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出版社: 上海外語教育出版社; 第3版 (2010年3月1日)
叢書名: 上海緊缺人才培訓工程教學系列叢書
平裝: 296頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 32
ISBN: 9787544616089, 7544616088
條形碼: 9787544616089
尺寸: 20.8 x 14.6 x 1.6 cm
重量: 340 g


《英語高級口譯資格證書考試:高級口語教程(第3版)》內容編排上以一學期為限,設計了16個單元。各單元語言教材的選題涉及語言學習、交際原理、日常生活、科學技術、旅遊觀光、社會熱點、教育政策、環境保護、經濟貿易等方面的內容,為口語表達實踐提供話題、表達方式、思路和操練等方面的參照性材料。每一單元都採用相似的體例,包括:“核心課文(The Core Text)”、“訪談範例(Sample Interview)”、“知識性閱讀材料與小組討論(Information Input andGroup Discussion)”,以及“演講範例與表達練習(Sample Speech andOral Practice)”四方面具有一定內在聯繫的內容。


Unit One
Section A The Core Text: Secrets of Powerful Speaking
Section B Sample Interview. Strategies for Public Speaking
Section C Information Input and Group Discussion
1. The Art of Oral Presentation
2. Body Language Speaks Louder than Words
Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
Part A Sample Speech: How to Make a Good Presentation
Part B Presentation Practice
Part C More Topics for Oral Practice
Part D Useful Expressions
Unit Two
Section A The Core Text: From Competence to Commitment
Section B Sample Interview: Europe versus America in High Education
Section C Information Input and Group Discussion
1. New Policies on College Life
2. The Function of Universities
3. Education Equality Calls for Fair enrolment
Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
Part A Sample Speech. To Learn in an entertaining Way
Part B Presentation Practice
Part C More Topics for Oral Practice
Part D Useful Expressions
Unit Three
Section A The Core Text. New Zealand —— A Beautiful Country .
Section B Sample Interview. Tourism Marketing
Section C Information Input and Group Discussion
1. Benefits and Challenges of Tourism
2. Travelers Need a Dose of Civilization
Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
Part A Sample Speech: Travel Makes People Wiser
Part B Presentation Practice
Part C More Topics for Oral Practice
Part D Useful Expressions
Unit Four
Section A The Core Text: Culture Shock
Section B Sample Interview: Living Abroad —— Cultural Experience
section G Information Input and Group Discussion
1. Symptoms of Culture Shock
2. When in China, Do As the Chinese Do
Section O Sample Speech and Oral Practice
Part A Sample Speech: To Cope with Cultural Diversity
Part B Presentation Practice
Part C More Topics for Oral Practice
Part D Useful Expressions
Unit Five
Section A The Core Text: Harmonious Society —— China's Dream
Section B Sample Interview: On Forgiveness
Section C Information Input and Group Discussion
1. New Concepts Adopted for Further Development
2. To Embrace Social Harmony
Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
Part A Sample Speech: How to Improve Conditions for the Physically Disabled?
Part B Presentation Practice
Part C More Topics for Oral Practice
Part D Useful Expressions
Unit Six
Section A The Core Text: Economic Implications of Increased Oil Prices
Section B Sample Interview: Energy Prices and Policies
Section C Information Input and Group Discussion
1. Why Do Gasoline Prices Rise and Fall?
2. Rising Oil Prices Have Limited Impact on China's Economy
3. Oil Price Hikes Could Hinder China's Growth
Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
Part A Sample Speech: China Is Not to Blame for Rises in Oil Prices
Part B Presentation Practice
Part C More Topics for Oral Practice
Part 1) Useful Expressions
Unit Seven
Section A The Core Text: Future of UN Hinges on Effective Reform
Section B Sample Interview: UN Still Matters in World Affairs
Section C Information Input and Group Discussion
1. UN Is Faced with New Challenges
2. Globalization
Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
Part A Sample Speech: Does Globalization Increase Poverty and Inequality?
Part B Presentation Practice
Part C More Topics for Oral Practice
Part D Useful Expressions
Unit Eight
Section A The Core Text: Is Technology Making Us Smarter?
Section B Sample Interview: Internal Communications
Section C Information Input and Group Discussion
1. Science and Technology Is a Two-Edged Sword
2. The Power of the Computer
Section D Sample Speech and Oral Practice
Part A Sample Speech: Information Superhighways
Unit Nine
Unit Ten
Unit Eleven
Unit Twelve
Unit Thirteen
Unit Fourteen
Unit Fifteen
Unit Sixteen


