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【叢書名】: 全國本科院校英語類公共選修課系列教材


現代語言學家奠基人索緒爾把語言定義為表達觀念的符號系統。隨著社會語言學的建立和發展,人們越來越重視語言的功能和語言使用的研究。以Halliday為代表的系統功能學派認為語言是社會語義系統的一部分,語言發展的過程就是人的社會化過程。而人的社會化是在交際實踐中通過交際完成的。每個人都是社會的成員,每個社會都有其本身的交際準則和模式。語言之所以成為人類交際的工具,成為文化的載體,正是社會成員按照自己民族文化的模式對語言加以運用的結果。人們發現,“文化錯誤”(cultural mistakes)要比語言錯誤(linguistic mistakes)嚴重得多,因為語言錯誤至多是言不達意,無法把心裡想說的東西清楚地表達出來,而文化錯誤往往使本族人與其他民族的人之間產生嚴重誤會甚至敵意。


Chapter 1 Rhetoric: the Art of Discourse1
1.1 What Is Rhetoric1
1.2 Scope of Rhetoric1
1.3 Rhetoric as a Civic Art3
1.4 Rhetoric as a Course of Study5
1.5 Canons of Rhetoric6
Assignment for Further Thinking7
Chapter 2 History of Rhetoric9
2.1 A Brief Introduction to the History of Rhetoric9
2.2 The Sophists in Ancient Greece10
2.3 Plato11
2.4 Aristotle12
2.5 Cicero13
2.6 Quintilian14
2.7 Medieval to Enlightenment15
2.8 The Sixteenth Century17
2.9 The Seventeenth Century19
2.10 The Eighteenth Century20
2.11 Modern Rhetoric20
Assignment for Further Thinking20
Chapter 3 Famous Orators23
3.1 Demosthenes23
3.2 Aeschines26
3.3 Andocides28
3.4 Antiphon28
3.5 Dinarchus29
3.6 Lysias30
3.7 Isaeus34
3.8 Isocrates35
3.9 Lycurgus of Athens37
3.10 Aristogeiton39
3.11 Claudius Aelianus40
3.12 Cicero40
3.13 Corax of Syracuse43
3.14 Pericles45
3.15 Quintus Hortensius48
3.16 Winston Churchill50
3.17 Margaret Thatcher52
3.18 Ralph Waldo Emerson53
3.19 Douglas MacArthur54
3.20 John F. Kennedy56
3.21 Martin Luther King, Jr.57
3.22 Abraham Lincoln58
3.23 Patrick Henry60
3.24 Tony Blair60
3.25 Richard Nixon61
3.26 Jimmy Carter63
3.27 Frederick Douglass63
3.28 Ronald Reagan64
3.29 William Jennings Bryan65
3.30 Bill Clinton66
3.31 George W. Bush67
3.32 Barack Obama68
Assignment for Further Thinking69
Chapter 4 Samples of Oratory Scripts71
4.1 The Lady’s Not for Turning71
4.2 Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death!79
4.3 Cross of Gold81
4.4 Inauguration of John F. Kennedy87
4.5 I Have a Dream90
4.6 Gettysburg Address92
4.7 Tony Blair’s Speech97
4.8 Be Ye Men of Valour107
4.9 We Shall Fight on the Beaches110
4.10 Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat117
4.11 The Hypocrisy of American Slavery118
4.12 Fighting Rebels with Only One Hand122
4.13 What the Black Man Wants125
4.14 Albert J. Beveridge’s Maiden Speech131
4.15 Mesmerizing the Masses146
4.16 I Have Sinned152
4.17 Remarks Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Democratic
National Convention in Chicago155
4.18 Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Democratic
National Convention in New York167
4.19 Remarks Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the 1980
Democratic National Convention in New York176
4.20 Address of Senator John F. Kennedy Accepting the Democratic Party
Nomination for the Presidency of the United States185
4.21 Address to the Nation190
4.22 The Iraqi Threat196
4.23 Update in the War on Terror203
4.24 The speech that made Barack Obama Famous207
4.25 Barack Obama’s Victory Speech212
4.26 A More Perfect Union216
Assignment for Further Thinking225
Chapter 5 Figures of Speech227
5.1 Introduction227
5.2 Alliteration227
5.3 Anaphora229
5.4 Antithesis230
5.5 Apostrophe230
5.6 Assonance231
5.7 Chiasmus231
5.8 Euphemism232
5.9 Hyperbole233
5.10 Irony234
5.11 Litotes234
5.12 Metaphor235
5.13 Metonymy236
5.14 Onomatopoeia236
5.15 Oxymoron237
5.16 Paradox238
5.17 Personification238
5.18 Pun239
5.19 Simile239
5.20 Synecdoche240
5.21 Understatement240
Assignment for Further Thinking240


