作者:江銘虎 王琳等
1?1兒童和黑猩猩的早期手語(Early signs of language in child and chimpanzee)Gardner R A,Gardner B T
1?2語言、命名和概念(Language,name,and concept)Bronowski J,Bellugi Ursula
1?3短尾猴非初級聽覺皮質對複雜聲音的處理(Processing of complex sounds in the macaque nonprimary auditory cortex)Rauschecker Josef P,Tian Biao,Hauser Marc
1?4靈長類動物下丘腦中與視覺、掃視相關的信號(Visual? and saccade?related signals in the primate inferior colliculus)Porter Kristin Kelly,Metzger Ryan R,Groh Jennifer M
1?5大腦區別人類和非人類語法:功能的區域化和結構的連通性(The brain differentiates human and non?human grammars:Functional localization and structural connectivity)Friederici Angela D,Bahlmann Jorg,Heim Stefan,Schubotz Ricarda I,Anwander Alfred
1?6“快速映射”的證據:一隻家犬的詞語學習(Word learning in a domestic dog:Evidence for “fast mapping”)Kaminski Juliane,Call Josep,Fischer Julia
1?7狗能不能學會詞語(Can a dog learn a word)Bloom Paul
1?8FOXP2基因與語音及語言的神經解剖學的關係(FOXP2 and the neuroanatomy of speech andlanguage)Vargha?Khadem Faraneh,Gadian David G,Copp Andrew,Mishkin Mortimer
1?9從仿真的視角看辭彙和句法的共同演變(Coevolution of lexicon and syntax from a simulation perspective)Gong Tao,Minett James W,Ke Jinyun, Holland John H,William S Y Wang
1?10黑猩猩和人類左腦中基於計算的AGL、ENOSF1、ENPP2_1、GSTM3_3和MAN2B2代謝網路分析(Amylo?1(AGL),Enolase Superfamily Member 1(ENOSF1),Ectonucleotide Pyrophosphatase 2(ENPP2_1),Glutathione S?transferase Mu 3 (GSTM3_3)and Mannosidase (MAN2B2) Metabolism Computational Network Analysis between Chimpanzee and Human Left Cerebrum)Sun Lingjun,Wang Lin,Jiang Minghu,Huang Juxiang,Lin Hong
2?1語言能力的開發與早期語言環境(Development linguistic ability and early language exposure)Mayberry Rachel I,Lock Elizabeth,Kazmi Hena
2?2早期語言習得:破譯語言密碼(Early language acquisition:Cracking the speech code)
Kuhl Patricia K
2?3雙語習得者大腦結構的可塑性:第二語言的熟練程度和習得年齡對灰質密度的影響(Structural plasticity in the bilingual brain:Proficiency in a second language and age at acquisition affect grey?matter density)Mechelli Andrea,Crinion Jenny T,Noppeney Uta,O?Odoherty John,Ashburner John,Frackowiak Richard S,Price Cathy J
2?4第二語言辭彙學習的神經相關性:少量的學習產生快速的改變(Neural correlates of second language word learning:Minimal instruction produces rapid change)McLaughlin Judith,Osterhout Lee,Kim Albert
2?5用功能磁共振成像對中英文單詞處理方式的研究(Mandarin and English single word processing studied with functional magnetic resonance imaging
)Chee Michael W L,Tan Edsel W L,Thiel Thorsten
2?6受文化影響而在大腦中形成的算術處理方式(Arithmetic processing in the brain shaped by cultures)Tang Yiyuan,Zhang Wutian,Chen Kewei,Feng Shigang,Ji Ye,Shen Junxian,Reiman Eric M,Liu Yijun
2?7語言由什麼控制(What’s in control of language
)Friederici Angela D
3?1音樂、語言和意義:語義處理的腦信號(Music,language and meaning:Brain signatures of semantic processing)Koelsch Stefan,Kasper Elisabeth,Sammler Daniela,Schulze Katrin,Gunter Thomas,Friederici Angela D
3?2語義處理中的大腦半球不對稱性:從對歧義單詞的錯誤記憶中找到的證據(Hemispheric asymmetries in semantic processing:Evidence from false memories for ambiguous words)Faust Miriam,Ben Artzi Elisheva,Harel Itay
3?3預測與名詞含義相關的人腦活動(Predicting human brain activity associated with the meanings of nouns)Mitchell Tom M,Shinkareva Svetlana V,Carlson Andrew,Chang Kai Min, Malave Vicente L,Mason Robert A,Just Marcel Adam
3?4名詞和動詞兼類詞對命名具體實體和動作的神經關聯的影響(Effects of noun?verb homonymy on the neural correlates of naming concrete entities and actions)Tranel Daniel,Martin Coleman, Damasio Hanna,Grabowski Thomas J,Hichwa Richard
3?5語句理解過程中語義系統內神經解剖學特性:來自功能磁共振成像技術的證據(Neuroanatomical distinctions within the semantic system during sentence comprehension:Evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging)Kuperberg Gina R,Sitnikova Tatiana,Lakshmanan Balaji M
3?6辭彙—語義和話語信息對歧義分類照應語解決所起的作用(The contributions of lexico?semantic and discourse information to the resolution of ambiguous categorical anaphors)Ditman Tali,Holcomb Phillip J,Kuperberg Gina R
3?7理解話語的意義:關於對句子因果關係推理的功能磁共振成像研究(Making sense of discourse:An fMRI study of causal inferencing across sentencese)Kuperberg Gina R,Lakshmanan Balaji M,Caplan David N,Holcomb Phillip J
3?8名詞和動詞的神經相關性的分離(Dissociating neural correlates for nouns and verbs)Shapiro Kevin A,Mottaghy Felix M,Schiller Niels O,Poeppel Thorsten D,Flüss Michael O,Müller H W,Caramazza Alfonso,Krause Bernd J
3?9基於認知機制的概念特徵抽取和神經網路文本聚類(Concept features extraction and text clustering analysis of neural networks based on cognitive mechanisms)Jiang Minghu,Zhang Tao,Wang Lin
4?1人腦中的句法性別處理:回顧與模型(Syntactic gender processing in the human brain:A review and a model)Heim Stefan
4?2對句法處理的血管回響:關係從句的事件相關功能磁共振成像研究(Vascular responses to syntactic processing:Event?related fMRI study of relative clauses)Caplan David,Vijayan Sujith,Kuperberg Gina,West Caroline,Waters Gloria,Greve Doug,Dale Anders M
4?3語言理解的神經機制:對句法的挑戰(Neural mechanisms of language comprehension:Challenges to syntax)Kuperberg Gina R
4?4語言、音樂、句法和大腦(Language,music,syntax and the brain)Patel Aniruddh D
4?5人類語言大腦皮質:記憶、句法和連續運動音素辨識系統的定位(Human language cortex:Localization of memory,syntax,and sequential motor?phoneme identification systems)Ojemann George,Mateer Catherine
4?6在處理簡單語句之間的概念關係過程中存在的電生理學差異(Electrophysiological distinctions in processing conceptual relationships within simple sentences)Kuperberg Gina R,Sitnikova Tatiana,Caplan David,Holcomb Phillip J
4?7對於環境聲音和辭彙的概念引導:一項ERP研究(Conceptual priming for environmental sounds and words:An ERP study)Orgs Guido,Lange Kathrin,Dombrowski Jan Henryk,Heil Martin
4?8輔音與元音的分離處理(Separable processing of consonants and vowels)Caramazza Alfonso,Chialant Doriana,Capasso Rita, Miceli Gabriele
4?9事件相關腦電位估計的單詞生成中的辭彙重音編碼(Lexical stress encoding in single word production estimated by event?related brain potentials)Schiller Niels O
4?10腹側視覺通路內的多模式語言區域(A multimodal language region in the ventral visual pathway)Büchel Christian,Price Cathy,Friston Karl
4?11神經系統對一種哨語的處理:西班牙語一種稀有的替代方式顯示大腦語言區突出的適應性(Neural processing of a whistled language:A rare surrogate of Spanish highlights the adaptability of the brain?s language regions)Carreiras Manuel,Lopez Jorge,Rivero Francisco,Corina David
4?12大腦電位顯示在自然語音處理中直接使用韻律學信號(Brain potentials indicate immediate use of prosodic cues in natural speech processing)Steinhauer Karsten,Alter Kai,Friederici Angela D
4?13語言中的神經分離:證據為心理詞典是陳述性記憶的一部分,而語法規則是由程式系統處理的(A neural dissociation within language:Evidence that the mental dictionary is part of declarative memory,and that grammatical rules are processed by the procedural system)Ullman Michael T,Corkin Suzanne,Coppola Marie,Hickok Gregory,Growdon John H,Koroshetz Walter J,Pinker Steven
4?14在語言理解中對機率詞的預激活可以從腦電活動中推斷出來(Probabilistic word pre?activation during language comprehension inferred from electrical brain activity)DeLong Katherine A,Urbach Thomas P,Kutas Marta
4?15在左額皮質處理語言的複雜性和語法性(Processing linguistic complexity and grammaticality in the left frontal cortex)Friederici Angela D,Fiebach Christian J,Schlesewsky Matthias,Bornkessel Ina D,Cramon D Yvesvon
5?1漢字的形和音處理:基於fMRI的研究(Orthographic and phonological processing of Chinese characters:An fMRI study)Kuo Wen Jui,Yeh Tzu Chen,Lee Jun Ren,Chen Li Fen,Lee Po Lei,Chen Shyan Shiou,Ho Low Tone,Hung Daisy L,Tzeng Ovid J L,Hsieh Jen Chuen
5?2潛在的漢語辭彙處理的神經機制:功能磁共振成像研究(Neural mechanisms underlying the processing of Chinese words:An fMRI study)Dong Y,Nakamura K,Okada T,Hanakawa T,Fukuyama H,Mazziotta J C,Shibasaki H
5?3漢字、英語單詞和圖片在腦中進行語義處理的重疊及分離:來自功能磁共振成像的證據(Overlap and dissociation of semantic processing of Chinese characters,English words,and pictures:Evidence from fMRI)Chee Michael W L,Weekes Brendan,Lee Kok Ming,Soon Chun Siong,Schreiber Axel,Hoon Jia Jia,Chee Marilyn
5?4中文閱讀障礙患者大腦皮質的結構功能基礎(A structural?functional basis for dyslexia in the cortex of Chinese readers)Siok Wai Ting,Niu Zhendong,Jin Zhen,Perfetti Charles A,Tan Li Hai
5?5評論:在視覺詞形處理中的大腦半球不對稱——進展、矛盾和評價理論(Commentary—Hemispheric asymmetries in visual word?form processing:Progress,conflict,and evaluating theories)Marsolek Chad J,Deason Ebecca G
5?6視覺詞形區域:漢字內隱處理的功能磁共振成像研究的證據(The visual word form area:Evidence from an fMRI study of implicit processing of Chinese characters)Liu Chao,Zhang Wu Tian,Tang Yi Yuan,Mai Xiao Qin,Chen Hsuan Chih,Tardif Twila,Luo Yue Jia
5?7視覺詞形區和辭彙出現頻率:以參數功能磁共振成像研究為依據(The visual word form area and the frequency with which words are encountered:Evidence from a parametric fMRI study)Kronbichler Martin,Hutzler Florian,Wimmer Heinz,Mair Alois,Staffen Wolfgang,Ladurner Gunther
5?8 視覺詞形區域的奧秘(The myth of the visual word form area)Price Cathy J,Devlin
Joseph T
5?9顳上溝對物體視聽信息的整合(Integration of auditory and visual information about objects in superior temporal sulcus)Beauchamp Michael S,Lee Kathryn E,Argall Brenna D,Martin Alex
5?10潛在的視覺和聽覺對象分類的神經迴路比較(A comparison of neural circuits underlying auditory and visual object categorization)Adams Reginald B,Janata Petr
5?11右腦參與是美式手語處理的關鍵期(A critical period for right hemisphere recruitment in American sign language processing)Newman Aaron J,Bavelier Daphne,Corina David,Jezzard Peter,Neviue Helen J
5?12大腦語言區在色覺感知中起到的作用(Language regions of brain are operative in color perception)Siok Wai Ting,Kay Paul,William S Y Wang,Chan Alice H D,Chen Lin,Luke Kang Kwong,Tan Li Hai
6?1兩半腦間的整合作用所掩蓋的認知系統的模組組織(Modular organization of cognitive systems masked by interhemispheric integration)Baynes Kathleen,Eliassen James C,Lutsep Helmi L,Gazzaniga Michael S
6?2利用功能磁共振成像檢驗與FOXP2基因突變有關的語言變異(Language fMRI abnormalities associated with FOXP2 gene mutation)Liégeois Frédérique,Baldeweg Torsten,Connelly Alan,Gadian David G,Mishkin Mortimer,Vargha Khadem Faraneh
6?3大腦尺寸不能預測同一家庭內部的綜合認知能力(Brain size does not predict general cognitive ability within families)Schoenemann P Thomas,Budinger Thomas F,Sarich Vincent M,William S Y Wang
6?4語言對涉及感知判斷的腦部激活的影響模式(Language affects patterns of brain activation associated with perceptual decision)Tan Li Hai,Chan Alice H D,Kay Paul,Khong Pek Lan,Yip Lawrance K C,Luke Kang Kwong
6?5在原始人類空間認知中的認知遺傳分類學和文化跨越(Cognitive cladistics and cultural override in Hominid spatial cognition)Haun Daniel B M,Rapold Christian J,Call Josep,Janzen Gabriele,Levinson Stephen C
6?6左腦半球的整體拓撲優勢(Global topological dominance in the left hemisphere)Wang Bo,Zhou Tian Gang,Zhuo Yan,Chen Lin
6?7在精神分裂症中布洛卡區的異常皮質褶皺模式:來自結構的磁共振成像的證據(Abnormal cortical folding patterns within Broca?s area in schizophrenia:Evidence from structural MRI)Wisco J,Kuperberg G,Manoach D,Quinn B,Busa E,Fischl B,Heckers S,Sorensen A
6?8連線語言和動作的大腦機制(Brain mechanisms linking language and action)Pulvermülle Friedemann
6?9語言的腦部偏側性程度決定單側腦損傷的敏感性(Degree of language lateralization determines susceptibility to unilateral brain lesions)Knecht S,Fl?el A,Dr?ger B,Breitenstein C,Sommer J,Henningsen H,Ringelstein E B,Pascual Leone A
6?10來自人類的大腦侵入性記錄:臨床見解和超越(Invasive recordings from the human brain:Clinical insights and beyond)Engel Andreas K,Moll Christian K E,Fried Itzhak,Ojemann George A