艾希特大學共有三個校區:Streatham Campus、StLuke's Campus、Cambrne School of Mines. Streatham Campus是三個校區中最大也是最美麗的校園,這裡有茂密的樹林、美麗的花園和五光十色的湖區,大多數的課程都是在這個校區進行的。校園裡的生活豐富多彩,宿舍樓和公寓離教學樓、運動場、圖書館、商店、酒店、咖啡店、酒吧等都很近。不用走出校園,你就能欣賞到歌劇、話劇、音樂會、電影等。

學費 (2003)
科系 | 價格 |
MBA | 12950英鎊 |
MA in Finance and Investment, MSc in Finance & Management, MSc in Marketing & Finance, MSc in Accounting and Finance | 8950英鎊 |
MSc International Management | 7950英鎊 |
MSc Financial Management (abac) | 5567英鎊 |
MA Complementary Health Studies | 7590英鎊 |
MEd Educational Psychology | 15000英鎊 |
MA Applied Social Studies | 7590英鎊 |
Band 1 | 7590英鎊 |
Band 2 | 9420英鎊 |
Band 1: Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies、School of Business and Economics、 School of Classics and Theology、 School of Education、 School of English、 School of Historical Political and Sociological Studies、School of Law、 School of Modern Languages、 School of Drama and Music…
Band 2: School of Biological Sciences、Camborne School of Mines、School of Chemistry、School of Engineering and Computer Science、School of Geography and Archaeology (except postgraduate Archaeology and some postgraduate Geography topics such as MSc in Tourism)、School of Mathematical Sciences、School of Physics、School of Sport and Health Sciences、School of Psychology.
MA in Mediterranean Studies (C15M) 地中海研究所MA in Middle East Studies (C497) 中東研究所MA in Middle East Studies (Social Sciences) (tba)中東研究所(社會科學) MA in Islamic Studies (C498) 伊斯蘭研究所MA in Arab Gulf Studies (C499) 阿拉伯研究所MA in Arab Gulf Studies (Social Sciences) (tba)阿拉拍研究所(社會科學) MA in Modern Arabic Literature (C701)近代阿拉伯文學 CENTRE FOR MEDITERRANEAN STUDIES 中東研究中心
MA in Mediterranean Studies (C15M) 地中海研究SCHOOL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 生物科學學院
MSc in Biological Research Methods 生物研究方法(C3SS) MSc/MRes/PgDip/PgCert in Bioinformatics (C542)/(D542)/(E542)生物資訊系SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 企管與經濟學院
MSc in Economics (C510) 經濟學 MSc in Economics and Econometrics (C5EE) 經濟與經濟計量學 MSc in Financial Economics (C476) 金融經濟MSc in the Economics of the European Union (C5KK) 歐洲聯盟經濟學 MA in Finance and Investment (C567) 財政與投資 MSc in Financial Management (C162A) 金融管理MSc in Finance and Management (C198) 財政與管理MSc in International Management (C176) 國際管理MSc in Marketing and Finance (C597) 行銷與金融The Exeter MBA (C193) 企業管理Diploma in Economics (D510)經濟Diploma in Economics and Econometrics (D5EE) 經濟與經濟計量學 CENTRE FOR LEADERSHIP STUDIES 領導研究中心
MA/PgDip in Leadership (D53T) 領導學 CAMBORNE SCHOOL OF MINES 東南亞礦物學院
MSc in Mining Geology (C49W) 礦業地質學 MSc/PgDip in Mining Engineering (C48W)/(D48W) 礦冶工程MSc/PgDip in Minerals Engineering (C47W)/(D45Z) 礦冶工程MSc in Applied Geotechnics (C703) 套用地學 MSc in Surveying and Land/Environmental Management (C704) 測量學與環境管理Diploma in Mineral Technology (D42X)礦物科技SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY 化學學院
MSc in Biological Chemistry (tba) 生物化學 MSc/MRes in Chemical Research Methods (tba) 化學研究方法Diploma in Science Studies (Chemistry) (D3P3) 自然科學研究(化學) MA in Ethics, Religion and Society (C539) 倫理, 宗教與社會學 CLASSICS AND ANCIENT HISTORY 古典文學與古代歷史
MA in Ancient Drama and Society (C16L) 古代戲劇與社會MA in Homeric Studies (C1HH) 荷馬研究MA in Roman Myth and History (C1GG) 羅馬神化與歷史MA in Hellenistic Culture 希臘文化THEOLOGY 神學
MA in Theology (C143) 神學 INSTITUTE OF CORNISH STUDIES 康瓦耳研究機構
MA in Cornish Studies (C319)康瓦耳研究DRAMA戲劇學院
MA in Applied Drama (C534) 套用戲劇MA/MFA in staging Shakespeare (C505)/(C505F) 莎士比亞舞台劇研究MA in Theatre Practice (C16T) 劇場實務MUSIC 音樂學院
MA in English Cathedral Music (C540) 英國教堂音樂MA in musicology (C1M1) 音樂理論MMus in Musical Composition (C12F) 音樂作曲SCHOOL OF EDUCATION 教育學院
MSc in Educational Research (C705) 教育研究MEd/PgDip/PgCert Full-time Programmes 教育認證 DEPARTMENT OF LIFELONG LEARNING 終身學習
MA/PgCert/PgDip in Complementary Health Studies 互補健康研究ENGLISH LANGUAGE CENTRE 英國語言中心
Graduate Certificate in English and Management (E52T) 英文與企管研究所COMPUTER SCIENCE 電腦科學學院
MSc/PgDip/PgCert in Autonomous Systems (C594)/(D594)/(E594) 閘道通訊系統 MSc/MRes/PgDip/PgCert in Bioinformatics (C542)/(D542)/(E542)生物資訊ENGINEERING 工程學院
MSc in Engineering and Management (C303) 工程與管理MSc/PgDip/PgCert in Competitive Product Engineering (C545)競爭產品工程研究所SCHOOL OF ENGLISH 英語學院
MA in English Studies (c114) 英文研究所
MA in the History and Literature of witchcraft (C12Y) 歷史與魔法文學研究所
MA in Experimental Archaeology (C557) 實驗考古學 MA in Landscape Archaeology (C558) 景觀考古學 MA in Military Archaeology (C598) 軍事考古學 MA/MSc/PgDip in Wetland Archaeology and Environments (B490)/(C490)/(D490)濕地考古與環境學 GEOGRAPHY 地理學
MSc in Tourism, Development and Policy (C706) 旅遊, 發展與策略HISTORY 歷史
MA in History (C121)歷史學 MA in European History (C14L) 歐洲歷史MA in Local and Regional History (C469) 區域史MA in War and Society (C471)戰爭與社會MA in The History and Literature of Witchcraft (C12Y) 歷史與魔法文學 POLITICS 政治學
MA in Critical Global Studies 批判總體研究MA in International Relations (C5IN) 國際關係 MA in International Studies (C707)國際研究MA in Pan-European Politics (C5PA) 汎歐政治MA in Political Theory (C5PO) 政治學說 MA in Middle East Politics (C5X9) 中東政治PhD (Doctoral Programme) in Middle East Politics (A7MM)中東政治MA in Middle East Politics (Jerusalem Studies) (C455)中東政治(耶路撒冷研究) MA in Public Administration and Public Policy (C562) 公共行政與政策PhD (Doctoral Programme) in Public Administration (A7LL)公共行政MA in Public Administration (Police Studies) (C503)公共行政(政策研究) PhD in Public Administration (A7LL)公共行政SOCIOLOGY (INCLUDING PHILOSOPHY) 社會學(哲學)
MA in the Sociology and Philosophy of Culture 社會與文化哲學 CENTRE FOR EUROPEAN STUDIES 歐洲學習
MA in Maritime History (C17Z) 航海歷史MA in Naval History (C470) 海洋歷史CENTRE FOR MEDICAL HISTORY 醫藥史
MA in Medicine, Occupation and Health in Historical Perspective (C560)醫藥,職業與健康歷史透視學 SCHOOL OF LAW 法律學院
LLM in European Law (C262) 歐洲法LLM in INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW (C270) 國際商業法LLM in International and Comparative Public Law (C543) 國際與比較國際公法CENTRE FOR LEGAL PRACTICE 法律實務
Diploma in Legal Practice 法律實務Diploma in Law 法律SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES 現代語言學院
MA in Contemporary European Culture: Language, Literature and Society (C11F) 當代歐洲文化: 語言, 文學 與社會MA in European Film Studies (C595) 歐洲電影研究MA in European Thought (C708) 歐洲思想MA in Medieval Studies (C559) 中古研究MA in Renaissance Studies (C596) 文藝復興研究MA in Literary Translation (C127) 文學翻譯 MA in Applied Translation 套用翻譯學 FRENCH 法語
MA in Literary Manuscript Studies (French) (C128) 文學手稿研究(法文) ITALIAN 義大利
MA in Italian (C123) 義大利RUSSIAN 俄語
MA in Russian (C138) 俄語 SPANISH 西班牙
MA in Spanish (C141) 西班牙MA in Medieval Hispanic Studies (C126) 中古西班牙研究SCHOOL OF PHYSICS 物理學院
MSc in Medical Physics (C3U4) 醫學物理SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY 心理學院
MSc in Psychological Research Methods (C59P) 心理學研究方法MSc in Animal Behaviour 動物行為MSc in Economic Psychology (C454) 經濟心理學 MSc in Social and Organizational Psychology (C709) 社會與組織心理學 DClinPsych in Clinical and Community Psychology (A35F)臨床與社區心理學 SCHOOL OF SPORT AND HEALTH SCIENCES 運動與健康科學
EXERCISE AND SPORT SCIENCES/CHILDREN'S HEALTH AND EXERCISE 運動與健康科學/兒童健康與運動SOCIAL WORK AND probation STUDIES社會工作與鑑定研究MA/PgDip/PgCert in Applied Social Studies(C56P) 套用社會學 MSc/PgDip/PgCert in Services for Parents with Learning Disabilities (C600)/(D600)/(E600) 對學習障礙兒父母的公事業 Mphil in Advanced Social Work/Probation Studies (M55P) 進階社會工作與鑑定研究
Continuing Professional Development 繼續職業發展課程
General 普通
Independent Study/Work-Based Learning Module Offers the opportunity to develop, with the support of an academic supervisor, a short programme of study focusing on an aspect of work, professional interest or personal development. Management and Leadership
Building a Winning Team Culture Management Current Issues in Human Resource Management Delivering Organisational Change Developing Competitive Strategies (Strategic Business Planning) Implementing Business Strategy Leaders as Coaches Marketing Operations/Project Management Strategic Leadership and the Management of Change Engineering
Agent Technology Computational Signal Processing Intelligent Image Understanding Natural Language Engineering Neural Networks Pattern Recognition Environment and Heritage
Contaminated Land** Environmental Assessment and Monitoring Systems** Environmental Impact of Mining** Environmental Legislation** Health and Social Care
Comparative Medical Traditions Complexity Theory and Health Diet, Environment and Health Disability and IT for Health and Related Professionals** Disability, Policy and Practice** Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice** Management of Stress and Psychological Risk** Risk Management of Work-Related Musculo-Skeletal Disorders** Theory and Evidence Base of Aromatherapy Theory of Management and Education Applied to Health and Social Care Professions** The Therapeutic Relationship Research
Advanced Research Methodology Qualitative Methods Questionnaire Design Research in the Evaluation of Health and Social Care Practice** Research Methodology for Complementary Heal