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目前已在Biomaterials, Journal of Controlled Release, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Cell and Tissue Research等雜誌上發表了10餘篇論文(引用次數超過450,h-index和i10-index分別為8和7),參與了多本英文學術專著的編纂工作,並承擔多個英文SCI期刊的審閱工作。

Brief Introduction

Nie Hemin was born in Hunan province in 1978. After receiving his Degree of Philosophy at National University of Singapore from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering in 2009 (with Prof. Chi-Hwa Wang), Dr. Nie moved to Columbia University in the City of New York and continued his research on biomaterials and controlled-release techniques in the interest of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (with Prof. Jeremy J. Mao). In 2012, Dr. Nie shifted back to Hunan, and has been working as a professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering of Hunan University since. So far Dr. Nie has published 12 English articles in high-level journals (h-index: 8; i10-index: 7). Besides, Dr. Nie has been participating in the preparation of a few of Biomedical Engineering books and is active in review works for various journals.


  • 新型藥物、蛋白和脫氧核糖核酸(DNA)緩釋體系的開發
  • 新型生物醫學材料的開發和表征
  • 新型生物醫學材料在組織再生和腫瘤治療中的套用
  • 新型緩釋體系對幹細胞遷移、繁殖和分化的精確調控
  • 基金支持

  • 湖南大學青年教師成長計畫資助(中央高校基本科研業務費),2012.1-2012.12
  • 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目:基於細胞歸巢的組織工程新方法及其在骨再生中的套用,項目主持人,2013.1-2015.12
  • 發表文章

    1.?H. Nie and C.H. Wang. Fabrication and characterization of PLGA/HAp composite scaffolds for delivery of BMP-2 plasmid DNA. Journal of Controlled Release, 120, 111-121, 2007 (IF 7.164, cited by 159, ranked 6th in all JCR articles published in 2007).

    2.?H. Nie, B.W. Soh, Y.C. Fu and C.H. Wang. Three-dimensional fibrous PLGA/HAp composite scaffold for bone morphogenetic protein-2 delivery. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 99, 223-234, 2008 (IF 3.7, cited by 87, among 25 most cited articles published in 2008-2010).

    3.?Y.C. Fu, H. Nie, M.L. Ho, C.K. Wang and C.H. Wang. Optimized bone regeneration based on sustained release from three-dimensional fibrous PLGA/HAp composite scaffolds loaded with bone morphogenetic protein-2. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 99, 996-1006, 2008 (IF 3.7, cited by 92, among 25 most cited articles published in 2008-2010).

    4.?H. Nie, L.Y. Lee, H. Tong and C.H. Wang. PLGA/chitosan composites from a combination of spray drying and supercritical fluid foaming techniques: new carriers for gene delivery. Journal of Controlled Release, 129, 207-214, 2008 (IF 7.164, cited by 23).

    5.?H. Nie, M.L. Ho, C.K. Wang, C.H. Wang and Y.C. Fu. BMP-2 plasmid loaded PLGA/HAp composite scaffolds for treatment of bone defects in nude mice. Biomaterials, 30, 892-901, 2009 (IF 7.882, cited by 40).

    6.?H. Nie, S.T. Khew, L.Y. Lee, K.L. Poh, Y.W. Tong and C.H. Wang. Lysine-based peptide functionalized PLGA foams for controlled gene delivery. Journal of Controlled Release, 138, 64-70, 2009 (IF 7.164, cited by 8).

    7.?H. Nie, Z. Dong, D.Y. Arifin, Y. Hu and C.H. Wang. Core/shell microspheres via coaxial electrohydrodynamic atomization for sequential and parallel release of drugs. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 95, 709-716, 2010 (IF 3.044, cited by 13).

    8.?H. Nie, Y. Fu and C.H. Wang. Paclitaxel and suramin loaded core/shell microspheres in treatment of brain tumor. Biomaterials, 31, 8732-8740, 2010 (IF 7.882, cited by 13).

    9.?Z. Yuan+, H. Nie+, S. Wang, C. Lee, A. Li, H. Zhou, L. Chen, J. Mao. Biomaterials selection for tooth regeneration. Tissue Engineering Part B Review 2011, 17(5), 373-388 (+both contributed equally, IF 4.636, cited by 8).

    10.?H. Nie, C.H. Lee, S.Y. Fu, C. Lu and J.J. Mao. Musculoskeletal tissue engineering by endogenous stem cells. Cell and Tissue Research, 347(3), 665-676, 2012 (IF 3.114, cited by 2)


    1.?H. Nie, J. Kim, S.Y. Fu and J.J. Mao (2011). Biomaterials selection for dental pulp regeneration. In Comprehensive Biomaterials. Edited by P. Ducheyne, K.E. Healy, D.E. Hutmacher, D.E. Grainger and C.J. Kirkpatrick, Elsevier.

    2.?H. Nie and J.J. Mao (2012). Dental and craniofacial bioengineering. In The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, Fourth Edition: Molecular Engineering. Edited by J.D. Bronzino and D.R. Peterson, CRC Press.


