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作/譯者:王育紅 胡小平 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
ISBN:9787810785259 [十位:7810785257]




Chapter One Economics 經濟學
Text A Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
Text B The Income-Expenditure Model
Text C Economics Basics:Production Possibility Frontier (PPF)and Opportunity Cost
Chapter Two Development Economicas 發展經濟學
Text A What Is Development Economics?
Text B The Harrod-Domar Growth Model
Text C Tsunami Could Throw Nearly2 Million Additional People into Poverty in thd Affected Countries
Chapter Three International Fconomics 國際經濟學
Text A Whet is International Economics?
Text B The International Economy
Text C Factor-Endowment Theory
Chapter Four International Trade Theories 國際貿易理論
Text A Absolute Cost Theory
Text B Comparative Cost Theory
Text C The World Trade Organization
Chapter Five International Trade Policies and Measures 國際貿易政策措施
Text A Free Trade or Protectionism?
Text B Free Trade in Asian Style
Text C Trade Policy Tools
Chapter Six International Trade Practice 國際貿易實務
Text A Introduction to Incterms2000
Text B MNCs are Gradually Monopolizing China's Markets
Chpater Seven International Business Negotiation 國際商務談判
Text A Beginner's Guide to International Business Negotiations
Text B United States Business Etiquette
Text C Eight Steps To Success In Negotiating-Importance of Business Negotating
Chpater Eight International Finance 國際金融
Text A The IMF's Role at a Glance
Text B Ex change Rates
Text C Effort to Balance International Payments
Chapter Nine Monetary Banking 貨幣銀行學
Chapter Ten International Investment 國際投資
Chapter Eleven Accountancy 會計學
Chpater Twelve International Business Law 國際商法
Chpater Thirteen Marketing 市場行銷
Chpater Fourteen Economic Management 經濟管理



