金融協會主席。主要研究領域
菲利浦 H. 迪維格教授在金融領域有眾多的研究,包括資產定價、企業治理、貨幣銀行、固定收益證券和投資組合管理。他還曾經在產業組織領域進行研究。學術成就
•Sloan Research Fellowship, 1986-1988•Batterymarch Research Fellowship, 1982-1983
•Common Fund Prize, 1996
•Graham and Dodd Scroll for excellence in financial writing awarded by the AIMR, 1996
•Midwest Finance Association Distinguished Scholar, 2003
Textbooks•Personal Computing for Managers, Redwood City, CA: Scientific Press, 1986.
•The Lotus Tutorial, Redwood City, CA: Scientific Press, 1987.
Published Articles and Other Short Pieces
•"Present Values and Internal Rates of Return," with Stephen Ross and Chester Spatt, Journal of Economic Theory 23, 1980, 66-81.
•"Recovering Cardinal Utility," with Heraklis Polemarchakis, Review of Economics Studies 48, 1981, 159-166.
•"Mean-variance Theory in Complete Markets," with Jonathan Ingersoll, Journal of Business 55, 1982, 233-251.
•"Portfolio Efficient Sets," with Stephen Ross, Econometrica 50, 1982, 1525-1546.
•"Adoption Externalities as Public Goods," with Chester Spatt, Journal of Public Economics 20, 1983, 231-247.
•"Duality, Interest Rates, and the Theory of Present Value," Journal of Economic Theory 30, 1983, 98-114.
•"Recovering Preferences from Preferences over Nominal Gambles," Journal of Economic Theory 28, 1982, 354-360.
•"An Alternative Characterization of Decreasing Absolute Risk Aversion," with Stephen Lippman, Econometrica 51, 1983, 223-224.
•"Recovering Additive Utility Functions," International Economic Review 24, 1983, 379-396.
•"Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance, and Liquidity," with Douglas W. Diamond, Journal of Political Economy 91, 1983, 401-419.
•"An Explicit Bound on Individual Assets' Deviations from APT Pricing in a Finite Economy," Journal of Financial Economics 12, 1983, 483-496.
•"Short Sales Restrictions and Kinks on the Mean Variance Frontier," Journal of Finance 39, 1984, 239-244.
•"Acknowledgement: Kinks on the Mean-Variance Frontier," Journal of Finance 40, 1985, 345.
•"Differential Information and Performance Measurement Using a Security Market Line," with Stephen Ross, Journal of Finance 40, 1985, 383-399.
•"The Analytics of Performance Measurement Using a Security Market Line," with Stephen Ross, Journal of Finance 40, 1985, 401-416.
•"Yes, the APT is Testable," with Stephen Ross, Journal of Finance 40, 1985, 1173-1188.
•"Banking Theory, Deposit Insurance, and Bank Regulation," with Douglas Diamond, Journal of Business 59, 1986, 55-68.
•"The Empirical Implications of the Cox, Ingersoll, Ross Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates," with Stephen Brown, Journal of Finance 41, 1986, 617-630.
•"Tax Clienteles and Asset Pricing," with Stephen Ross, Journal of Finance 41, 1986, 751-762.
•"Arbitrage," with Stephen Ross, a contribution to The New Palgrave: a Dictionary of Economics 1, New York: Stockton Press, 1987, 100-106.
•"inefficient Dynamic Portfolio Strategies, or How to Throw Away a Million Dollars in the Stock Market," Review of Financial Studies 1, 1988, 67-88.
•"Distributional Analysis of Portfolio Choice," Journal of Business 61, 1988, 369-393.
•"Book Review of Security Markets: Stochastic Models by Darrell Duffie," Review of Financial Studies 1, 1988, 329-330.
•"Nonnegative Wealth, Absence of Arbitrage, and Feasible Consumption STREAMS," with Chi-fu Huang, Review of Financial Studies 1, 1988, 377-401.
•"Capital Structure and Dividend Irrelevance with Asymmetric Information," with Jaime Zender, Review of Financial Studies 4, 1991, 201-219.
•"Hedging Nontraded Wealth: When is there Separation of Hedging and Investment?" in Hodges, S. D. (Ed) Options: Recent Advances in Theory and Practice 2, 1992, Manchester University Press.
•"Bank Runs," a contribution to The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance 1, New York: Stockton Press, 1992, 171-173.
•"Riskless Asset," a contribution to The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance 3, New York: Stockton Press, 1992, 372-373.
•"Remarks on Banking and Deposit Insurance," Review of the Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis 75:1, 1993, 21-24.
•"Warranties, Durability, and Maintenance: Two-sided Moral Hazard in a Continuous-Time Model," with Nancy Lutz, Review of Economic Studies 60, 1993, 575-597.
•"What is the Fed's Decision Problem?" Review of the Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis 76:2 , 1994, 213-215.
•"Discussion of `Improving bankruptcy Procedure' by Philippe Aghion, Oliver Hart, and John Moore," Washington University Law Quarterly 72, 1994, 873-877.
•"Duesenberry's Ratcheting of Consumption: Optimal Dynamic Consumption and Investment Given Intolerance for any Decline in Standard of Living" Review of Economic Studies 62, 1995, 287-313.
•"Long Forward and Zero-Coupon Rates Can Never Fall," with Jonathan Ingersoll and Stephen Ross, Journal of Business 69, 1996, 1-25.
•"Pricing Long Bonds: Pitfalls and Opportunities," with Bill Marshall, Financial Analysts Journal, January-February 1996, 32-39.
•"Bond and Bond Option Pricing Based on the Current Term Structure," 1997, Mathematics of Derivative Securities, Michael A. H. Dempster and Stanley Pliska, eds., Cambridge University Press.
•"The New Risk Management: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly," with Bill Marshall, Review of the Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis, November/December 1997, 9-21.
•"Recovery of Preferences from Observed Wealth in a Single Realization," with Chris Rogers, Review of Financial Studies 10, 1997, 151-174.
•"Going to Extremes: Correcting Simulation Bias in Exotic Option Valuation," with David Beaglehole and Guofu Zhou, Financial Analysts Journal, January-February 1997, 62-68.
•"Using Asset Allocation to Protect Spending," Financial Analysts Journal, January-February 1999, 49-62.
•"Portfolio Turnpikes," with Chris Rogers and Kerry Back, Review of Financial Studies 12, 1999, 165-195.
•"Empty Promises and Arbitrage," with Greg Willard, Review of Financial Studies 12, 1999, 807-834.
•"Bias of Damage Awards and Free Options in Securities Litigation," with Ning Gong and Rachel Schwartz, Journal of Financial Intermediation 8, 2000, 149-68.
•"The Cost and Duration of Cash-Balance Pension Plans," with David T. Brown and William J. Marshall, Financial Analysts Journal, November-December 2001, 50-62.
•"Employee Reload Options: Pricing, Hedging, and Optimal Exercise," with Mark Loewenstein, Review of Financial Studies 16, 2003, 145-171.
•"Arbitrage, State Prices, and Portfolio Theory," with Stephen A. Ross, in George Constantinides and René Stulz, ed., Handbook of the Economics of Finance, 2003.
•"The fallacy of Large Numbers, and a Defense of Diversified Active Managers," Journal of Applied Finance 15, 2005.
•"Consensus in Diverse Corporate Boards," with Nina Baranchuk, Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming.
•"Portfolio Performance and Agency," with Heber Farnsworth and Jennifer Carpenter, Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming.