綱 領:傳遞樂,升華愛,實現夢!
English: I·Dear
CreationIdeas:Concept, wisdom, vigor, simplicity, luxury,passion
WeddingArt——Weddingitself is a kind of work of art, only infinite emotions and ideas can create antreasures handed down from ancient times, this requires integration of wisdom,and the real wisdom is the experience obtained in the life! We feel life andpolish the art with heart.
CulturalPhotography——I·Deal breaks the traditionalshooting methods and preparation ways, combines the cultural ideas into worldof photography, each moment is the everlasting classic.
FiveElements Arrangement——We are not superstitious, we just look for a more appropriate way tobless the newlywed, we make sure the wedding site is not only a palace for you,and meanwhile, we inspect the site for each wedding served by I·Dear and discuss the settingarrangement with the Yi-ology counselor of the Group in order to bless thenewlywed in an arrangement way with the best position.
GuidingPrinciple: pass pleasure, sublimate love andrealize dream!
ServiceConcept: provide wonderful service, experienceroyal etiquette!
BusinessPrinciple: perform the dreamed wedding of customerswith boundless thoughts, create private wedding consultant mode!
WorkingRules: responsibility, honor, attention andperfection.
Happiness is a kind of feeling, a commitment!
IdearWedding Design Ideas
The leading design ideas of Idear International Private Wedding DesignBrand inherit from the design philosophy of a famous creative design master,Alexander·McQueen, in England.Based on respecting the customers’ thoughts, the overall design of the weddingcompromises simplicity and lavish display style, and based on the romancewedding, the designers from Idear blend the prospect and confidence of the newcouple for the happy life to the wedding, showing the new couple’s intelligentlife and positive attitude.
The Chief Creative Director of Idear International Private Wedding DesignBrand, Jerry·Li, takes our company’s designersto England, Hong Kong and Taiwan to study every year, in order to inheritdesign philosophy better and invent innovation.
Due to the effort of the company’s planningteam, we inherit the design philosophy well and because of the positiveteamwork of the investigation and implementation team at the wedding site, now,Idear, with the support of group, has employed the master of Zhouyi andinitiated the service of “lucky five elements arrangement”, arranging thewedding site in accordance with the new couple’s birthdays and birth hours andthe geomancy of the site, strengthening thenew couple’s demons at their happiest moment, making the new couple live morehappily and work more successfully after the wedding.