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《普通高等教育英語“十二五”規劃教材:英語演講藝術(附光碟)》宗旨:老師快樂地教,學生快樂地學!作者將十餘年來珍藏的影視演講資料傾心奉獻!本書摒棄了國內主流教材中採用的例證和演講材料所具有的過於嚴肅正式,過於冗長,用詞生僻,難度過大,枯燥沉悶的缺點,以大量的影視英語演講視頻和文字材料為例證,貫穿全面系統的內容---從演講的概念和重要性到演講稿各環節的準備,從演講者的語言、聲音到體態語技巧,從特殊場合的演講到英語演講比賽,以及本書的創新特色:從演講中的幽默到演講與修辭的關係,等等。此外,每章節後為課堂內外演講訓練提供的 “一分鐘演講”訓練話題都是近年來國內熱點話題和大型演講比賽的題目。隨書同時附光碟一張,提供近7個小時的視頻和音頻演講實例,為教師授課和學習者自學提供了極大的方便。本書可供英語專業和非英語專業學生作為教材使用,也是英語愛好者享受英語文化薰陶的精神食糧和進行聽力、口語練習的良師益友,同時也可作為準備英語演講比賽的選手和指導老師的參考書。[顯示全部]


Chapter 1 Public Speaking-An Overview(公眾演講:綜述)

1.1 Introducing Public Speaking

1.2 Importance of Public Speaking

1.3 Features of English Speeches in Films

1.4 The Importance of Learning Public Speaking from Films

Chapter 2 Preparing a Public Speech(演講稿的準備)

2.1 Selecting Our Topic

2.2 Supporting What We Have to Say

2.3 Organizing the Body of Our Speech

2.4 Beginning of Our Speech

2.5 Ending of Our Speech

2.6 Outlining Our Speech

2.7 Rehea ing Our Speech

Chapter 3 Varieties of Public Speaking(演講的種類)

3.1 Speaking Informatively

3.2 Speaking Pe uasively

3.3 Speaking from Manuscript

3.4 Speaking from Memory

3.5 Speaking Extemporaneously

3.6 Speaking Impromptu

3.7 A wering Questio

Chapter 4 Language in Delivery(演講的語言因素)

4.1 Conquering Speaking Anxieties

4.2 Rhetoric and Public Speaking

4.3 Public Speaking and Daily Conve ation

Chapter 5 Vocal Facto in Delivery(演講的聲音因素)

5.1 Vocal Facto and Nonverbal Communication

5.2 Pronunciation: Say the Words Correctly!

5.3 Articulation: Speak Clearly!

5.4 Volume: We Must Be Heard!

5.5 Pitch & Intonation: Make Our Voice Varied!

5.6 Tone: Be Co istent with the Subject Matter!

5.7 Rate:Don't Speak Too Fast!

5.8 Pause: Let It Sink in!

5.9 Vocal Variety: Speak Like Singing a Song!

5.10 Microphone and Vocal Effectiveness:

Adjust It before Speaking!

Chapter 6 Body Language in Delivery(演講的體態語因素)

6.1 Body Language and Nonverbal Communication

6.2 Functio of Nonverbal Facto

6.3 Managing Our Body Language

Chapter 7 Using Humor in Delivery(演講中的幽默)

7.1 The Importance of Humor in Our Speech

7.2 How to Be Humorous in Public Speaking?

7.3 The Pitfalls of Using Humor in Public Speaking

7.4 Enjoy a Speech

Chapter 8 Tools and Aids in Delivery(演講中的輔助工具和手段)

8.1 Using Tools to Aid Our Speech

8.2 Advice on Handling Aids and Tools

Chapter 9 Speaking on Special Occasio (特殊場合的演講)

9.1 Introducing & Presenting

9.2 Award Giving

9.3 Award Receiving

9.4 Toasting

9.5 Tribute

9.6 Eulogy

9.7 Job Interview

9.8 Debating

9.9 Press Conference

9.10 School Opening & Valedictory Speech

9.11 Commencement Speech

9.12 Election Campaign

9.13 Lobbying & Soliciting

9.14 Inauguration Address

9.15 Business Presentation

9.16 Opening & Closing Ceremony

9.17 Sermon

9.18 Farewell

9.19 Class Speech

9.20 Court Opening & Summation

9.21 Wedding Hosting

Chapter 10 English Speaking Competitio (英語演講比賽)

10.1 English Speech Evaluation

10.2 Topic?assigned Speech

10.3 Unprepared Speech

10.4 The Q & A Session

10.5 Debating

Selected Maxims & Mottos(最好的格言警句精選)



