

美國SK機房是一家專門提供美國抗攻擊伺服器的機房,國內服務商稱為美國鯊魚機房。(2015年 SK機房-美國抗攻擊伺服器 洛杉磯數據中心啟用)



美國SK機房--美國抗攻擊機房。該機房硬體防火集群為多層防護集群,每層15G防禦,總防禦50G,分三層過濾。美國SK機房---美國抗DDOS機房,該機房頻寬有10MB 100MB G口 甚至10G口頻寬,頻寬資源充足,有N家頻寬提供商接入。總頻寬 芝加哥SK 120G頻寬接入 多家頻寬提供商接入 可自由切換到國內的線路,保持機房的穩定。SK丹佛數據中心 頻寬接入30G 分別為Tinet Telia TATA等多家頻寬接入。


Sk Internet Services was established in 2003 in order to offer a complete package of high-transfer server hosting,DDOS Filtering DDOS Filtering and Managed Services at affordable prices. Our staff members have an average of 8 years work experience in the hosting industry and our goal is to provide quality service at the lowest possible price to our customers.

While most other companies fear services like IRC on their networks due the possibility of targeted DDOS attacks,we support and encourage IRC usage as it is a service. Restricting services does not resolve the underlying problems,but it temporarily hides and postpones them. Presently, DDOS is a serious threat that may occur on every internet service.We are very proud for having developed our proprietary filtering mechanism, which allows us to reduce and fix the cost of expensively branded filtering systems. Our proprietary filtering system gets improved on a daily basis and mitigates DDOS attacks, preventing them from affecting our customers' servers, using numerous methods.However, DDOS filtering (even using custom-made filtering mechanisms) requires high-end hardware equipment,which increases the operations cost to a business. While other firms attempt to turn a profit on every service they offer,we never have nor will charge for commodity based services. We proudly were the first hosting firm that for the provided DDOS filtered IPs at a low price. This forced the entire market to become sensible and eliminated them from charging thousands of dollars for a service that should remain low cost (if not free). In addition, we pioneered the DDOS mitigation industry in regards to low-cost.

We also offer one-time fee hardware upgrades (Memory / Storage) at cost, since we mainly target long-term customers and are not trying to make a profit from upgrades.We also were pioneers in providing dedicated servers ready for use, which included all software packages a WEB or IRC business could need. Our focus on servicing IRC businesses includes custom OS installations with optimized configuration and software packages that are installed by default. In addition, we also provide private access to a shared domain list for virtual-host creation and of course the installation of our proprietary scripts that helps the our administrators manage their servers more effectively.




SK機房帶有免費的DDOS抗攻擊保護功能, 新的丹佛機房終於有了最後的上線日期。 新機房和三家頻寬供

應商簽署了契約,他們是TINET, TELIA和TATA。頻寬目前達到30G,還在尋找第四家供應商, 以後可能會


Finally we can produce an official date we can share with our customers of the launch of our

new datacenter in Denver, CO. We have already acquired the space in the new facility and

signed up with 3 providers TINET (Formerly Tiscali), Telia, and TATA. We are also currently

looking for a 4th provider, but as of now that will give us 30Gbps of internet connection in



The new facility is currently under development and equipments are being purchased almost

daily. We hope to be completely in full production and accepting orders the 1st of August.


The network infrastructure will be identical to Chicago DC and with more robust firewalls

hardware in place. We have learned from 8 years of business in Chicago and we are putting

all our experience in having a full successful launch in Denver.

We will also have a dark fiber cross-connect between Sharktech Denver and Sharktech Chicago.

This will allow cross-peering between the two facilities for outgoing traffic and inter-

network communications.

In regards to available packages in Denver there will be some different packages available

in Denver, but the highest used systems in Chicago will also be available in Denver.



Denver Chicago CrossConnect Established


Finally, after some trouble the link has been finally active connecting both our Data

Centers at a <30ms



