




演員-肯尼斯·摩爾 Kenneth More

雙城記 A Tale of Two Cities(1980) .....Dr. Jarvislorry

Due città, Le

Geschichte zweier Städte, Eine

不明飛行物 The Spaceman and King Arthur(1979) .....King Arthur

A Spaceman in King Arthur's Court

En rymdman vid riddarnas bord

水晶鞋與玫瑰花 The Slipper and the Rose(1976) .....Chamberlain

The Slipper and the Rose: The Story of Cinderella

La zapatilla y la rosa

地心遊記 Viaje al centro de la Tierra(1976) .....Prof. Otto Lindenbrock

Continent fantastique, Le

Fabulous Journey to the Center of the Earth

小氣財神scrooge(1970) .....Ghost of Christmas Present

不列顛之戰 Battle of Britain(1969) .....Group Capt. Baker

空軍大戰略/ 倫敦上空的鷹

Slaget om England

La batalla de Inglaterra

毒氣間諜戰 Fräulein Doktor(1969) .....Col. Foreman

Fräulein Doktor

Fräulein Doktor - nimetön vakooja

多可愛的戰爭 Oh! What a Lovely War(1969) .....Kaiser Wilhelm II

Ah! Dieu que la guerre est jolie

Och, jaka piekna wojna!

傭兵傳奇The Mercenaries(1968) .....Doctor Wreid

último tren a Katanga

Dark of the Sun

收藏家 The Collector(1965) .....(uncredited)

The Butterfly Collector

El coleccionista

我們加入了海軍 We Joined the Navy(1962) .....Lt. Cmdr. Robert Badger

Auf zur Navy

Grin i marinen

最長的一日The Longest Day(1962) .....Capt. Colin Maud

碧血長天/ 最長的一天

Längsta dagen, Den

Längste Tag, Der

卑斯麥艦殲滅戰 Sink the Bismarck!(1960) .....Captain Jonathan Shepard


Man in the Moon(1960) .....William Blood

西北邊境 North West Frontier(1959) .....Capt. Scott

Aux frontières des Indes

Brennendes Indien

39級台階 The 39 Steps(1959) .....Richard Hannay

Les 39 marches

39 askelta

治安官 The Sheriff of Fractured Jaw(1958) .....Jonathan Tibbs

Sheriff wider Willen

Apuros de um Xerife

冰海沉船 A Night to Remember(1958) .....Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller

銘記的夜晚 / 難忘之夜 / 鐵達尼號

Atlantikos, voreion platos 41o

Atlantique, latitude 41°

翱翔藍天 Reach for the Sky(1956) .....Douglas Bader

Vainqueur duCIEL

Allen Gewalten zum Trotz

愛上紅髮女郎的男人 The Man Who Loved Redheads(1955) .....Narrator (voice)

Mann, der Rothaarige liebte, Der

Han älskade rödhåriga

蔚藍深海The Deep Blue Sea(1955) .....Freddie Page

海深情更深 / 愛情深似海

Kärlek utan nåd

Livet skal leves

Genevieve(1953) .....Ambrose Claverhouse

Die feurige Isabella


永遠別讓我走 Never Let Me Go(1953) .....Steve Quillan

Es begann in Moskau

Arrivò l'alba

Our Girl Friday(1953) .....Pat Plunkett

Come Eva... più di Eva

Skeppsbrutna i paradiset

天堂無路No Highway(1951) .....Dobson, Co-Pilot (uncredited)

No Highway in the Sky

Die Reise ins Ungewisse

維那斯之約 Appointment with Venus(1951) .....Lionel Fallaize

Epiheirisis Venus

Harmia Venuksen vuoksi

千載難逢 Chance of a Lifetime(1950) .....Adam

Elämän tilaisuus

Chance of a Lifetime

Morning Departure(1950) .....Lt. Cmdr. James

Die Nacht begann am Morgen

Die letzten Vier

南極的司各脫Scott of the Antarctic(1948) .....Lt. E.G.G. 'Teddy' Evans


秘密飛行 School for Secrets(1946) .....Bomb Aimer (uncredited)

Secret Flight

School for Secrets




