高級研究員(Research Fellow),1997,10-2000,8,香港理工大學紡織與製衣學院;
《Journal of Information and Computational Science》的編委;
Visiting Professor, Dept. of Math., Dokushima University, Japan, 2009,10-11.
Visiting Professor, Dept. of Math., Seoul National University, Korea, 2008,11-12.
Visiting Professor, Dept. of Math., Michigan State University, 2008, 7.
Visiting Professor, Applied Mathematics Research Center, Delaware State University, 2008,7-2007,8.
Visiting Professor, Dept. of Math., Michigan State University, Mar. 2006-May 2006.
Visiting Professor, Applied Mathematics Research Center, Delaware State University, 2006,6-2007,3.
Visiting Professor, Dept. of Math., University of Delaware, June, 2006.
Research Fellow Institute of Textiles & Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, July, 1998-July. 2000.
Research Associate, Institute of Textiles & Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Research Associate, Oct.1997-April. 1998.
Research Assistance, The Baptist University of Hong Kong, Sept.- Oct. 1995.
Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dec. 1995.
1. 多元函式逼近理論;
2. 計算幾何與計算機輔助幾何設計;
3. 多元樣條函式與機械化計算;
4. 多孔媒介中熱濕傳導模型及科學計算;
5. 三維重構與圖形/圖像處理。
1. 多元函式逼近理論;
2. 計算幾何與計算機輔助幾何設計;
3. 多元樣條函式與機械化計算;
4. 多孔媒介中熱濕傳導模型及科學計算;
5. 三維重構與圖形/圖像處理。
R.H.Wang, X.Q.Shi, Z.X. Luo, Z.X. Su, Multivariate Spline Functions and Their Applications, Modern Pure Mathematics & Applied Mathematics series No.28, Academic Press, Beijing, 1994;International Kluwer Press, 2002.
Selected Papers(共發表學術論文百餘篇,以下為2000年以來發表論文):
* Yuntao Li, Xin Fan, Risheng Liu, Yuyao Feng, Zhongxuan Luo, Zezhou Li, CHARACTERISTIC NUMBER REGRESSION FOR FACIAL FEATURE EXTRACTION, ICME 2015 Best Student Paper Award, June 29-July 3, 2015 Torino, Italy.
1. Xin Fan*, Hao Wang, Zhongxuan Luo, Yuntao Li, Wenyu Hu, and Daiyun Luo, Fiducial facial point extraction using a novel projective invariant, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 24(3): 1164-1177, 2015. (SCI IF: 3.625)
2. ZhongxuanLuo, Qian Wang, Xin Fan, Yaqi Gao, PanpanShui, Generalized rational Bézier curves for the rigid body motion design, The Visual Computer, 1-14, 2015.
3. Feng Xia,Ahmedin Mohammed Ahmed, Laurence Tianruo Yang, ZhongxuanLuo, Community-based event dissemination with optimal load balancing, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 64(7): 1857-1869, 2015. (SCI IF: 1.659)
4. Zhaoliang Meng, Zhongxuan Luo, Dongwoo Shen,A new cubic nonconforming finite element on rectangles, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 31(3): 691-705, 2015. (SCI)
5. Shengfa Wang, Nanan Li, Shuai Li, Zhongxuan Luo, Zhixun Su, Hong Qin, Multi-scale mesh saliency based on low-rank and sparse analysis in shape feature space, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 35-36: 206-214, 2015. (SCI IF: 1.639)
6. QiJia, Xinkai Gao, HeGuo, Zhongxuan Luo, Yi Wang, Multi-Layer Sparse Representation for Weighted LBP-Patches Based Facial Expression Recognition, Sensors, 15(3): 6719-6739, 2015.(SCI IF: 2.245)
7. Ran Yu, ZhaoliangMeng, ZhongxuanLuo, Simple Fourth-Degree Cubature Formulae with Few Nodes over General Product Regions, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, 7(2): 179-192, 2014. (SCI IF: 0.710)
8. Zhihui Wang, Qing Wu, Zhongxuan Luo, Chinchen Chang,A Novel Information Hiding Scheme Based on Line Segments, Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 6(4): 2073-4212, 2015.
9. 王勝法,李寶軍,呂掌權,張龍飛,羅鍾鉉,面向三維列印的殼狀結構汽車及部件模型輕量化建模,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 27(6): 968-973, 2015.
10. 賈棋,高新凱,羅鍾鉉,樊鑫,郭禾,基於幾何關係約束的特徵點匹配算法,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 27(8): 1388-1397, 2015.
11. WenyuHu,XingjunLuo, ZhongxuanLuo, A unified approach to computing the nearest complex polynomial with a given zero, Theoretical Computer Science, 595: 65-81, 2015. (SCI IF: 0.657)
12. JifengXuan, He Jiang, Yan Hu, ZhileiRen, WeiqinZou, ZhongxuanLuo, XindongWu,Towards effective bug triage with software data reduction techniques,IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 27(1): 264-280, 2015. (SCI IF: 2.067)
13. WenyuHu, ZhongxuanLuo,The Nearest Complex Polynomial with a Prescribed Zero, Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, 35(1): 39-55, 2015.
14. Sihwan Kim, Zhongxuan Luo, Zhaoliang Meng and Dongwoo Sheen,Numerical Study on Three-Dimensional Quadratic Nonconforming Brick Elements, East-West J. of Mathematics: Vol. 16, No 1 (2014) pp. 63-77. (SCI)
15. Zhaoliang Meng, Dongwoo Sheen, Zhongxuan Luo and Sihwan Kim, Three-dimensional quadratic nonconforming brick element, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. Vol. 30(1): 158-174, 2014. (SCI)
16. Yi Wang, Zhongxuan Luo, Juncheng Liu, Xin Fan*, Haojie Li, and Yunzhen Wu, “Real-time Estimation of Hand Gestures based on Manifold Learning from Monocular Videos”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 71(2): 555-574, 2014. (SCI)
17. Zhongxuan Luo, Erbao Feng, Jielin Zhang, Numerical realization of the conditions of Max Nother’s residual intersection theorem, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ., 2014, 29(4): 481-502. (SCI)
18. Zhongxuan Luo, X.C. Zhou, David Xianfeng Gu, From a projective invariant to some new properties of algebraic hypersurfaces, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 2014, 57: 2273–2284.
19. Wanfeng Qi, Zhongxuan Luo, Xin Fan, Subdivision schemes induced by approximating schemes, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics (Chinese), 2014, Vol. 44, No.7: 755~768.
20. 羅鍾鉉,羅代耘,樊鑫*,李豪傑,“一種射影變換下的形狀匹配方法”, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 26(4):559-565, 2014.
21. Zhongxuan Luo, Ran Yu, Zhaoliang Meng, The Maximum Trigonometric Degrees of Quadrature Formulae with Prescribed Nodes, Communications in Mathematical Research,No.4, 2014, 334-344.
22. Qi Jia, Xin Fan*, Zhongxuan Luo, Yu Liu, and He Guo, “A New Geometric Descriptor for Symbols with Affine Deformations”, Pattern Recognition Letters, 40:128-135, 2014. (SCI IF:1.266)
23. Wenyu Hu, Zhongxuan Luo, and Xin Fan*, "Image Retargeting via Adaptive Scaling with Geometry Preservation", IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS), 4(1): 70-81, 2014. (SCI)
24. Zhongxuan Luo, Wanfeng Qi, Mengmeng Zhou, Jielin Zhang, Generalized Pseudo-Butterworth Refinable Functions, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, April 2013, Volume 19, Issue 2, pp 296-311. (SCI)
25. Ran Yu, Zhaoliang Meng, Zhongxuan Luo, A New Strategy to Construct Embedded Cubature Formulae over Two-Dimensional Regions, Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2013, 142–154.
26. Zhongxuan Luo, Wanfeng Qi. On interpolatory subdivision from approximating subdivision scheme. Applied Mathematics and Computation 220 (2013) 339–349. (SCI)
27. Zhaoliang Meng, Zhongxuan Luo, An Extension of Chebyshev’s Maximum Principle to Several Variables, Communications in Mathematical Research, 29(4) (2013), 363–369.
28. Chengming Liu, Zhongxuan Luo, Xiquan Shi, Fengshan Liu, Xiaonan Luo, A fast mesh parameterization algorithm based on 4-point interpolatory subdivision, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 219, 10(2013), 5339-5344.(SCI)
29. Imbunm Kim, Zhongxuan Luo, Zhaoliang Meng, Hyun Nam, Chunjae Park, Dongwoo Sheen, A piecewise $P_2$-nonconforming quadrilateral finite element, ESAIM: Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis, 47 (2013) 689–715. (SCI)
30. Zhongxuan Luo, Qian Wang, Geometrically continuous interpolation in spheres, J. Math. Res. Appl., 2012, Vol.32 (4), pp.379–391.
31. Zhilei Ren, He Jiang, Jifeng Xuan, Zhongxuan Luo: Hyper-Heuristics with Low Level Parameter Adaptation. Evolutionary Computation 20(2): 189-227 (2012).(SCI)
32. Zhilei Ren, He Jiang, Jifeng Xuan, Zhongxuan Luo: An Accelerated-Limit-Crossing-Based Multilevel Algorithm for the p-Median Problem. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 42(4): 1187-1202 (2012). (SCI)
33. Jifeng Xuan, He Jiang, Zhilei Ren, Zhongxuan Luo, Solving the Large Scale Next Release Problem with a Backbone Based Multilevel Algorithm,IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 38, no. 5, Sept.-Oct. 2012, pp. 1195-1212. (SCI)
34. Luo Zhongxuan, Feng Erbao and Hu Wenyu, Computing Numerical Singular Points of Plane Algebraic Curves, Communications in Mathematical Research, 2012, 28(2).
35. Zhongxuan Luo, Wenyu Hu, Dongwoo Sheen, The nearest complex polynomial with a zero in a given complex domain, Theoretical Computer Science, 2011, 412(50), 7029–7043. (SCI)
36. Zhongxuan Luo, Wenyu Hu, Erbao Feng, Computing curve intersection by homotopy methods,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2011, 236(5), 892–905. (SCI)
37. Meng, Z., Luo Z. X., The construction of numerical integration rules of degree three for product regions, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011, 218(5), 2036 – 2043. (SCI)
38. 江賀,邱鐵,胡燕,李明楚,羅鍾鉉, 啟發式算法設計中的骨架分析與套用,自動化學報,2011年3月,第37卷第3期; Backbone Analysis and Applications in Heuristic Algorithm Design, Acta Automatica Sinica.
39. Z. X. Luo, X. Shi and F. Liu, Geometric Significance of The Singularity of Spline Space over Morgan-Scott's Partition, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, Vol.30, No. 1(2010), 1-16.
40. 薛均曉,羅鍾鉉,三角格線的能量最佳化參數化方法,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,Vol. 21.No. 10, 2009, 1472-1479.
41. Z. X. Luo, J. X. Xue, Layered deformation of solid model using conformal mapping, Computer & Graphics, Vol. 32, Issue 6, December 2008, 695-703. (SCI)
42. Z. X. Luo, Y. Liu and L. Chen, On structure of bivariate spline space of lower degree over arbitrary triangulation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 220 (2008) 34–50. (SCI)
43. 羅鍾鉉,劉宇,射影空間中代數曲線和超曲面的一些新的性質,系統科學與數學,29(1), 2009,1, 53-62.
44. L. Chen, Z. X. Luo, Cubic Spline Interpolation on a Class of Triangulations, accepted in Northeastern Mathematical Journal (2007).
45. Z. X. Luo, J. X. Xue, 3D Model Deformation via Conformal Mapping, accepted in the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Bejing, China, 2007.
46. Z. X. Luo, Z. L. Meng and Fengshan Liu, The Construction of Cubature Formulae with Pre-assigned Nodes, accepted in Applicable Analysis: An International Journal.
47. Z. X. Luo, A. R. Guan and X. Q. Shi, On $G^{k}$ Blending Corners By Piecewise Algebraic Surfaces, accepted and to appear in Advances of Applied and Computational Mathematics (2007).
48. Z. X. Luo and C. M. Liu, A 4-Point approximating subdivision scheme with local interpolated constraint, accepted in Advanced of Applied and Computational Mathematics (2007).
49. Z. X. Luo, Z. L. Meng and F. Liu, Multivariate Stieltjes Type Theorems and Common Zeros Location of Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 336 (2007) 127–139. (SCI)
50. Z. X. Luo and Z. L. Meng, Cubature formulas over the n-sphere, J. Comp. and Appl. Math., Volume 202, Issue 2 , 15 May 2007, Pages 511-522.
51. Z. X. Luo and Z. L. Meng, A result on common zeros location of orthogonal polynomials in two variables, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 324(2), 2006: 785-789. (SCI)
52. Z. X. Luo and X. Peng, A $C^{1}$-rational Spline in Range Restricted Interpolation of Scattered Data, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 194, Issue 2, 2006, Pages 255-266. (SCI)
53. Z. X. Luo and R. H. Wang, Structure and dimension of multivariate spline space of lower degree on arbitrary triangulation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 195, Issues 1-2 , 2006, 113-133. (SCI)
54. Z. X. Luo and Z. L. Meng, The Invariant Factors of Orthogonal Polynomial For Two Variables and Numerical Integration Formulas, CHINESE JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS AND APPLICATION, Vol. 27, No. 3(2005), 79-90.
55. Z. X. Luo and X. X. Peng, Fitting scattered data on a circle and a sphere using rational splines, J. Information and Computational Science (USA), Vol. 3 No. 1, 2006, 73-81.
56. Z. X. Luo and C. M. Liu, Curves and surfaces design with geometric constraint by subdivision schemes , J. Information and Computational Science (USA), vol. 3 No. 2, 2006,271-279.
57. Z. X. Luo and L. J. Chen, The singularity of , J. Information and Computational Science, Vol. 2 No. 4, 739-746, 2005.
58. Z. L. Meng and Z. X. Luo, The construction of cubature formulae with some knots along the selected algebraic curve, J. Information and Computational Science(USA), 2:3 (2005), 539-546.
59. L. M. Zhang, Z. X. Luo and Y. X. Shi, A New Subdivision Wavelet and Its Application, Numerical Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese University, Vol.27 No.4,309-316, 2005.
60. Z. X. Luo and Z. L. Meng, The Invariant Factors of Orthogonal Polynomial For Two Variables and Numerical Integration Formulas, Mathematica Numerica Sinica, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2005, 199-208.
61. Z. X. Luo and C. M. Liu, Fast Algorithm of Image Matching, Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, Vol. 17, No. 5(2005), 966-970.
62. Y. X. Shi and Z. X. Luo, Mosaic From Different-Sized Images Using Geometric Feature Mapping and Wavelet Transform, Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, Vol. 17, No. 4, 825-828, 2005.
63. L. M. Zhang and Z. X. Luo, A Class of New Curve Subdivision Scheme, Numerical Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese University, Vol.26 No.2,186-190, 2004.
64. Z. X. Luo and Z. L. Meng, On the properties of bivariate orthogonal polynomials, J. Information and Computational Science(USA), 1:1(2004), 103-106.
65. Z. X. Luo, Y. Deng and Zhaoliang Meng, Some Results On Lagrange Interpolation Set Over I or II-Triangulations, J. Information and Computational Science(USA), 1:1(2004), 107-112.
66. L. M. Zhang and Z. X. Luo, An Approximating Stationary Subdivision Scheme, J. Information and Computational Science(USA), 1:1(2004), 157-161.
67. Z.X. Luo, Li F.Z., Liu Y.X., Effect of The Environmental Atmosphere on Heat, Water and Gas Transfer within Hygroscopic Fabrics, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 163(2004),199-210. (SCI)
68. L. M. Zhang, Z.X. Luo, and Y. X. Shi, A new subdivision wavelet and its application on simplifying graphics, Mathematical and Physical Fisheries Science (Japan), 2004, Vol.2, 27-36。
69. Li Fengzhi, Li Yi, Liu Yingxi and Luo Zhongxuan, Numerical Simulation of Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer in Hygroscopic Porous Materials Considering The Influence of Atmospheric Pressure, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 45: 249-262, 2004. (SCI)
70. F.Z. Li, Y.X. Liu, Z.X. Luo and Y. Li, Research on Transport Mechanism Model in Porous Fabrics, Journal of Dalian University of Technology, Vol. 43(1), 28-32, 2003(EI).
71. F.Z. Li, Y.X. Liu, Z.X. Luo and Y. Li, Effect of Atmosphic Pressure on Heat and Moisture Transport Within Hygroscopic Fabric, Mechanics in Engineering, Vol.25, No. 4, 2003, pp50-53.
72. Y. X. Liu, F. Z. Li, Z. X. Luo and Y. Li, A New Algorithm For Solution of Transient Thermal and Humidity Field in Porous Fabric, Journal on Numerical Methods and Computer Applications, Vol.25,No.1, 13-19, 2004.
73. Y. X. Liu, F. Z. Li, Z. X. Luo and Y. Li, Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Heta and Mass Transfer in Flesh, Clothing and Environment, Journal of Textile Research, vol.25(5), 24-27,2004.
74. Li Yi, Li Fengzhi, Liu Yingxi, Luo Zhongxuan, An integrated model for simulating interactive thermal processes in human–clothing system, Journal of Thermal Biology, 29 (2004) 567–575.
75. Liu Yingxi, Li Fengzhi, Luo Zhongxuan, Li Yi, A new algorithm for solution of transient thermal and humidity field in porous fabric,Chinese Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Applications (in English, by Allerton press, inc) ,26(2)(2004),28-37。
76. Z.X. Luo, R.H. Wang, Stieltjes's Type Theorem for Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 268(2002), 171-183. (SCI)
77. Luo X.N., Nie Hui., Li Y., and Luo Z.X., Recurrent surfaces on arbitrary quadrilateral mesh, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 144 (2002), pp221-232. (SCI)
78. J. Fan, Z.X. Luo and Y. Li, J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 44(5), (2001), 1079-1079. (SCI)
79. Z.X. Luo, P.B. Silva & Jin-Yun Yuan, Notes on Direct-Projection Methods, International Journal of Computational Mathematics, vol. 76, pp. 517-535, 2001. (SCI, EI)
80. Z.X. Luo, Generator Basis of Module in K[X]m and its applications, Acta Mathematica Sinica, Vol.44, No.6, 983-994(2001).
81. Z.X. Luo, J. Fan and Y. Li, Heat and Moisture transfer with Sorption and Condensation in Porous Clothing Assemblies and Numerical Simulation, J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 43, No. 16(2000), 2989-3000. (SCI)

1. 獲遼寧省優秀科技工作者稱號,2012年;
2. 大連市首批領軍人才,2011年;
3. 遼寧省優秀博士後人員,2010年;
4. 入選2004年度國家教育部新世紀優秀人才計畫;
5. 獲2003年大連市政府特殊津貼;
6. 獲2003年大連市科技進步一等獎(排名第一);
7. 獲遼寧省科技進步三等獎(排名第一);
8. 遼寧省百千萬人才工程百人層次人才(2001);
9. 現代信息處理中若干數學技術研究,遼寧省政府科技進步三等獎(第三), 2009Z-3-1-04;
10. 多元樣條及其在科學技術中的套用, 國家教委科技進步二等獎(第三), 1997年3月;
11. 多元樣條函式及其套用, 遼寧省省級科學技術研究成果(第三), 980875;
12. 《多元樣條函式及其套用》(著作), 遼寧省政府科技進步三等獎(第三), 99著-3-10-03;
13. 多元樣條函式及其套用, 大連市人民政府科技進步二等獎, 99-2-35-3.專著及出版論文。
1. 羅鍾鉉;樊鑫;王倩;沈涵, 一種實現剛體運動的方法, 專利號:201510280070.1,發文序號:2015082706021610,2015.
2. 羅鍾鉉,樊鑫,賈棋,羅代耘,周歆臣,一種基於幾何圖形特徵點形狀描述子方法,專利 號:ZL 201310131631.2,授權日:2015年3月11日,公開(公告)號: CN103208003A,證書號:第1600474號;
2. 王禕;樊鑫;李豪傑;羅鍾鉉;劉斌;賈棋;王智慧,一種基於手勢的漢字互動輸入與識別方法,專利號:201310012582,公開(公告)號:CN103093196A;
4. 樊鑫,羅鍾鉉,汪浩,羅代耘,李運濤,一種用射影不變數提取人臉基準點的方法,專利號:201410117609,申請公布號:CN103886298A;
5. 賈棋,樊鑫,羅鍾鉉,劉宇,徐秀娟,呼延康,劉斌,一種基於射影不變數的形狀匹配方法,申請號:2014101435462,申請公布號:CN103914690A;
6. 賈棋,樊鑫,羅鍾鉉,田曉宇,劉宇,一種基於仿射不變數的符號識別方法,專利號:201310071948,公開(公告)號:CN103258200A。